Chapter 21

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Jeff came back to the room with some tea. I took a sip of it, I felt the warmness run down my throat making me feel a lot better.
Jeff turned around to leave but I grabbed his hand. He looked at me confused but sat down on the bed next to me.
"I'm- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say all those rude things to you" I cried

Jeff looked at me then cleared the tears from my eyes.
"Look, just forget about it okay"
He moved a strand of hair out of my face.
"Your hair is disgusting" he said

"No shit Sherlock" I mumbled

"Do you think you can take a bath?"

"Umm I don't know" I got out of bed and tried to walk, but my knees felt weak and I nearly fell, but luckily Jeff was there to catch me.

"Wait right here I'll be right back" he said

He left the room, I didn't really have a choice so I just sat there and waited patiently.
He came back just minutes later.
"Where did you g-"
Before I could finish he swept me off my feet. I let out a shriek and I wrapped my hands around his neck. He walked out of the room and went into the bathroom. The bath tub was full and covered with bubbles. Jeff set me down gently on the floor, then left without saying another word.
I slowly and carefully took off Jeff's hoodie and my underwear, without hurting myself. Then I carefully got into the bathtub, I nearly slipped but I held on to the wall. I slowly slipped down into the nice warm water, I relaxed every part of my body. The warm water felt incredible on my cold skin. I closed my eyes and relaxed.
Three minutes later I heard someone open the door. I opened my eyes and saw Jeff.
Lucky for me the bubbles covered most of my chest.


"Calm your fuckin tits, I'm just making sure you don't drown and I need to take care of your wounds"

I didn't know what to do or what to say. I mean I was shirtless when he found me in the woods, but then again it's not like I had a choice.
Jeff grabbed a bucket of warm water and gently poured it on my hair. Then he grabbed some shampoo and scrubbed it on my head.

"What are you doing?" I whinnied

"Making sure that you're as clean as a whistle"
He looked at me then laughed

"What's so funny?" I asked
I hope my face isn't red again

"You've got a beard"

I touched my face, and felt the bubbles on my cheek.
I grabbed some of the bubbles and I blew them towards Jeff.

"Stop!" he whinnied

I giggled then blew more bubbles at him.

"If you keep doing that you're going to run out of bubbles"

"You started it!"

He rolled his eyes and grabbed the same bucket and rinsed the soap out of my hair.
"Give me your hand" he said

I hesitated but I gave him my hand.
He grabbed the sponge, and started to scrub my arm.

I was capable of bathing myself but I didn't want to say anything. He was being so nice and I didn't want to ruin our little moment.

"Done! You're all clean now." Jeff grabbed a towel and gave it to me, then he walked out of the bathroom.
I slowly stood up trying not to fall, then I wrapped the warm towel around my cold body. I walked towards the door without falling, when I opened the door I was greeted by Jeff.
Without a word he picked me up and walked back into the room I was staying in, then he sat me down on the bed.

"Here are your pants and here is your dagger" he said

"How did you get my dagger?"

"I ripped it out of your arm"

I started to cringe.
"You w-what!?" I stuttered

"What did you expect me to do? Did you want me to leave it there?!"

I nodded my head no, then I thanked him.

"If you need anything just yell" he said


He left the room leaving me on the cold bed. I carefully put on my clothes, I realized that I only had underwear and pants. It felt really weird to put on Jeff's hoodie without anything underneath; but I didn't have another choice so I just had to deal with it.
I laid on the bed thinking.
Jeff had always treated me like shit, and here I am liking his company. However he did save me from getting raped. Then again if he hadn't driven the car into a fucking lake none of this would have happened. If I would have just killed him when I had the chance, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Why didn't I kill him?!
I was suddenly interrupted by Jeff and Smile dog. Smile dog jumped on the bed and snuggled up next to me.
Jeff walked up to me with a cloth in his right hand and rubbing alcohol in the other.

"Give me your arm"

I extended my injured arm to him. He put some alcohol on my hand. I bit my tongue trying to ignore the stinging.
He looked up at me
"Are you okay" he asked

I looked back at him, our eyes had locked. I couldn't look away, I didn't want to. His eyes were so beautiful. He leaned in closer to me, and his lips gently brushed against mine. I leaned towards him but he backed away. He looked at me then chuckled, he got off the bed then left the room. Jeff left me there wanting more.
Wait what!?
I looked at Smile dog who still had his head on my lap.

"I think I'm falling for your crappy excuse of an owner"

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