Drop Zone: Part 1

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    June 22nd, 8:08p.m.

       We were flying over the Carribean Sea in the bioship. It was already very foggy so it didn't help that Megan was flying us so close the clouds.
"We're approaching Santa Prisca." She announced with an unusually serious tone, her eyes fixed on the holographic computer that was displayed on the windshield. All six of us were sitting in the ship with our suits on, it was dark and the only light came from the soft blue and green buttons scattered around the ship.

       We didn't speak much; there was nothing to say. In fact Megan's announcement was the first thing anyone had said since we boarded. I just sat there with my elbow on the arm rest and my head in my hand. We knew now that it wasn't a joke so we were going to take this mission seriously.

        "Isla Santa Prisca." We were all huddled around Batman in the mountain, he was explaining the mission to us, "This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neosteroid-- A strength enhancing drug sold under the street name 'Venom'. Infrared heat signatures indicate their factory is still operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have been inexplicably cut off." He turned to look at the six of us who were listening attentively.

       "That's where this team comes in.
This is a covert recon mission only.
Observe and report." His emphasis on 'observe and report' could not be mistaken for anything other than what he meant, "If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will. The plan requires two drop zones."

       "So who's in charge?" Robin asked. I knew exactly what was going through his mind- he wanted to be in charge and honestly I couldn't agree more. Red Tornado and Batman looked at him emotionless.
"Work that out between you." He ordered.
                ~Flashback Over~

I took a quick look at Robin who wore a concealed, yet confident smirk. I knew he was thinking about what Batman said.
"Drop zone 'A' in 30." Megan's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. Aqualad stood up, his seat "melted" away into the ground. He pressed the emblem on his belt and his suit became darker.
"Ready." Aqualad gave Megan a nod which she returned.
"Putting bioship in camouflage mode." The ship's pace began to ascend towards the island- it was about the size of the one Bruce got me for my birthday. When we neared the water a hole opened up in the floor and Aqualad dove out into the ocean.

         "Heat and motion sensors are patched. Data is now on a continuous loop. Move in." Aqualad gave the okay through our earpieces. We continued our flight over the island; still very quiet.
"Drop zone 'B'." Megan mumbled. We all stood up, Megan creating hooks and rope in which we could make our descend.
"How cool is this?" KF asked Miss. M as he pressed the lightning emblem on his chest and his suit became black and gray.
"Very impressive." She giggled while mentally changing the color of her clothes to match covert dress code.
"Uh, that works, too." Kid scratched the back of his neck then turned to Superboy, "Hey, Supey, not too late to put on the new stealth tech."

        "No capes, no tights. No offense." He crossed his arms in front of his chest.  Robin and I were stationed out of Gotham so our uniforms were already dark and secret enough.
"It totally works for you." Megan complimented with dreamy eyes and her head resting on her hand, quickly realizing her words she sought to fix them, "In that you can totally do good work in those clothes." I snorted at her. Not really cause I was judging but more because I found it quite humorous. I guess I didn't find the guy that almost killed me attractive- not that I had anything against him. She put her hood up and turned invisible with embarrassment.

          I clipped the hook onto my belt and jumped through the hole in the floor with the other three, Megan was flying. We all landed on the ground and unclipped our lines. I jumped out of the way when I saw Supey coming from the sky.
"Knew I didn't need a line." Superboy boasted (he was last) when he created a small earthquake and crater by jumping from the ship.
"And yet creating a seismic event" I whispered angrily from where I was on my knees on the ground.
"May not have helped us much with the covert." Robin finished for me, he was sitting up with his elbows on the knees he had pointed upward.

      "Aqualad, drop 'B' is go." Megan came flying back down to the ground.
"Head for the factory. I'll track your GPS and rendezvous ASAP." He explained through our earpieces, I knelt down to get a better look at Robin's holographic wrist computer.
"Roger that." Rob and I answered simultaneously. We looked up from his computer, standing up then began running.

       We neared a rock ledge in the jungle, Robin provided my foot a place to secure itself using his hands. He pushed me upward, I returned the favor by offering my hand then pulling him up. I opened up my computer and stuck my arm out. Showing him my hologram which showed us a bunch of red dots, each one representing a mine.

       "Did you hear that?" I looked back at the rocky path I had just left. Superboy was speaking.
"Uh, no." KF answered, "Wait. Is this a super hearing thing?"
"You do have great ears." Green admired as she tucked a ginger locke behind her ear. I made a cutting sign at my neck to signal her to quit but I don't think she understood the hand movement on Earth.

       So I stopped trying and Rob and I took off. We perched ourselves in a tall tree to get a better view of the two groups of men about to meet.

        "Superboy, Kid, switch to infrared. See if you're being tracked." I heard Aqualad order in my earpiece.
"Got a squad of armed bozos incoming."
"Two squads. But they'll meet each other before they find us." Superboy said while observing the second squad, which, by my count, outnumbered the first. Multiple gunshots were quickly fired. I motioned for Robin to follow me out of the tree.

     "No super hearing required now." Wally's voice held much satire.
"Swing wide, steer clear." Aqualad ordered.
"Yeah, as soon as I find Rob and Blue." Wally answered. I shook my head in disapproval.

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