Chapter 16

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I stayed with Andy the whole day. Until the nurse told me that I had to leave.
"Can I please stay the night" I begged

"Sorry miss but visiting hours are over" the nurse said

I went back to Andy's house, when I got home I sat on the couch and began to cry. I needed Andy to be here with me. I don't understand why anyone would want to hurt him.
After an hour if crying I felt really sleep, my eyelids were getting really heavy. I was just about to fall asleep but I was interrupted by the sound of foot steps coming from upstairs. 'Maybe it's just Smile dog' I thought to myself. I relaxed then closed my eyes, I felt like something was off. I opened my eyes just to see something white blocking my view. I looked up and saw Jeff.

"Is this a dream" I mumbled

He grabbed my arm and pinched it really hard causing me to fall of the couch.

"What the hell! That actually hurt!" I yelled

"I didn't come here to get yelled by a whinny little bitch" he snapped

"No one asked you to come back asshole" I snapped back

"Aren't you forgetting something sweetheart?!"


"What's gonna happen when Andy finds out you're an insane freak?"

"Wha- How do you even know Andy?! How did you even find me!?"

"Smile dog lead me to you. Did you actually think that I wouldn't find you?"

"I'm not the one who left! You left me! And all you left was a small fucking note! You didn't even say where you were going! I thought you weren't coming back!" My eyes felt watery but I quickly wiped them.

"Well I'm back and we're leaving this town"

"You can't make me! You haven't even told me where you've been!"

"You'll find out soon, we just have to go right now"

"No!" I protested

"C'mon! I already have your shit in the car!"


Jeff tackled me to the ground.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!GET OFF ME!" I yelled while trying to get out of his grip.

"DON'T MAKE THIS HARDER THAN IT ALREADY IS" he picked me up but I kicked him in the stomach


He dragged me from the feet.
I started yelling and moving like cray. Jeff covered my mouth with his hand. I bit his hand and screamed again, hoping to wake up the neighbors.

"Fucking cunt!" Jeff hit me with the handled of his knife. it didn't knock me out but my head started to ache. I felt really dizzy, I started to see double of everything, then I passed out.


I woke up with a really bad headache. I realized that my hands were tied and my mouth was shut with duck tape. I looked around and saw the crazy asshole driving. I looked behind me and saw Smile dog sleeping in the back seat. I looked outside to see if I recognized where we were. Outside there were buildings, street lights, and a lot of cars. I could tell we were in the city. You couldn't see any stars, just a sad lonely moon.

"I see you finally woke up"

I rolled my eyes.

"If you promise to be a good girl I'll take the tape off, but I'm warning you; if you scream I will stab you. Understood?"

I nodded my head yes.

With one hand he drove the car with the other hand he ripped the tape off my face.
My face stung for a couple of minutes.

"Where are we going?" I asked

"It's a surprise"

I felt tears forming in my eyes "I wanna go back home with Andy."

"Too bad"

"Are we there yet?" I asked

Jeff let out an annoyed sigh
"Just go back to sleep before I make you"

I didn't feel like going back to sleep so I just looked at the sky hoping to see a star in the sky.
After what felt like hours we finally stopped. I looked at Jeff.
"Are we here?" I asked

"Yea" he got off the car and I followed him.
In front of us there was a huge mansion.
(Picture above)
"Where are we?" I asked

"This is your parents house." he said

"Why are we here?"

"Why do you have to ask so many questions?!"

I stayed silent.
Jeff let out a sigh

"I might as well tell you the whole story. When I left you, I went to go find your real parents. It took me a while but I know a guy who is really good at finding documents, and he managed to find your parents. So here we are."

"So my parents are still alive?"


"Are you sure"

Jeff let out a sigh "Yes. I'm sure."

"Why. Why are you doing this?" I asked

"Cause. I can't live with you anymore. You can't just stay with me forever. You need to start a new life, without the crazy." He gave me the suitcases filled with my stuff.

"Then. Is this goodbye forever?" I felt sad. I didn't want to leave him, but at the same time I was still mad about him making me leave Andy.

"Yeah. Goodbye kitty" he messed with my hair.
Before I could say goodbye, Jeff was already in the car leaving. I didn't even get to say goodbye to Smile. I felt something wet on my cheek, was it raining or was I crying? I looked to the sky, not a single cloud or star in the sky.
I brushed all my emotions away and I decided to go knock on the door. I knocked three times then I waited.
Seconds later I was greeted by a maid.

"(Your last name)'s household, how may I help you"

"I'm looking for Mr. and Mrs. Y/L"

"Wait right here." the maid went inside and left me waiting in the cold.

Minutes later a beautiful woman opened the door. She had (your hair color) and blue eyes.

"How may I help you?" she asked

"I'm here to speak with Mr. and Mrs. y/l"

"I'm Mrs. y/l" she said

I stared at her in awe. She couldn't possibly be my mother. She was beautiful!

"I'm y/n. Y/n y/l."

She starred at me in shock.


Happy Halloween!! <3 💀🔪💉🎃

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