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It's been a week now since Carly has moved in with us. I thought I was going to have someone to talk to but Jeff never lets me talk to her. I also haven't had enough sleep, the couch is so uncomfortable and Jeff and Carly make way to much noise at night; I usually hear them moaning or I hear Carly screaming. It gets really annoying. However Jeff let me and Smile go outside today. Smile doesn't really like Carly, he growls every time she gets close to him.
Ever since Carly came to the cabin Smile has become my new friend. He isn't as bad as I thought he would be. He sleeps on my lap at night and we play fetch inside the cabin.
Smile and I ran outside taking in some of the fresh air.

"Come here Smile fetch the ball" I said while throwing the ball

Smile barked and ran after the ball.

After a while of playing outside Jeff told us to come back in. Smile barked and jumped on Jeff trying to get his attention but Jeff pushed him away. That's another thing that's changed; Jeff doesn't spend time with Smile anymore.
We walked into the living to see Carly sitting on the couch.

"Carly go back to your room!" Jeff ordered

"But Jeffy I want to stay here" she whinnied

Jeff scoffed "Fine. I'm going out killing stay here, I'll be back in an hour"

Jeff left and took Smile dog with him.

"Hey. How are you?" I asked Carly

"I'm fantastic!" she exclaimed

"I thought you didn't want to be here"

"Yea but that was when I didn't know Jeff. Now I think he's really nice and sweet" she said

"Are we talking about the same Jeff" I asked

"Yea. He's truly amazing. I think I'm falling in love with him."

"I seriously think that you're talking about someone else"

"Nope I'm talking about the killer who just went killing with his dog" she chirped

I had this weird feeling in my stomach. I felt like killing or destroying something.

"Hey what's wrong y/n?" Carly asked

"Nothing" I flashed a fake smile towards her direction

She smiled. Then she began talking about Jeff. I wasn't really paying attention. I went into deep thought. What was I going to do? I needed to get rid of her. She can't possibly like that psycho asshole. Could she? No, no one would. The more she talked about Jeff the more I wanted to kill her.
I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when someone opened the door, of course it was Jeff.

"Jeffrey!!!" Carly yelled while hugging Jeff and giving him a kiss.

I was filled with rage, I was about to attack her when suddenly Smile started to lick my hand. I bent down to pet his head. He barked then rolled over so I could pet his tummy.

"Hey Jeff can me and Carly go out shopping? We need to get some new clothes" I said

"Fine but come back in a hour." He said

Carly shrieked and went to go hug Jeff. She whispered something in his ear but I couldn't hear. They smiled and laughed. It made me sick just looking at them.
After Carly said goodbye to Jeff we went outside.

"Do you know where we are going? " Carly asked

I ignored her, I didn't pay attention I just kept walking. The demons inside of me kept chanting 'kill kill kill'. After an hour of walking I stopped. We were surrounded by trees. No one else was in the woods but us.

"Y/n I think we're lost. We should head back Jeff is going to be mad if we take to long. Lets just go to the mall some other time."

I reached for my pocket knife and started to laugh.

"Y-y/n" Carly stuttered

I turned around so I was facing Carly, she was sobbing. I laughed again then I jumped on her and attacked her.
"Why are you doing this?!" she yelled

I growled in response.

"Is it because me and Jeff are happy together" she said
As soon as she said that I punched her.

"You're just mad because Jeff likes me" she teased
I punched her again but harder. I didn't use my knife, I wanted her life to end painfully.
"You know what I told Jeff before we left?" she paused "I told him that I was going to fuck him so hard when I came back"
I punched her stupid face again.
She had blood and bruises all over her face. With her last breath she said "He will never love you"
I grabbed my knife and stabbed her face over and over. After a few minutes i stopped. I stood there laughing. I dragged her body further into the woods, until she was more than a mile away from the cabin. I walked back towards the cabin. What was I going to tell Jeff? I thought of a million excuses, but none of them seemed right. I was standing in front of the cabin. I was going to have to tell him the truth. I walked inside the cabin and I found Jeff sitting on the couch petting Smile dog.

"Did you bury the body?" Jeff asked

"W-what?" I asked surprised

"I said 'Did you bury the body?'"

"How did you-"
I was cut off by Jeff.
"I could see it in your eyes. The demons told you to do it"

"I didn't bury the body"

"I know. I buried it." he said

"How did you get here before me?" I asked

"Short cut"

"Why were you following me!"

"Cause I knew you were going to do something stupid"

I rolled my eyes.

Jeff chuckled "Who knew that you were the jealous type"


"Yes you are"

"No I'm not"

"Look I'm exhausted and I'm sure that you are too. How about we get some rest." he said

I yawned "okay"

We went to the bedroom and I crawled under the blankets it felt so good to be sleeping on a bed.

•••••Jeff's POV•••••

"Hey princess, how did you mange to get along with Smile" I asked while getting into bed.
I got soft snores coming from the left side of the bed.
She was fast asleep.
"You jealous little freak" I mumbled
She is so cute when she's sleeping.
I knew for a fact that she doesn't deserve any of this. I can't let her stay with me. She needs to live a normal life, even if she's not so normal. She can't continue to put up with a killer. I've already hurt her and I won't hesitate to hurt her again.

~~~Your POV~~~
The next morning I woke up with Smile dog on top of me. I looked to my right expecting to see Jeff, but to my surprise he wasn't there. Instead I found a small note on the nightstand.

'Dearest Kitty,
I'll be gone for awhile. Take care of Smile and be safe, make sure that you don't get caught by the cops.
Yours Truly,
Ps: Don't try to find me'

How could he just leave?! He didn't even tell me where he was going or when he was coming back! Did he leave because I killed Carly? Did he leave to go find some other girl? Things didn't make sense. Why would he leave?! I felt confused, frustrated, but most of all I felt empty.

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