Chapter 10

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The rain drops hit our bedroom window. It was raining pretty hard. I was in the kitchen making pancakes. Jeff and Smile dog were still asleep.
When I was done I brought a plate full of fluffy pancakes to Jeff, but he was still sleeping.
Since I didn't want to get stabbed again I gently tapped him.

"Wake up Jeff"

Jeff rolled over facing the opposite side.

"I made you pancakes"

He slowly got up and looked at me.
He then grabbed the plate of pancakes and started eating them.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked

"I guess" he mumbled

5 minutes later he was done.

"I'm going out to kill" he said.

"But it's raining"

"That won't stop me"
He took his dog then left.

While he was gone I started to clean the small cabin. It only took me 30 minutes. After I was done I got really bored so I changed into some black skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Then I decided to go into town. I knew it was raining pretty hard but I didn't want to stay here; it was really boring.

I went to the little pharmacy to buy an umbrella.

"Hello again" the old man greeted

"Hi. Do you have any umbrellas?" I asked

The man pointed to a corner where there were many umbrellas. I choose the f/c one. I went to the counter to pay.

"Are you new in town? Or are you just visiting?" The old man asked

I couldn't tell him that I escaped the asylum so I just made up a story. "My friend and I are just on vacation"

"That's wonderful!" the old man chirped

I payed for my things but suddenly the TV caught my attention
"Channel 7 News. We are still looking for the infamous Jeff the killer and y/n l/n. If you see them please dial the number on the screen. These 2 are very dangerous people"
There on the screen was an old picture of me and Jeff.
We are so fucked. Then the old man suddenly looked at me then he put the pieces together.

"Y-you!" he stuttered

"It's not what it looks like!" I yelled

The man quickly grabbed his phone and started dialing the number on the screen.
I couldn't let this man blow our cover.
I grabbed the dagger that I always keep in my bra and threw it at his hand. The old man quickly dropped the phone and he started screaming in pain.
I ran over to him and took the dagger out of his hand.

"I'm sorry I have to do this" I said

I grabbed the dagger and stabbed him in the heart multiple times.
Then I heard the little bell ring

"Shit" I cursed.

I turned around and saw young woman with her 5 year old boy. Shock and terror was written in their face.

"I'm so sorry" I said

Before they could run or scream I sliced the lady's throat. I was about to do the same to the little boy but I couldn't. The boy started crying and I could hear the sirens off in the distance. I quickly smashed all the cameras and cleaned all the evidence so the police wouldn't know it was me. I then grabbed the boy and covered his mouth then I ran back to the cabin.
When we got to the cabin I removed my hand from the little boy's mouth.

"You have to be quiet" I whispered

The boy was silently crying. I didn't want Jeff interacting with the boy.
My plan was to take care of the little boy for a while then return him back to his dad or any other family he had.
However my plan went terribly wrong thanks to that Smile dog freak.
As soon as we had entered the house Smile dog started barking.

"Where the hell were you!?" Jeff yelled. Then he noticed the little boy hiding behind me. "Who the hell is this?!"

"I can explain!"
The little boy started to cry louder.

"If you don't shut him up then I'll make him Go To Sleep!" he growled

I told the boy to stay quiet then I looked at Jeff; he looked really mad.

"Look, I went to the store because I was bored. Then the man at the front desk recognized me from a photo on the news. So I had to kill him but unfortunately a lady and her son walked into the store so I had to kill the lady, but I couldn't kill the boy"

"You didn't leave any evidence while you were there did you?" he asked


"Smile, make sure the boy doesn't leave" Jeff ordered. Jeff grabbed my hand and took me to the bedroom.

"What the fuck are you planing to do with the boy?" he whispered yelled

"I was going to take him back to his dad"

"Are you out of your fucking mind?! He's going to tell the cops then we'll get caught then they'll take us back to the asylum!" he whispered yelled back

"I can't kill him! His dad will be devastated once he finds out that his son and wife are dead!"

"Why do you care so fucking much!?"

"Maybe it's because I actually have a heart!"

Jeff rolled his eyes "Fine, here's what we'll do! We take him back to see his dad then we will kill both of them; that way they'll all be together"
Before I could protest Jeff took me back to the living room. The boy was still crying, I think he even wet his pants.

"Come here darling." The boy came to me, and I gave him a hug. I softly pat his head and back. "Now tell me love, Where do you live?" I asked

"Three blocks away from the pharmacy" he cried

"Who do you live with?"

"My mommy, daddy, and my little brother"

"Your l-little b-brother?" I stuttered. I didn't want to kill another innocent child.

"Yea he's in mommy's tummy"

I felt a tear running down my cheek. I killed a pregnant lady. I didn't even noticed; she probably had just gotten the news.

"Is mommy and my little brother going to be okay?" the little boy asked.

I couldn't find the words to tell this boy that his mom or brother weren't okay.

"They're fine, you will soon be with your family" Jeff said.

The boy looked at Jeff, the little boy looked terrified. I don't blame him, I was pretty shocked when I saw Jeff for the first time.

"Why don't you go to the kitchen and find something to eat" I said
The little boy went into the kitchen with Smile dog behind him.

I looked at Jeff giving him the 'please don't make me do this' face.

"Don't worry it will be fine" he said

"Jeff I killed a pregnant lady"

"Cool. Killing two birds with one stone"

Tears started running. Down my cheeks.

"We'll go tonight at 7 so get ready" he said

I went into the room and got the extra knife that was on the nightstand. I put the knife in my boot. I grabbed my black hoodie and fixed my hair. I think I'm ready all I have to do now is wait.

Author's Note:

Thanks for the sweet comments! <3 They really made my day!

Mad House (Jeff the Killer X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin