Monday July 5th, 12:46 a.m.

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      Batman, Robin and I were taken back to Gotham by Green Lantern who created a platform with his ring that flew us back.
"Blue Jay?" Batman's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. We were getting into the Batmobile when he called my name. I didn't speak. I just looked at him with raised eyebrows to let him know I was listening.
"You will come back to the cave with us before going home so Alfred can treat your wounds." I shrugged, the way he instructed me was so that Robin thought my home was somewhere other than the manor. He gave me an almost smile that I think was supposed to be apologetic then began driving towards the Manor.

       "How's your leg?" Robin questioned nervously while looking at me with a mixture of emotions.
"Fine." I answered automatically. To be honest though- it hurt so much I could hardly think straight. Robin put a hand on my knee; his lips pulled into a smile. My heart began thumping quickly my breaths noticeably more shallow and fast paced.

       "Your not okay. Are you?" Batman asked as we pulled into the Bat Cave.
"Robin, can you tell Batman that I'm fine?" I looked over at Robin who was wearing a worried look.
"Um, Bats? She says she's fine."
I waited for him to be out of earshot before turning to Batman and clutching his wrist, a tear rolling down my cheek, "I need Alfred right now." Batman nodded, pressing a button to signal Alfred down.

     Batman took off his mask and set it on the table. Alfred came running in still in his pajamas holding a variety of things in his hands: peroxide, rubbing alcohol, bandages, braces, band aids, cotton balls, tweezers and cloth.
"Anything else, Master Bruce?"
"She's got a burn." Bruce told Alfred.
"Well, can just use cold water and aloe vera for that."

     Five minutes later I was clenching my teeth on a white rag while Alfred mended my leg. I let out a scream as he placed a hand on my calf.
"Sorry." I whispered, returning to my chewing cloth.
"It's alright, Miss. No need to hold it in." Alfred reassured. I leaned backwards on the table I was sitting on so I could lay down. Robin had already left. Bruce had told him to leave after Alfred wrapped up his ribs and cleaned out his cuts.

•••Robin's P.O.V.•••
     Stairs. They were the absolute worst part of coming back from a brutal mission. I made my way up them slowly and with a slight limp; cursing under my breath at the pain that shot through my body after each individual step. This was the only time I hated having a room on the second story.

       When I reached the hallway with my room I went to Dolly's first- I really missed her. I opened her bedroom door and looked inside hopefully; she wasn't there. 'Must be at a friend's house.' I thought bitterly then closed the door. I went to my room and laid down, I was exhausted but just couldn't fall asleep. I was laying there for about 30 minutes when I heard a door open and close. It was Dolly's bedroom door. I slowly got out of bed, looking out of my door just in time to see her door close (it was right across from mine).

       I pressed my ear against her door, listening: clothes dropped onto the ground, drawers opened and closed- but quietly, I heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly backed up until my back was against my own bedroom's door. She came out with tired eyes and her hair in a pony tail, she was wearing pink sweat pants and a blue T-shirt. That was one thing I never understood- when I first met her she wore her skirt kind of high and her uniform shirt fit rather snugly... But now? She never wears exposing clothes. I held my breath as she just walked past me to our bathroom. She must be really tired to not have noticed me. She brushed her teeth then went back to her room. Was she... limping?

I mustered up all the courage I had gained from tonight and knocked on her door. There was shuffling and more drawer opening and closing before she opened the door halfway so I could only see half of her body.
"What?" She asked rather irritated.
"Are you okay?" I ignored her harsh tone because I knew how being tired made her.
"I already I told you that I'm fine." I looked at her with my head tilted to the left.

       "This is the first time I've asked." Dolly opened the door the rest of the way, I looked her up and down my eyes resting on the shoulder of her T-shirt.
"Is that blood?" I touched her shoulder but she pulled away.
"Rob. I told you I'm fine." Dolly hissed. 'What!? Rob?! Does she know? What's going on?'

"W-what?" I questioned. She looked at the floor to rub her eyes.
"Oh." She looked back up to me.

•••Dolly's P.O.V.•••
How could I be so stupid?! I racked my brain for a suitable lie.
"Sorry, Dick. I thought you were Robert- Emily's brother."
"Why would I be him?" I could hear the jealousy in every syllable that came out of his mouth.
"I was spending the night at her house. I fell down the stairs and asked her mom to drive me home cause I was getting home sick anyways."

     "Okay." Dick said simply. I nodded and began to close my door. He stuck his hand out to keep me from closing it. I looked back at him; his messy black hair was all over his sky blue eyes, his face wore a very weary expression.
"Can we just talk?" Dick pleaded. I gave him a look of uncertainty as I opened my door yet again.
"I'm really tired."
"Please. We haven't had a real conversation in two years." My heart cracked at his words. I stepped aside to let him into my room.

       We sat on my bed, I slipped under my covers; he sat cross- legged across from me- accidentally placing a hand on my burnt leg. I winced but managed to keep quiet.
"So..." I trailed awkwardly.
"How have you been?" Dick gave me a warm grin.
"Good. I've been watching the news lately."
"Really? What's been going on there?"
"It's filled with superheroes being super." I explained, I wanted to see his reaction to me if I talked about the sidekicks and what's been going on.
"You don't say."
"Yeah. In fact it was talking about the sidekicks, and how they were introduced to the Hall of Justice today- well yesterday." I corrected myself as I looked at my clock.

     Dick shifted uncomfortably, but chuckled to break the tension.
"So what do you think about the sidekicks? Bet your favorite is Blue Jay." I shook my head.
"Nah. Robin is my favorite." I corrected.

"Why not Blue Jay?" He inquired, hiding a smile, curiously as I rested my chin on my palm.
"She's cool I guess, but I like Robin. He saved me one time, you know?" I mentioned while laying my head down on my pillow, "You can lay down too." He hesitantly moved forward to slip under the duvet. I turned to my side so that we were facing each other.

      "Really? He saved you?" Dick questioned. I nodded and rolled onto my back, wincing as my ribs began to hurt.
"About two days before Bruce adopted me." Tears welled up in my eyes. Why do I cry so much? I let out a heavy sigh.
"But the parents you had before weren't your real parents?"
"No. Before them was my parents in the circus," this was exactly what Bruce wanted me to avoid- me getting close to Dick as Dolly; I was supposed to be close to Robin as Blue Jay.

      "B-but they were killed when I was nine, but they weren't my real parents either." I rolled over to look back at his attentive face. His beautiful blue eyes were cloudy and full of pain (from the mission I figured). His raven hair was messy and all over his furrowed eye brows. I sighed and smiled, I just liked looking at him- he was so handsome.


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