Welcome To Happy Harbor: Part 3

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     "It was sweet of you to make any."
"Thanks, Aqualad." She thanked sweetly.
"We're off duty. Call me Kaldur'ahm.
Actually, my friends call me Kaldur."
"I'm Wally." Wally introduced with a full mouth. "See? I already trust you with my secret I.D.. Unlike Mr. and Mrs. Dark Glasses over here." He pointed his thumb towards Robin and I who placed our hands on our hips with displeasure.
"Not my idea." I explained.
"Batman's forbidden Boy Wonder and Girl Beauty from telling anyone their real name." I cringed at the name Wally referred to me by, we both sent him death stares which he took no notice to due to his inability to stop gawking at Miss. M.

     "Mine's no secret. It's M'gann M'orzz." She stated proudly, "Like, you can call me Megan. It's an Earth name, and I'm on Earth now." I heard Superboy grunt as he began to walk away so I turned to look at him.
"Get out of my head!" He yelled at Megan. A somber expression crossed her features.

       "What's wrong?" Megan asked through telepathy, I grabbed my head with both hands and doubled over as if I had just been hit in the gut.
"I don't understand. Everyone on Mars communicates telepathically." I screamed silently and fell onto my side, tears rolling down my cheeks while the migraine began to grow.

     "M'gann, stop!" Kaldur demanded when his eyes fell on me, "Things are different on Earth. Here, your powers are an extreme invasion of privacy. And it appears to have quite the effect on Blue Jay." Robin knelt down beside me and began rubbing my back.

     "Besides, Cadmus' creepy little psychic genomes left a bad taste in his brain." Wally informed pointing at Superboy with one hand and covering Supey's view to his mouth with the other.
"I--I didn't mean to--"
"Just stay out."
"Don't ever do that again." I demanded at the same time Supey made his request. Robin helped me stand but I pushed him off and followed Superboy to sit on the opposite side of one of the green couches that he was already sitting on. I pulled my feet onto the couch and my knees into my chest as I wiped away my tears with the jacket's sleeve.

      "Hello, Megan!" I heard her say from the kitchen, "I know what we can do." She flew past the room where I was counting to ten; the other three followed her.
"Superboy, Blue Jay, please." She came back to peek around the wall.
"Don't talk to me." He growled. I just stood up and walked over to Robin, hitting her shoulder lightly, but hard enough to get my point across, when I passed her.

     The six of us entered an elevator and went down a few floors. When the doors opened a large, red, egg-shaped thing sat in front of us.
"It's my martian bioship." Megan explained as we all walked towards it.
"Cute. Not aerodynamic, but cute." Wally pointed at the ship.
"It's at rest, silly." She made it seem like it was the most obvious thing in the world, "I'll wake it." She waved her hand in the air and the ship began to morph into what really looked like an alien ship.

     She spun it around so that we were looking at the back of it. A small door opened and a ramp formed.
"Well, are you coming?" She questioned as she began to walk inside of it. The five of us gave each other nervous looks before Robin led the way for us to get on. Upon entering six seats came out from the floor. One in the centroid, two on the left side and three on the right. I sat down on the left side, Rob sat behind me and the other three boys went on the right.

      "Strap in for launch." I sat down, freaking out when the seat belts took ahold of me and contained me to the seat.
"Whoa." Robin had the same facial expression as me.
"Cool." Wally said as he jumped into his seat.
"Red Tornado, please open the bay doors." She pleaded. The two doors slid open and we took off.

     "Incredible." Robin and I said in awe as we stared out the window.
"She sure is." Wally sighed like a lovestruck puppy, "I--I mean the ship, Which, like all ships, is a she." I laughed at Walls.
"Fast with his feet." I began.
"Not so much with his mouth." Robin finished
"Dudes!" Wally yelled with offense.

     "Do you two have a telepathic connection?" Megan asked Robin and I.
"What do you mean?" I questioned with furrowed brows.
"The two of you ways seem so in sync and connected- you're facial expressions match, you seem to be able tell the other's mood and it even seems that you share words." She explained. I nodded slightly at the thought.
"When you've worked with someone for two years and all of your missions have to be covert and speechless you learn to 'connect' with the other without needing to speak." Rob insighted, giving me a grin.
"I'd like to connect with you." Wally flirted at Megan with a smirk and wink. We all laughed and sat in silence, a comfortable one at that.

       "He'll come around." I promised Megan in a whisper, putting a hand on her forearm.
"He doesn't seem to like me much." She admitted sadly looking down at her lap. I removed my hand then turned to look out the window.
"You guys remember he has super hearing, right?" Wally pointed at his own ear with a duh tone of voice. 

     "Hey, how 'bout showing us a little martian shape-shifting?" Dick pleaded. I turned back around to look at her as she stood up. Her color began to change- starting from her feet the ending at her head. She looked like a girl version of Robin now.
"Reminds me of Blue." Rob chuckled.
"I am basically a girl version of you."
"Is it wrong that I think I'm hot?"  Wally rested his chin on his hand when she turned into Kid Flash- but she looked like a girl still.

     She then turned into a spitting image of me in my Blue Jay uniform.
"Now that's hot." Robin mumbled quietly, but we all still heard him. Wally and I looked at him with wide eyes.
"I-i meant cool. S-sorry. I got the temperature adjectives mixed up."
"Fast with his hacking." I began.
"Not so much with his mouth." Wally finished. The two of us began laughing like mad as she resumed her seat.
"Impressive," Robin clapped slowly while trying to move on, "But you know you're not exactly gonna fool anyone with the first two."

     "Mimicking boys is a lot harder."
"And your clothes?" Aqualad inquired with an interested expression.  "They're organic, like the ship." She explained happily while tugging on her pink sweater, "They respond to my mental commands."
"As long as they're the only ones." Supey muttered.
"Can you do that ghosting through walls thing that manhunter does?"

     "Density shifting? No. I-it's a very advanced technique."
"Flash can vibrate his molecules right through a wall." I sighed contently as I thought of my favorite superhero.
"Heh heh heh. When he tries it, bloody nose." Robin pointed at Wally and began laughing.
"Dude!" Wally repeated.

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