Chapter 17

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"Please come in" she stuttered

I stepped inside into the beautiful mansion.

"Please take a seat"

I sat on the couch, and looked at her.

"I'll be right back" she said

She left the living room, and went upstairs. I felt so ugly compared to her. Seconds later she came back downstairs with a man. He had blonde hair and (your color eyes).

"Y/n is that really you?" he asked

"Yea. You left me. You lied to me!"

"Honey we had to." my mother said

"You had to lie to me! You had to leave me alone with a family who would abuse me every day! I almost got raped!"

"Y/n please calm down" my dad said

"No! You don't fucking understand! I almost died!"

"Sweetheart it was for the best" my mom said while patting my back.


They stayed silent then my mom spoke.
"We'll make it up to you"

My dad stepped into the conversation. "Yea. You can stay with us. Consider this your new home."

"Honey stay with us. I'll even call the maid to show you to your new room." My mother said

Tears streamed down my face. My mother gave me a warm hug and she kissed my head. I hugged her back, it felt so nice to be in her embrace. It felt good to be loved by your real mother.
The maid came downstairs.
"Will you please show my daughter y/n to her room." my mom said.
The maid nodded and I followed her upstairs. We walked in a huge room, it was painted white, everything in the room was white. It made me think of the asylum.

"Are you okay miss y/n?" the maid asked

"Umm yea"

"If you don't like the room we can always change the curtains or paint the walls" she suggested

"It's okay for now. Thank you" I said

The maid left me alone in the room. I couldn't believe that I was rich! My happiness soon faded away. I missed the small town. I missed Andy like crazy. I missed Smile dog, and as much as I hated being inside the cabin, I missed the cabin. Why would Jeff leave me!? He probably didn't want me in his life anymore. I felt like crying but I didn't. Instead of staying inside my depressed room I decided to go outside and explore the huge mansion. I walked around the beautiful mansion. There was a library, a music room, a dance room, and an art room. After exploring half of the house I got really tired. I decided to go back to my room, however I didn't know the way back. I walked around trying to find my room or someone who could help me. I walked through the halls and I suddenly found myself in front of a beautiful glass door. I was about to walk inside but I heard two familiar voices coming from inside.

"I can't believe she's back!" a woman said

"How did she find us?" the man asked

I could now tell that this was my parents room.

"I don't know!" my mom shrieked

"We have to get rid of her" my dad said

"But how?" my mother asked desperately

The room was silent for a moment.

"Kill her. We'll poison her food"

I covered my mouth so they wouldn't hear my gasp. I quietly and quickly ran the opposite direction. I went into the music room and started to cry. No one not even my parents wanted me. How could they do this to me? What did I do wrong?! I cleared all my tears, and went outside.

"Y/n sweet heart where have you been?"

I jumped to the sound of my mother's voice.
" I got lost"

"Oh darling you'll get use to this house" she said

I chuckled nervously.

" Come to the dinning room and eat with us" she said

"Sure. I'll be there in a minute. Let me just get ready."

She smiled and walked away.

I ran through the halls trying to find an escape, when all of a sudden I bumped into a maid.

"I'm so sorry" we both said in unison

" Can I ask you a question." I said

"Of course" the maid smiled

"How many people are in this house?" I asked

"20 counting me and your parents"

" Thank you. Oh and I'm sorry to CUT things short" I took out my dagger and stabbed her several times. After killing the maid I made my way to the dinning room, on my way there I killed 4 other maids. When I entered the dinning room my mother and the other 4 maids in the room screamed when they saw my bloody clothes. I smiled it reminded me a lot of the night I killed my foster parents.
I attacked the 4 maids while my mother and father left the dinning room. I went into the kitchen and I killed the three chiefs in there. I ran through the house trying to find my parents, I knew they were still in the house. I found the electricity box and ripped out the wires they stung my hands but I didn't care. When the lights went out I heard some people scream. I followed the screams and managed to kill the rest of the people in the house. There was only 2 people left. Mom and dad. I went to their huge room, of course I could hear them inside, fuckin idiots, they didn't even leave the mansion. I busted through the door, but my dad tackled me to the ground. I kicked and pushed him off me. I grabbed his hands and twisted them until they broke, I left him there crying in pain. I walked towards my mother she was crying in the corner.

"You fucking bitch. You thought that you could get rid of me. *sniffles* I thought you loved me. What did I do wrong mommy?"

She looked away. I laughed, then I slit her throat. I walked towards my dad who was slowly trying to escape.
"Pathetic asshole"
I stabbed him in the back. He arched back in pain, I stabbed him again and again, until he was finally dead. For some reason I couldn't stop laughing. I dragged all the 20 bodies to the pool. The beautiful blue water suddenly turned red. Since I'm here I might as well take a swim, I took off my shirt and pants , and I jumped into the pool. It felt incredible. I owned a mansion! I knew I couldn't stay here forever the cops would probably come. Where else could I possibly go? I mean I could take my parent's car and drive back to Andy house. I smiled. Thinking of Andy made me feel so happy. I got out of the pool and changed into some of my mom's clothes. I grabbed the keys to the car and left the beautiful mansion.
Before I could go to Andy's house, I had to go kill one more person, that person happens to be the infamous Jeff the killer.

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