Welcome To Happy Harbor: Part 5

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     "It's ok with the bad guys."
"Nothing. I'm getting nothing." She looked down sadly, "Hello, Megan." She laughed hitting the side of her head, "Mr. Twister is Red Tornado in disguise. He's inorganic, an android.
And how many androids do you know that can generate tornados?" I guess it made sense, and I went along with it, but I had an uncomfortable feeling in my gut about it. 'If it were Red would he hurt us like that? And he wasn't making tornados; they were twisters. It's a subtle difference but it is a difference.' But my thoughts never reached my mouth.

      "Red Tornado sent us here." Realization spread across his face, so did betrayal.
"After saying we'd be tested soon enough. This is his test, something to keep us busy." Robin added, he threw his hands out to his side for dramatization.
"Speedy called it." I glanced at Wally, his head hanging low, "We're a joke." Aqualad roared as he hit his palm with his fist. He marched towards Twister, who was still in the air and the rest of us followed him. The feeling in my gut getting stronger.
"This game, so over." Wall huffed.

     "We know who you are and what you want." Robin called called, clenching his fists at his sides.
"But do we?" I mumbled so quietly I couldn't even hear my words over the wind.
"So let's end this." Aqualad added. The machine looked downward, giving us a malevolent glare.
"Consider it ended." His tone was maniacal and I feared for what would come next.

        Mr. Twister put his hands above his head, he stirred up winds and created a large twister in the sky. It became very dark. I grabbed Rob's shoulder and yanked him close to me. He gave me a nervous look that said 'that's not Red... is it?' I shook my head violently.

      "An impressive show, But we will not indulge you. We will not engage." Aqualad settled. I bit my lip. How could I had not said anything?! The robot raised his hands slightly and lighting struck the ground near our feet.
"Uh, can Red Tornado do that?" Wally asked with concern and panic lacing his words.
"You think I'm Tornado? Ironic." The machine laughed. A lot of lightning built up above his head then he shot it down at us. We all shrieked as the explosion shot us backwards. I landed on my back, suppressing a groan. I heard Supey yell as he stood up, but I also heard him getting blown backwards into the dirt- leaving a large trail where his body skid.

         I felt the wind blow faster so I knew the robot was nearing us.
"Fine, then." Mr. Twister pouted, I opened my eyes to see Megan on her knees with one hand up and the other covering Wally's mouth. I mouthed 'camouflage?' at her and she nodded so I remained quiet.
"I won't deny you children have power, But playing hide-and-seek with you would not help me achieve my objectives, so stay concealed.
If you confront me again, I will show no mercy." The robot informed, then proceeded to fly away. Everyone sat up quickly, looking around for answers.

       "What happened?" Wally asked as he rubbed his head and removed his goggles from his eyes.
"I placed the bioship between us." Megan's statement was more of a question. Superboy grunted as he punched a giant rock once with each hand.
"And that's supposed to make it right?" He growled turning to look at her, "You tricked us into thinking Twister was Red Tornado." He began walking our way, four of us stood up protectively around Megan who was still on the ground.

     "She didn't do it on purpose." Aqualad confronted as he stepped closer to him.
"I-it was a rookie mistake." Robin defended.
"We shouldn't have listened." I added. She looked at me with wide somber eyes.
"You are pretty inexperienced." Wally shrugged and shoved his hands in his pockets, "Hit the showers." He pointed his thumb towards the bioship, "We'll take it from here."
"Stay out of our way." SB demanded angrily as he began running away. When he reached a certain distance he jumped up into the sky. Wally picked me up bridal style and he super sped away. But Robin had to just run.

       When we reached Twister's location he had ready demolished multiple houses and I wouldn't be surprised if a few people were dead. Wally dropped me on the floor where I waited for Robin.

       "Certainly this will get the required attention." The machine assured itself. I growled as Robin joined my side.
"You got ours, full and undivided!" Wally yelled as he front flipped and hit the robot in the chest with both feet.
"Immaterial and insufficient! You are a distraction I can no longer tolerate." That's when Superboy came hurtling from the sky, prepared to attack. The machine simply backed up out of the way. Wally and Superboy had taken on a defensive stance. Robin and I waited way far back behind the fighting. It was a good thing we could do more than just fight. We tried using our intellect to conjure up a plan.

      Aqualad suddenly appeared at our side.
"Where've you been?" I asked as he crouched down between Robin and I behind the car.
"It does not matter. Let's go!" He and Robin jumped over the car and ran towards Twister. I waited till they were halfway there before jumping out and doing the same. They were blown backwards into the grass, but when it came to my turn I was blown back into a house's window, my back shattering all the glass I had now landed on.

     I let out a silent yelp as I noticed a large shard stuck in my stomach. I opened and closed my mouth repeatedly not knowing what to do. My left hand hovered over it while my right hand tried to pull it out, but I couldn't even bring myself to touch it. I shut my eyes tightly and picked my head and shoulders of the floor up off the floor. I let out a shaky breath but before I could do anything I felt a sharp pain where the glass was once stuck.

     I let out a scream- this time you could hear it. I opened my eyes to see a blonde haired man with brown eyes. He held the shard in his hand, staring at me with bewildered eyes.
"I'm a doctor." He explained as he ran to his bathroom and came back with a white towel. He placed the towel over my stab wound and applied right pressure.
"I need to go." I attempted to stand up but he held me down.
"You can't. Constant pressure needs to be applied. You could have ruptured something or be bleeding internally." I snatched to long towel from his hand and took off my jacket. I removed my white utility belt from it then placed it on the floor beside me. I managed to tie the towel around my stomach. I stood up slowly, the clipped my utility belt around my waist.

     I jumped out of the second story window, landing in a bush. Cringing at the pain in my stomach. I quickly ran to KF and Dick who were standing side by side.
"You brought your utility belt?" Wally questioned Robin with shock as he took out his yellow utility belt and crossed his body with it (like when you wear a messenger bag across your body)
"Never leave home without it-- first thing Batman taught us." Robin answers as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Yeah, right after never go to the bathroom without it." Wally joked.
"Actually that was after." I corrected playfully.
"Where have you been, Slacker?" Robin asked.

      "Oh. I was just--" I let out a scream as a voice filled my head.
"Listen to me." The voice begged, "All of you." I grabbed my head with my hand and fell to my knees.
"What did we tell you?" I heard Supey's angry voice fill my head now too. I held my breath, for some reason it helped me tolerate pain. I stood up, leaning on the large piece of debris Wally, Dick and I were hiding behind.

     "I know, and I know I messed up, But now I'm very clear on what we need to do. Please trust me." She then proceeded to explain her plan. And I must admit- for a rookie, it was a good one. The five of us who were still at the battle scene formed a horizontal line and began to quickly advance on Twister.

     "Hit the showers, boys." I heard an all too familiar voice command the five of us, Red T appeared above our hands then land in front of us with his back facing us making us all halt, "I was hoping you could handle this. Clearly you cannot."
"But we've got a plan now." Robin argued.
"The subject is not up for debate."
"Yeah, boys, hit the showers. I commanded.
"I meant all of you." Red instructed. I crossed my arms in front of my chest and the five of us began to leave.

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