Independece Day: Part 1

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••• Two Years Later•••

July, 4th

"Ohh! - Enjoying family time? My family has other plans." Mr. Freeze taunted as he shot his ice gun at civilians who were spending their Independence Day at the park, turning some into blocks of ice. Robin and I gave each other looks that explained everything- our roles were easily understood and we never got in the other's way; it was part of our 'psychic connection', like when we finished each others sentences.

I took a Bat-A-Rang out of my white utility belt- that Batman demanded I never leave the house without- instead of my usual blue bird-a-rang and threw it at his gun.
"Batman." The cold villain said rather happily, "I was wondering when-".
"Ha ha ha!" Robin left my side as he ran up to a rock, jumping off, followed by landing on Freeze's glass helmet then front flipping onto the ground. I ran after him, giggling a 'tee hee hee', landing beside him after doing a back flip off the same rock Robin had just jumped off.

"Oh. Boy Wonder and Girl Beauty. The Bat sent you two to drag me off to prison? Frankly, I'm underwhelmed." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes, I was more than just a pretty face, and I did a lot for the team, but no one got that just because I was a girl.
"Great." I sighed happily. Noticing a new figure appear.
"But we're kind of in a hurry here." Robin continued in a hurried tone, gesturing a hand towards the both of us.
"Kids--always in such a rush. I prefer to preserve these moments forever." Freeze enlightened. Cackling and raising his cold gun.
"Not talking to you." Robin and I explained in unison with an annoyed tone. That was when Batman came flying through the air, punching Freeze in the face with all his might. Once Freeze was knocked out and sent to jail the three of us ran to the batmobile- today was the day...

~At The Hall of Justice~
We were the first to arrive, Green Arrow and Speedy were next, followed by Aquaman and Aqualad.
"Today is the day." Batman smiled as he put both hands on either of our shoulders, I looked up to him with a giant grin. I looked over the hill we were standing on, there stood the League's HQ.
"Welcome to the Hall of Justice." Arrow greeted.
"Headquarters of the Justice League." Aquaman restated.
"Oh, man! I knew we'd be the last ones here." Both Flashes had arrived and the yellow one was slightly upset at their tardiness, "Hey gorgeous." Kid Flash winked at me, causing me to roll the cerulean eyes that sat behind the white mesh in my mask.

We greeted each other as we began walking towards the hall. Never... In all my 13 years of life had I ever expected to be walking along side the most powerful people on Earth.... And to be looked up to by millions (I was idolized by many little girls).

"Is that Batman?! Boy Wonder?! And Girl Beauty!?" Someone in the crowd yelled excitedly. I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to ignore it.
"Don't sweat it." Robin told me, patting me on the back.
"I see Flash and Flash Jr.!!" Another yelled, I couldn't help but giggle behind the leather glove I attempted to use to conceal my smile.
"His name's Speedy." A person corrected, "Duh."
"No. Speedy's green arrow's sidekick!!!"
"Well, that makes no sense." I regained my composure as we neared the hall.

"This is so exciting." I whispered to Robin.
"Ready to see the inner sanctum?" Green Arrow asked Speedy.
"Born that way." He replied without hesitation.
"I am glad we are all here." Aqualad stated respectfully. I nodded as if to say I felt the same way.
"Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place, at the same time?" Kid Flash questioned energetically. He tugged a bit on my black cape, I slapped his hand away, I hated when he flirted with me. I couldn't wait until there was another girl for him to bother.

"Don't call us sidekicks," Speedy demanded intensely, " not after today."
"Sorry." KF apologized; but only after I nudged him in the ribs, "First time at the hall," was his excuse, "I'm a little overwhelmed."
"You're overwhelmed." I began.
"Freeze was underwhelmed." Robin continued.
"Why isn't anyone ever just whelmed?" We flustered in unison.
"How do you guys do that?" Batman chuckled rhetorically. We continued walking on the cream coloured concrete that led into the hall. I admired the beautiful water fountains, trees and... Everything left my mind when we entered the building that held enormous statues of the Justice League "Oh." I gasped.
"Maybe that's why." Robin realized. The nine of us made our way to a door that sat between the standing legs of Superman's statue. Which was where we were greeted by Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter.

"Robin, Blue Jay, Speedy, Aqualad, Kid Flash, welcome." Mr. Manhunter greeted,
"You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course our library." He motioned towards the large room we had entered that was full of books and one large computer.
"Make yourselves at home." I quickly complied, sitting down in one of the three red chairs that surrounded a small coffee table.
"If you wanted to sit on my lap you could've just asked, I wouldn't mind BJ." KF flirted as I sat on his lap: he had super sped to the chair just so I could sit on him.
"Idiot." I snarled, flicking him in the forehead as I stood up.
"Blue." I jerked my head towards Robin, "Take my seat." He offered while standing up. I walked over to take his seat, when I had sat down Robin allowed himself to lean on the armrest.
"Thanks, Rob. I appreciate it. Good to know not all guys are total-".

"Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day." Batman requested, "We shouldn't be long." The four heroes walked to the zeta beam.
"Recognized: Batman: 0-2, Aquaman: 0-6; Flash: 0-4, Green Arrow: 0-8, Martian Manhunter: 0-7, Red Tornado: 1-6." The computer tallied.

"That's it? You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass." Speedy growled.
"It's a first step. You've been granted access few others get." Aquaman rationalized. I looked at the windows in which cameras were flashing and people were waving. 'Yeah, right.' I thought. But I was in no position to argue with a Justice League member.
"Oh, really? Who cares which side of the glass we're on?" Speedy threw his hand toward the window I was already eyeing.
"Roy, you just need to be patient."

"What I need is respect." He spat, "They're treating us like kids. Worse-like sidekicks! We deserve better than this." Speedy explained to the 4 of us.
"We are kids," I defended, "and respected." Roy rolled his eyes at me.
"You're kidding, right? You're playing their game? Why? Because you think they play fair? Today was supposed to be the day, step one in becoming Full-fledged members of The League." He exasperated.

A/N: Yay!!! That's another chapter finished. And plz don't hate on Blue Jay's suit. I'm not Picasso and she wears black gloves, a black mask and black sneakers. But anyway... Tell me what you thought about it. If there are any mistakes on anything comment and I'll fix it asap. XOXO😘😘

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