Chapter 5

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The man took me to an old abandoned warehouse.
I wasn't worried at all, if the man tried anything on me I could always shoot him with the gun I had in my pocket.

"Lets go" the man said while getting out of the old pickup truck.

I got off and we walked inside the old warehouse.

"What does your friend do?" I asked

"You'll see" he said

The warehouse was stuffy and dark. I gripped the gun in my pocket.
Then we saw a tall and slim man, he looked around 30 years old. He had black hair and brown eyes.

"Who's this?" the man mysterious man asked

"This beautiful young girl needs a job"

"Leave her here with me. Thanks Matt." the mysterious man said to the man with the pick up truck.

The man known as Matt left.

"Who are you?" the mysterious man asked

"I'm y/n. Who are you?" I asked

"I am Jonathan" the man said
he took a couple of steps towards me, and looked at me from head to toe.
"So you're looking for a job"

"Yeah. I don't really have any experience, but I'm a fast learner" I said

He chuckled "I'm sure you are."

His creepy laugh was really scaring me.

"So what will I be doing?" I asked

"Just come back here at 8, and I'll tell you." he said

"8 am or pm?" I asked confused


PM? What type of person works late at night? Besides night guards.
I walked outside not knowing where to go. Where would I go? I walked around town for a couple of hours. Some people said 'hi' and other people were just walking around.

It was around 7 and my feet were killing me. I made my way back the warehouse.
When I got there I saw a woman around her 30s outside smoking a cigarette.
She saw me and walked towards me.

"So you're the new young one Jonathan hired" she said with a slight bit of hatred.

"Umm yeah that's me" I said giving her a warm smile.

She rolled her eyes and blew the smoke from her cigarette at my face.

I coughed a couple of times.
"What the hell is your problem?!"

She laughed "Just because you are young and pretty doesn't mean that you're good at it."

I wonder what she means by 'good at it'.

"Ladies you're here early" Jonathan said

"Sorry sir I don't really have a place to stay" I said

Jonathan smiled "Well why didn't you say so. We have a spare room in the warehouse, if you'd like you can stay there"

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed

"Perfect. Maddison why don't you show y/n where to get her uniform."

The woman who was smoking her cigarette scoffed.
"Follow me"

I followed her to an old room in the back of the warehouse. The room was filled with many cute flashy outfits, however the outfits were too showy.

"Just pick one and put it on" Maddison said

"Wait! What?!" I yelled

"Wow young and deaf, that's gonna be such a turn on" Madison said sarcastically.

"What type of job is this"

"Wait you don't know what Jonathan hired you for?" she asked

"No. I have no idea" I said

She laughed even more "You're a street whore."

"WHAT! No I can't be!"

"Look, it pays well and you get to have a place to sleep" she said

"Well o-okay"
Not in a million years was I gonna be a street whore. Yes I'm desperate, but I have to find another way.

Maddison gave me a laced bra and a short skirt that came with fishnet stockings.
I went into the bathroom to put them on. I grabbed my gun and put it in my purse. I walked out of the bathroom just to bump into Jonathan.

"Hey. You look amazing" he winked

I felt my cheeks turn red.

"I wanted to wish you good luck on your first day. You'll need this" he gave me a pocket knife.
"Just in case anyone tries to rob you" he said

"Thank you"

"Oh and one more thing you have to raise at least 500 dollars each night"

What?! How was I going to get that much money in one night?!

"Yes sir" I said and walked away.

On my way out I saw Maddison talking with a bunch of other girls.
I walked faster hoping that they wouldn't see me.

"Oh look is that the new girl?!" one of them said

"Yea it is. Come here freak" Maddison yelled

I walked over to her and her group of friends.

"What do you want?" I asked irritated

"I just want to let you know that you have the east part of town. You know the dangerous part of town" she laughed and the rest of the girls joined her.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk east. I had conjured up a plan.
My plan was to rob a house or a store until I had 500 dollars. I know this wasn't gonna be easy but a lest I won't have to go on the streets and sell my body to drunk old men.

As I was walking a couple of guys started to whistling at me.

"Hey hot stuff. How much?" One of the guys yelled

"How much do you have?" I asked

The three guys each pulled out 50 bucks.

"Alright." I said while taking their money "Where should we go?" I asked

"Lets go to my car" one of the guys said
I followed him and his two other friends to the guy's car.
The guy who owned the car told me to go in the back seat. His two other friends sat in the front seat. The guy who owned the car got in the back seat and he started to take off his pants.

I grabbed my pocket knife and hid it behind my back
'This is my chance' I thought
In 3...2...1. I grabbed my knife and stabbed the man in his no no area multiple times. The man began to scream like a crazy person.
His two friends turned around and saw me covered in blood. I quickly I grabbed the guy in the drivers seat and slit his throat. The guy in the passengers seat made a run for it.
I got off the car and chased him. I was getting closer and closer to him and when I was just inches away I jumped on him and tackled him to the ground. I grabbed my knife and stabbed his face multiple times. Then I dragged his body to the car and put him and his other two friends in the trunk. Thankfully there was no one around to see us. I grabbed the keys and locked the car. Then I walked to the nearest house.
Time to kick some ass.

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