Chapter 23

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No this can't be! Jeff can't be dead! He isn't dead! I moved around trying to get out of the hospital bed. I managed to break one of the straps, then another one until I finally broke out. I ripped the wires off my head. The tall man came back.
"What are you doing!?" He yelled
I grabbed the syringe that was on the table, and stabbed him in the throat. That will keep him asleep for a while. I picked him up and placed him on the hospital bed. Then I strapped him to the uncomfortable hospital bed, I put some wires in his head, then I waited.
The doctors must have treated my wounds while I was blacked out cause I felt better than ever.
After waiting a few more minutes, the tall old man woke up.
"What happened?" he groaned

"Good afternoon doc"
I giggled
"I'm here to ask you some questions" I chirped

"Get me out of here!!" he yelled

"Question number one: WHERE IS JEFF?"

"I don't know" he cried

"I'm not happy with that answer" I turned in the machine to a high level, then I pressed the start button.


I had electrocuted him so many times that I'm sure he was dead.

"Don't worry doc, it only messes with your head a little bit" I laughed
I walked outside the small stuffy room, when I suddenly bumped into a nurse.
"Oh excuse me. Have you seen Jeffrey Woods?"
I asked

The lady screamed and she started to run away, but I tackled her to the ground.

"You know it's not nice to walk away from someone when they're talking"
I reached for my dagger but I realized that I had left it at home.
Oh well, I guess I have to beat her to death.
I punched her several times in the face, the third time I punched her I heard a crack. Her nose seemed to be out of place and her face was covered in blood she looked like she was in a lot of pain; but why would I care she's just another pathetic bitch.

"I'll just leave you here to suffer" I got up and left her there. For some reason I felt so happy.
I skipped around trying to find the supply room, when I found it I looked for all the sharp objects in the room. I grabbed a scalpel, a syringe, and some scissors. Perfect. When I walked outside I saw 2 security guards. It's time to try out my new toys. I crept up behind them and stabbed both of them with my scissors.

"Yay! They work!!" I cheered.

I continued to skip around the huge hospital trying to find someone who could help me find Jeff. He can't possibly be dead. He's Jeff the killer.
I wasn't really looking were I was going and that's when I bumped into a doctor.

"Excuse me. Do you know where I can find Jeffrey Woods?" I asked politely

"Hey! You aren't suppose to be out here!" He exclaimed

I quickly pinned him to the wall.

"Look mister, I need to find Jeff tell me where he is!"
I grabbed the syringe and put it to his throat.

"H-he's in the basement" he stuttered

"Thanks doc!" I stabbed the syringe into his neck.
I then ran to the elevator and clicked the B button.
I can't wait to see Jeff I knew he was alive, I just knew it! When the door opened I ran inside. I looked around and saw 7 people laying on hospital tables, they were covered with a white bed sheet. They also had tags on their right foot. I looked at the tags trying to find Jeff's name, the first body that was closest to the door had Jeff's name on it. I lifted up the bed sheet to see his face. There he was! The beautiful smiling killer, however he didn't seem to move.

"Jeff it's time to wake up"

Silence filled the room.
I raised my voice a little more
"Come on Jeff we have to go!"
I felt tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Please Jeff this isn't funny!"
With his never blinking eyes he looked so alive, but he wasn't moving. I gently touched his scared cheek, he was so cold.

"Jeff, please wake up" I softly cried.
I gently placed a kiss on his forehead.
"I love you Jeffrey Woods"
I was alarmed when I felt a pair of cold hands on my neck. I gasped as I saw Jeff sitting up, his hands were squeezing my neck.

He pinned to the wall, I didn't realize it before but Jeff was naked, I tried not to look but I looked anyway;my cheeks turned cherry red. I suddenly felt my chest burn.
"Jeff let go!"

He dropped me and I fell to the floor coughing.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled

He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up to face him.
"Where are my clothes" he growled

"I-I don't know"
He pushed me down to the floor again.

"Where were you? What happened? I thought you were dead!" I exclaimed

"What the hell are you talking about!"

"They said you got shot! Why did they put you here in the morgue?"

"Who got shot?" He asked


"I didn't get shot"


"I don't know, and why would you care anyway?"

"I just do okay!"

He walked around trying to find his clothes, I couldn't help but to stare.
He then found a bag with his name on it, in the bag he found his clothes and his knife.
"What are you looking at?" He asked while putting on his clothes.

My heart started to race.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure" I said

"Who the hell are you?"

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