Welcome To Happy Harbor: Part 2

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   July 18th, 11:16a.m.

     "Recognized: Robin B-0-1, Blue Jay: B-0-2, Kid Flash: B-0-4." The computer recited as the three of us made out way to Mt. Justice via zeta. I wore a pair of pink short shorts and a yellow tank top with a black jacket which was where I kept my belt. Rob wore black pants, a green shirt and a very dark red jacket which could easily be mistaken for black if you didn't look close enough. Both of us wearing our mandatory sunglasses.

     The three of us quickly ran towards Superboy, Aqualad and Miss. Green who were standing together and looking at a large computer.
"Did you ask him?" Robin asked.
"What did he say?" Wally questioned.
"He's arriving now." Aqualad said with a small smile.

     "Then what are we waiting for?" I asked energetically as I began to run towards the entrance of the cave; the others followed me with the same level of enthusiasm. Upon reaching the exit a large ramp of grass lowered so that we could go outside. I saw Red coming down from the air.

     "Red Tornado!" Wally called with his hand in the air and waving like a little fan girl.
"Greetings. Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?" The android inquired.
"We hoped you had a mission for us." Aqualad answered as we all began to gather closer to Red Tornado.
"Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility."

     Robin and I pushed our way to the front, no one objected because we were the shortest so they could still get a good look at him- in fact Robin was barely the shortest, but this past summer he's been growing like a weed and I was sure he would soon pass me.
"But it's been over a week." Rob added with his had up which created a 90° angle with his elbow and his forearm parallel to the ground, his hand open with impatience
"And nothing--" I began shrilly.

      "You'll be tested soon enough.
For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company." Tornado interrupted. I rolled my eyes and glared at him, although you couldn't see through my glasses.
"This team is not a social club." Aqualad informed, he did a good job masking his anger with calmness.

     "No, but I am told social interaction Is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." He suggested. I opened my mouth to protest but he had already flown away.
"Ugh! Keep busy?" I flustered angrily as I threw my arms in the air.
"Keep busy." Wally repeated while hitting Rob in the arm to get his attention at the two words.
"Does he think we're falling for this?" Dick asked with disbelief.

     "Oh, I'll find out." Miss. Martian promised excitedly. She turned to look at Red as he walked away towards the entrance the cave.
"Recognized: Red Tornado 1-6." The computer scanned him as he entered the cave.
"I'm sorry." She sighed, turning back to look at us, "I forgot he's a machine, inorganic. I cannot read his mind.'' "Nice try, though." Wally comforted. But I knew better- he was just trying to flirt.
"So, uh, you know what I'm thinkin' right now?" Wally continued as he got close to Martian's face and looked in her eyes with a mischievous grin.

     "We all know what you're thinkin' now." I scoffed as Robin elbowed Wally in the back.
"You were just hitting on Blue not too long ago." Robin said with slight resentment. Wally put his hands up in surrender as the three of us chuckled.

     "And now we tour the clubhouse." Aqualad sulked.
"Well, Superboy and I live here. We can play tour guides." Green offered. We all turned to look at SB.
"Don't look at me." He demanded in shock.
"We won't." Wally quickly turned to look back at Green, I rolled my eyes in disgust, "A private tour sounds much more fun." Wally winked at her.
"Sh-she never said private." Robin and I stuttered at the same time while giving Wallace a disapproving stare.

     "Team building. We'll all go." Aqualad settled. We began to follow the martian as she led us back inside. I shoved Wally backwards so he didn't think about doing anything funny since he was so close the her.
"It's okay to be jealous." He muttered seductively into my ear- which Robin heard. He elbowed Wally in the gut to get him away from me, then took his preferred place- next to me.

     "So this would be our front door." She stated at the beginning, "And this would be the back." She concluded about an hour later. We made our way back inside and into a large room, "The cave is actually the entire mountain." She added.
"It was hollowed out and reinforced By Superman and Green Lantern in the early days of the League." Wally informed.
"Then why abandon it for the hall of justice?" Superboy asked.
"The cave's secret location was compromised." Aqualad answered.

      "So they traded it in for a tourist trap? Yeah. That makes sense." I could see the sarcasm dripping from Supey's words.
"If villains know of the cave, we must be on constant alert." Green decided while putting her index finger up to her lip. Robin took her hand into his own.
"The bad guys know we know they know about the place, So they'd never think to look here." He answered while covering her hand with his other. I let out an angry breath, but nobody noticed except Superboy.
"Uh, he means we're hiding in plain sight." Wally took her hand away from Dick. While Superboy asked if I was okay.
"Ah, that's much clearer." She answered as I nodded,and took in a deep breath to calm my anger.
"I smell smoke." I said after taking in my deep breath.

     "My cookies!" She gasped as she flew up and out of the room. Aqualad, Wally and Superboy all ran after her but Dick stayed behind saying he wanted to talk for a second.
"What about?" I questioned nervously. He rubbed my shoulder.
"You're not jealous, right?"
"I don't get jealous." I mumbled.
"Really? So it doesn't bother you that Wally's flirting with her now." I laughed loudly at his question, shaking my my head.
"First of all- Wally's a player and second- I don't like Wally; he can flirt with whoever."

     "Then what's bothering you?" He asked. I wish I could tell him that it was that he was flirting with her or that I felt my position on the team was unstable now that there was a new girl and she had powers- and that made me the most useless one on the team. But like always, I lied and said I was fine.

     "I was trying out Grammy Jones recipe from episode 17 of--" Green used her telekinesis to take the tray out of the oven, "Heh. Never mind."
"I bet they'd have tasted great." Robin assured then looked at Wally who was  crunching away happily on the cookies, "He doesn't seem to mind."
"I have a serious metabolism." Walls explained as he stuffed his fourth cookie in his mouth.
"I'll make more?" She asked rather than stated.
"It was sweet of you to make any." Aqualad said as he looked at Wally with disturbed eyes.

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