Chapter 8

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I woke up with the sunlight beaming in my face.
Am I dead?
Was I dreaming?
I looked to my left and saw Jeff driving.
I looked at my shoulder and saw that it was wrapped in a gauze.

"What the hell happened?" I asked

"A simple thank you would be nice." Jeff mumbled

"Yeah thanks for stabbing me"

"Any time"

I looked outside to see where we were, but I couldn't really see anything but trees, it looked like a huge forest. We were in the middle of nowhere.
I didn't dare ask where we were. At least we were far from the asylum.
Jeff kept driving until we stopped in front of a cabin.

"Get out" Jeff ordered

I got out without asking any questions; I didn't want him to get mad.
Jeff got out the car.
"Go inside" he said

I went inside, the cabin it smelled terrible, it smelled like dead bodies. There was a small sofa in the living room, and next to the living room was the kitchen. Then there was a hallway that lead to a room with a bathroom.

"We're staying here for a while" Jeff said while putting the junk food in the kitchen.

"Umm okay" I walked into the the bedroom and sat on the bed. Then suddenly I heard a growl.
It was coming from under the bed. I was too scared to look under the bed. Out of no where a dog came out from under the bed, and he started barking. This was no ordinary dog, this dog had a huge creepy smile.
I began screaming Bloody Mary.
Jeff came running into the room.
"What's wrong?!" he asked

"What is that hideous thing?!" I pointed to the creepy dog.

"That's smile dog. It's impolite to point"

"It's so ugly"

"When people look at you they don't point and make rude comments, they just keep it to themselves."

"Hey!" I exclaimed

"What?! It's true!"

Smile dog started to jump on me. I stayed still until that stupid dog bit me.


"No Smile she's not a treat she is our guest!" Jeff yelled
Smile growled then left.

"Since when did you start living here?" I asked

"It's been a couple of years now"

"Do you think the police will find us?" I asked worried


"I'm hungry" I whinnied

"I don't care"

I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen to go find something to eat.
I looked around until I finally found a bag of chips. I sat on the small couch and began eating my chips. It was so quite and boring. Jeff's small little cabin didn't even have a TV.
I let out a sigh "I'm so bored"
Jeff came into the living room and grabbed his knife.

"I'm going out killing. Wanna come?" He asked

"No. I'm not an insane psychopath."

"Then why did they put you in an asylum?"

"Cause I didn't want to go to Juvenal, so I convinced the judge that I was insane" I explained

Jeff laughed "So you're in denial"

"What? Denial? No I'm not! I'm not insane"

"Normal teenage girls don't usually kill their parents"

"Just because I killed my FOSTER parents doesn't mean I'm insane!" I yelled

"Okay don't get mad orphan child"

I rolled my eyes

"Do you know who your real parents are?" Jeff asked

"Yeah. They died when I was 5, but my foster mother told me they were still alive"

"Do you miss your real parents?"

"No... I'm actually glad they are gone" I said while looking down and twiddling my fingers.

"You are such a bad liar, and you're in denial again"
Jeff walked towards the door
"Look I got better things to do then arguing with you."
Jeff called his creepy dog then he left.

Perfect I have some time to plan on how I'm going to kill Jeff. To defeat your enemy you have to know them like the palm of your hand. I need to get to know this asshole.
First I need to know with what weapon I'm going to kill him... His knife! But how the hell am I going to get his knife? I'll figure that out later.
I laid on the couch and fell asleep.

-------Time Skip--------

I was awaken by someone or something licking my hand. I sat up and saw that hideous dog licking my hand.
I let out a shriek. "Jeff!!"

Jeff walked into the small living. "Don't be such a drama queen"

I looked closely at the dog and saw this weird long thing in its mouth. "What the hell is that?"

"It's an arm"


"He brought it just for you" Jeff chuckled

I stood up and walked towards the door but Jeff grabbed my arm.
"Do you still miss your parents?" He asked

"GO TO HELL! DAMN YOU! DAMN YOU TO HELL" I got out of his grip and left to the room. I closed the door hard, a big bang echoed throughout the small cabin. "YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE YOU'RE DEAD TO ME! I HATE YOU AND MY STUPID PARENTS! I'M GLAD THEY'RE DEAD! I HOPE THEY ARE BURNING IN HELL!" I yelled into the door so Jeff could hear me.
I heard Jeff laughing.
I took a couple of deep breathes to calm myself down. Calm down y/n. Relax.
I went outside to see Jeff laughing his ass off in the hallway.

"Look can we just forget this ever happened"

He kept laughing. Insane asshole.

"I'll give you a new knife if you shut up"

Jeff laughed even more this time. I rolled my eyes and went back into the room. Jeff followed along still laughing.

"I'm going to bed" I laid on the bed, waiting to fall asleep.
Jeff stopped laughing and laid right next to me with his back facing away from me.

I thought about what Jeff had said. Do I miss my parents?
Maybe a little. I don't understand. Why would they lie? Why did they leave? Did I do something wrong? Was I not good enough? I tossed and turned but I couldn't go to sleep.
I quietly got out of bed and went outside. I sat in front of the cabin.
"What did I do wrong?" I said to myself.
I felt tears running down my cheeks. I started to cry more and more until I was hysterically crying. And to top it all off it began to rain. I was the perfect cliché for someone who was having a bad day.

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