Chapter 29

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Lauren's pov
The rest of the ride went smoothly. Thank god! I don't think I can handle anymore drama today. Jake and I enjoyed each others silence since neither of us knew what to say. Especially after the moment we had. We ended up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods and a trail way.

"You ready?" He questions already getting out of the car. I nod excitedly and get out of the car. We head down the trail side by side. Neither speaking because we were enjoying the scenery to much. The tall dark trees towered over us blocking the blue sky above, but sunlight shines through the branches lighting up the forest floor.

     " you know usually a girl wouldn't come out here with a guy they don't really trust." Jake says breaking the silence. " I trust you... kind of." I exclaim looking at the ground. The roots overlap onto the trail making it very hard not to trip and fall on your face, unless your constantly watching where your walking. And I don't need to look to know Jakes giving me a look of disappointment.

   "What do you mean kind of?" He questions still giving me the look. I sigh stopping. I look up to the sky and then to Jake," I trust that you'll protect me physically, but emotionally I can't trust you." I say. Jake knowing what I mean nods and continues walking. I follow slowly behind leaving Jake to his thoughts.

    We continue the path till the dirt trail turns to rock and the thick forest clears into a clearing over the ocean. I gasp in awe at the view overwhelming amazement is the only way I can describe it. "You like it?" Jake asks. I answered with simple nod because I'm speechless. "Good!" Jake chirps obviously glade I like it.

    The warm breeze blows past me bring the scent of fresh air. I close my eyes taking everything in. I take deep breathe in and when I breathe out I let go of all the stress and crap that happened today. "You were right..." I whisper opening my eyes. I look over to Jake who's staring at me with bright eyes.

   "what?" Jake asks chuckling. I smile staring back at him,"This is paradise." I smile. Jake smiles back and walks closer to me. I feel jakes presence besides me anxious and a little angry. I know he wants to say something about our conversation on the trail, but he remains salient knowing better to not ruin the moment.

    I mentally thank him and return back to the view. I do want to talk more about our previous conversation, but maybe tomorrow. I'm suddenly I'm shaken out of my thoughts by my growling stomach. Jake and I look at each other and can't help but laugh. " yea we should probably go before a bear mistakes you stomach for another bear." Jake shakes his head laughing. I nod laughing in agreement.

  We head back to the car and I feel new and refreshed. I don't how it happened, but it just did and it feels amazing. When we reach the car Jake passes the car door and heads to the trunk and opens it. Confused I head to the trunk as well. To my surprise Jake had put a picnic basket, pillows, blankets in my trunk. How he did this without me knowing I have no idea. "How did you do this?!" I squeal jumping like a kid in a candy shop.

   "I'm secretly a ninja." He whispers making me laugh. " thank you Jake! For all of this it's been the worst day made the best day ever." I smile trying not tear up. "Of course Lauren." Jake smiles pulling me into a hug.

  I hug him back, but pull away immediately when I smell it. " Is that... PIZZA?!?!?!?" I squeal again. Jake cringes at my high pitched sequel. Jake nods releasing me from our hug and opens the basket and my favorite pizza is in there. "How'd you know my favorite pizza!!!" I jump around like a crazy person.

   Jake watches trying not to fall over laughing. "Oh my god I wasn't expecting this at all!" I yell still running around. Jake laughs," I wasn't sure if I was right because who in the world like Hawaiian pizza." He makes a disgusted face. I halt staring at him," what did you just say." My voice venomous.

Immediately wishing he could take back what he said." nothing I said Hawaiians the best." He smiles showing all his teeth trying to hide that fact he's scared as fuck. I smirk putting my hands on my hips," that's what I thought." I chirp skipping over to him to grab the pizza from him. I take a a blanket out of the car and lay it on the ground.

   I sit down while Jake grabs me some pizza and a root beer. He sits beside me and we watch the sun start to go down. I look at Jake his face glowing from the golden light of the setting sun making his perfectly chiseled face even more perfect... if that's even possible. The sun also showed the little blonde highlights in his hair. 

    As we ate we talked about random stuff like favorite shows and artists. Soon enough we're done with dinner and we decide it's probably a good time to head home. We packed up the stuff and climbed in the car and stared at the sunset for a little bit longer. The ride home was so peaceful I ended up falling asleep. And before I knew it we were passing the high school.

"How'd you sleep?" He asks giving me a quick look. "I slept fine. How was driving without my entertainment." I tease making Jake smile. He chuckles when he answers," don't flatter yourself princess. your to pretty for that.". I feel my cheeks getting warm and look out the window.

  That was probably the first time I really didn't care that he called me princess. Oh no it's wearing on me... I'm so doomed. "We're here." Jake speaks up getting me out of thoughts. "Oh sorry I was just in my thoughts I guess." I fake laugh hoping that I don't sound like a crazy person. Jake laughs and gets out of my car.

    I follow climbing out of my baby and follow him to my front door. "Thank you Jake today was amazing I couldn't ask to spend with anyone else." I smile looking in his eyes. He smiles back before saying," of course. Have a good night." He starts to leave, but I grab his hand.

   Jake looks at me confused. I'm confused i don't know why I did that. I let go of his hand,"have goodnight Jake I'll see tomorrow." I say unable to look in the eye stare behind him. He nods and heads home. I rush inside shutting the door behind me. I lean on the door. "What the hell just happened"
"Hello Lauren."

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