Fireworks: Part 2

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     "Seriously, that's what you're worried about? The whole League will have our heads after tonight." KF said eyeing Robin and I like we were crazy.
"You okay Blue?" Robin asked me worriedly, I nodded quickly, "Ok then. Free Aqualad. I'll get kid mouth." Rob told the Super Boy.
"Don't you give me orders either." He growled angrily, then jumping onto the platform in which Aqualad was kept. SB crushed the cuffs and tore them off the stand.

"Thank you." Aqualad said gratefully, leaning over and looking up.
"You--you'll never get out of here! I'll have you back in pods before morning." The brown haired man yelled. He had ran back in and was now threatening the five of us with some gnome creatures following him.
"That guy is not whelmed." I sighed quietly. "Not whelmed at all." Robin added. He helped me stand up as I threw three explosives at three gas chambers filled with purple smole and we began running.
"What is it with you guys and this whelmed thing?"

       "We are still 42 levels below ground, but if we can make the elevator-" I began but we had come to a large opening in the hallways. Many enormous creatures were waiting for us, prepared to attack. We tried to go over them and four of us were successful. Supey immediately began fighting them. He was slammed roughly on the ground by one of the things.
"Aah!" He yelped.

       "Superboy, the goal is escape, not to bury ourselves here." Aqualad instructed.
"You want escape? Aah!" SB growled angrily. He punched a g-gnome in the face, taking a third one and hitting another two with it- pushing them all onto the floor. We continued running down the corridor, Kid and Supey leading Robin, Aqualad and I. We skidded to a halt upon reaching the shaft. I took out my grappling and shot at the roof at the same time Robin did. We began to ascend together. Kid Flash ran up the wall... Suberboy grabbed Aqualad and began to fly up.

    "I--I'm falling." SB seemed more upset about not being able to fly than the fact that he was about to fall.
"Oh no." I gasped. I took a bird-a-rang out of my utility belt and threw it at the wall, which Aqualad caught ahold of. Robin and I came back down, Kid was already helping them onto the next platform so they could stand.
"Superman can fly. Why can't I fly?" He whispered, looking down at his feet.
"Don't know, but it looks like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound." Kid encouraged, "Still cool."
"Thank you."
"We don't have time for this." I huffed, rolling my eyes at the situation.
"Guys, this will have to be our exit." Robin pointed at the roof, the elevator was coming down. I quickly dove into the 15th floor. We all began running down a maze of hallways. KF was in the lead.

     "Go left! Left!" SB instructed. I had no idea why but we all followed his instructions.
"Right!" We had all turned right and met a dead end. Still in the back of the crowd, I looked at the wall and snorted. But then I looked up- air vent.
"Great directions, Supey. You trying to get us repodded?" Kid Flash said angrily while ushinf his hands up in the air and looking around. I pushed Aqualad out of the way as I began making my way to the front.
"No. I don't understand."
"Don't apologize." I pointed at the air vent.
"This is perfect!" Robin cheered. He and I were no strangers to traveling via air vent.

     Rob knealt down and cupped his hands to give me a boost. I put my black shoe on his palm and he hoisted me up about another foot. I held my other foot against the wall to keep balance. I took a small black screwdriver out of my belt then proceeded to put it to the head of the screw so I could begin twisting it left. I got three screws out before Robin dropped me, catching me bridal style before immediately putting me down.
"Switch?"I asked, knowing the worst thing that could happen is one of us getting to tied. He nodded his head and I gave him a boost. He quickly got the last screw out and pulled himself into the vent. He stuck his hand out, allowing me to support myself while scaling up the wall into the vent. I helped Wally, who helped Aqualad who helped Superboy.

     The five of us started climbing through the cold vent on all fours. We weren't even in the vent for 10 seconds before Wally began growing impatient.
"At this rate, we'll never get out, but I have a nice view." He exasperated then chuckled.

      "Shh. Listen." I waited for I didn't know what (at the time). But I soon found out that there were g-gnomes in the vents.
"Rob." I whispered loudly as I tugged on his cape- the two of us were small enough to turn around in the cramped air duct, "Hack the internal security cams." I instructed; he could do it quicker. I quickly got onto hacking the motion sensors. The five of us still moving forward.

       "We hacked the sensors." We boasted in unison about a minute later once we were out of the vent.
"Sweet!" KF cheered.
"Still plenty of them between us and out."
"But I've finally got room to move." Kid cheered excitedly. He picked up his scarlet goggles off his ginger head and placed them in front of his eyes- super speeding up the stairs. I followed him up the stairs; being one of the only two without any super abilities... I was at the back with Robin. I looked behind me and saw geno-morphs running up behind us- getting very close.
"More behind us." I told SB, who let Robin and I pass as he stomped the staircase down so the creatures couldn't reach us.

A/N: I can't thank u enough for 100 reads! I know its probably kinda redundant rn cuz you've probably seen the show but I promise there'll be time in between when there at school, home or just hanging out at mt. J. It'll get better. I have a bunch of ideas so just keep reading. XOXO😘😘

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