Chapter 25

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"Miss Y/n. Miss Y/n!"


"Were you even listening to me"

"No I'm sorry Dr. Diana"

"Were you thinking about him?" she asked

I nodded my head yes.

"Y/n it's been a week since the accident and you haven't even talked to me yet. I'm here to help you get over him, I'm here to help you start a new and better life; but I can't do that if you don't talk to me."

I sighed "Fine. I'll start talking"

"That's better."
She grabbed her notebook and her pen.

"Can you tell me what happened." I asked

Dr. Diana looked shocked.
"Y/n you know that's classified information"

"Please! I'll start talking only if you can tell me what the hell is going on!"

She let out a sigh.
"That sounds fair."
She took off her glasses, you could see her big beautiful blue eyes.
"Hours later after they found you in the old house, they found Jeff. Officer Eugene tranquilized Jeff and we brought him back to the hospital. The doctor thought it would be best to give him shock treatment, that's the reason why he doesn't remember anything. If he doesn't remember his past then it would probably stop him from killing, but we were wrong."

"Why did you lie to the public?"

"Well, everyone was terrified. If we told everyone that Jeff was dead, the public would stop freaking out. Luckily he hasn't killed anyone yet"

"Why did you put him in the basement?" I asked

"Because that way no one would find him. We were also going to fix his appearance before he could leave the basement"

"Will he ever gain his memory back?"

Dr. Diana twirled her black wavy hair.
"His memory will come back but it takes time"

"I wonder where he is" I mumbled

"Miss, Y/n you have to let him go"

"I-I can't"

"I'm here to help you. This man has caused you a lot of pain. He's a heartless monster who doesn't care about anyone but himself."

I started to bite my lower lip until eventually blood came out.

"Tell me how do you feel about him?" Diana put on her glasses and looked at me waiting for a response

"I don't know. I'm confused. There are times when I love him and other times I feel like I want to stab him until he's choking on his own filthy fucking blood"

Diana started to write in her notebook.
"Tell me about your family, in your files it says you were adopted" she said

I felt tears running down my cheek.

"If you don't want to talk about it that's oka-"

I cut her off
"Do you know what it feels like to love someone with all your heart but they don't love you in return? Instead they hurt you, and all you want to do is love them. I've learned that everyone has spikes, everyone is toxic if you open up to them they'll hurt you. I'm tired of getting hurt by the people I love."

"Miss. Why don't we continue this tomorrow? We'll talk more about this."
She gave me a sweet smile.
"Oh and before I leave I wanted to give you this"
She gave me a box wrapped in red paper.


She waved goodbye then left.

I opened the box to find a notebook and a pencil.
I sat in my new cell, it was smaller than my old one but this one had a glass door, so it didn't feel so lonely. Doctors and nurses would walk by, some would even wave. They were a lot nicer to me. Then again I have only been here for a week. After the accident I was rushed to the hospital, they said I slept for three days. However when I woke up I felt great, I was sore but I felt better than ever.
As for my heart, it was broken. That's what you get for letting people in your life.
I twirled the pencil in my hand thinking of what to draw or write. I guess I'll just write whatever goes through my head.

Day 1
I feel so confused. I miss Jeff like crazy but thanks to him I almost died. I know it sounds crazy but I forgive him, he didn't know what he was doing. I know I'm probably going to be stuck here for a while but at least he can't hurt me. Call me crazy but I admit that sometimes I like when he hurts me, I like when he acknowledges me, I like when he calls me a whinny bitch, I like when our lips touch and all I can taste is the blood in his mouth. I know I need help, so hopefully Dr. Diana can fix me. As much as it hurts to not have him by my side I know it's for the better.

I suddenly heard someone knocking on my door. I dropped the pencil down and turned around to face the door, I saw one of the nurses.

"You have a visitor. Should I let him in?" she asked

I quickly hid the notebook and pencil under my white fluffy pillow

My heart froze as soon as I saw who it was.

My voice came out as a raspy whisper
I felt tears of joy run down my cheek.

"Hey cutie"

His voice was as beautiful as I remembered it.
I ran up to him and gave him a hug.
"I thought you moved on, I thought you didn't love me"

"Y/n, I love you more than anything else in this world; but why did you lie to me?"

He cut me off
"The doctors told me everything."

"I'm sorry Andy. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay. The doctors said if you behave I could take you home after you finish your therapy sessions with Dr. Diana"

"Okay. Wait Andy I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you the truth. I was afraid that you would stop liking me or that you would leave me."

He pecked my lips.
"This might sound crazy but... No matter what you do I will always love you."


"Yeah. Anyway I have to go but I'll be back tomorrow okay"

I waved goodbye as he left. Jeff lied to me again, he said that Andy had moved on.
At least things were finally starting to change for me. Maybe I will forget Jeff.

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