Chapter 20

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I was lost for words I was completely overwhelmed and completely confused. What the hell!! So many questions raced through my head it made me dizzy I sat down on my bed. The room was dark except for the light of the moon coming from my window. More questions flooded my mind and all I knew is that these questions needed to be answered now. I got up and tried to make it to my door with out tripping over something and dying. Finally I made to my door and I opened the door and slipped into the hall I quietly went back down the hall to Nicks room to check on Jordan who was passed out I couldn't blame her I was tired myself but I needed answers and I needed them now. I closed the door quietly trying not to wake Jordan whose a very light sleeper. Oh god if she knew she'd flip shit and most likely would kill Jake before I could say anything. I'll tell her in the morning hopefully when she's not awake enough to kill anyone. I slowly shut the door And silently but swiftly went back down the hall to my room when I got in I turn on a light blinding myself with the brightness of light flooding my vision I blinked a couple times adjusting to the light. finally I move to the window unlocking it the window I open it. As soon as I open the window a burst of cold air surrounds me. I shiver wishing I picked a better option for clothing seeing shorts and T-shirts just weren't enough for a cold Cali night. I look over to see Jakes lights were off. Dam it Jake!! The one night I need to talk to you your sleeping, but as I looked closer I could see the glow of light probably a television. Slowly and cautiously I put one leg then both legs outside my window letting them hang in the cold night air. it's fucking freezing. I have the urge to change but I'm scared I might fall. And to scared to jump to a closed window I start yell whispering if that's even a thing,"JAKE... JAKE..." No answer. I try again a little louder this time hoping for a response so I could get out of the cold," JAKE, JAKE, JAKE..." I wait for any sign of human life And finally a light flicks on and a shirtless Jake appears at the window. His half awake facial expression changes to a shock/ worry expression," What the hell are you doing that's not safe please get back inside I'll come over just get back inside." He slurs still not completely awake. I think about it but say,"No Jordan's here she's asleep, but she'll wake up if she hears us and let me tell you she's not happy with you well neither am I." I stay placed on the window giving a determined look to Jake who leaning almost out his window trying to be close to me incase I fall,"Okay, okay I understand I'm not happy with myself either just come over here I don't feel comfortable with you on the edge of a windowsill on the third floor of a house where you can fall to your death." His voice shaky and his face still has a worried concern look that makes me relax a little bit, but looking down at the ground so far away from me makes me dizzy and forces me to grip tighter to the window. I look at Jake and back at the ground and back at Jake, "okay move over I'm come over." I pull slightly back into my warm room still thinking maybe it'd be easier for Jake just to come over here, but how would I explain the dead body to my parents and the cops ugh. So I pull myself up so my feet rest on the windowsill putting me in a squatting position so I can jump I think of all the ways this could go wrong and how I'd still have to get back in my room. A gust of wind blows and I shiver again the goosebumps completely cover my skin as I sit there freezing my ass off. Tired of being cold and anxious from being on the third floor windowsill I jump before giving it more thought because we all know if I did most likely I'd be there forever. I push off from the window extending my body towards jakes window trying to keep my eyes open and not shutting them just hoping to make it I roughly but still landing on jakes windowsill I quickly pull myself in with the help of Jake I quickly get into the warm room. I move away from the window and Jake shuts it and turns towards the shivering and heart racing  me. Still shirtless Jake moves towards me touching my shoulder slightly I feel his hands they were warm and soft, but I pull away. His frown deepens, " I'm really sorry Lauren I know you don't believe me and I don't blame you if you don't I wish there was a way to show you how sorry I am, but believe me when I say I do like you I have for awhile now." He stays where he his trying not to move towards me know I'd move away again and he gives me a look of apology and redemption. I want to tell him it was okay that I for give him, but instead, " I'm not here about that I'm here about the letter you left me." I cross my arms over my chest and give him a questioning look. He runs his hand through his already messy hair and takes a deep breath before saying," Oh yeah about that..." for the first time tonight he looks everywhere except at me. He stands there thinking about what to say next, but with it being so late and my patience thinning away I take his face in my hand and make him look at his eyes looked nervous and sad I wanted to comfort him but," Jake I am tired and confused please just tell me WTF that letter was about." Jake takes another deep breathe and looks me straight in the eyes, " okay but you might want to sit down."

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