Chapter 21

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"What do you mean my brother was a gang leader!" I stood up and sat back down my throat dry, my mind racing it just doesn't make sense. " I know you and your brother were super close, but there's a lot he didn't tell you." Jake said carefully like I was a ticking time bomb and I was about to explode. I stood up again and started pacing back and forth. Jake watched with worry staring at me waiting for me to blow. I wanted to scream in frustration this can't be true he has to be lying my brother was good a little sketchy but a good person. I know my brother he could never be a gang leader . But then the memory came back the same memory of seeing Jake in nicks room with all their friends they were hiding something. I had let it go for the time being , but with all this craziness my mind wanders to something. And the more I think about it a fire starts in my stomach and I actually do feel like I am going to explode the anger bubbles up till I can't take it anymore, " your telling me my brother is... was a gang leader. And who all was in this "gang"? And what did this gang do?...Were you part of it?" I take deep breath and start pacing again Jake still watching me. Which let me say talk about creepy and Is seriously making me annoyed. Finally he takes a deep breath and says slowly,"Yes your brother was a gang leader. I can't tell you who was in the gang and what we did if I told you you would see him differently and I can't change the way you saw your brother." I stopped pacing I had my arms crossed more anger started bubbling up," all your saying is you can't so what can you tell me?" Frustration and anger cover my tone how can he tell me this and then leave the rest a mystery. " I can tell you that Nick loved you so much and he never wanted you to know about this." I noticed that Jake had kept his space and wasn't making eye contact with me he was definitely holding something back " what aren't you telling me." I move closer to him. He stares at the ground and I stare at him I see something in him snap and he changes. He finally looks at me his glare cold and distant," you don't ask questions I tell you what I want and I don't have anything else to tell you so unless you want something else." He moves closer and wraps his arm around my lower back moving his hand lower. I push away I look at him with disgust," your an ass and a prick. Just leave me alone no matter what Nick told you I don't need you." And I turn and leave not saying another word.
The next morning Jordan came down stairs to find me in the kitchen drooling over my coffee. After my little talk with Jake last night I couldn't sleep there was to many questioned that still needed to be answered my whole perspective of my brother changed I thought I knew him, but now I wonder if the brother I knew wasn't even real. "You look awful." Jordan says snapping me out of my thoughts. "Wow thanks Jay love you too." I smirk knowing how she hates the nickname jay because she feels like a dude when someone calls her that. I find it hilarious how flustered she gets over it. "I told you never to call me that ever again you know how much I hate it I feel like a dude being called that like how do you get Jay from Jordan. Your lucky I love you or else I'd kick your ass. I still will I'm warning you now." She rants with her hands on her hips all in one breathe she gives me the warning glare. Oh how I love my Jordan when she gets feisty it's refreshing. Thanks to Jordan I feel much better and a little evil. So I stand up ready to run when I say," Hahahaha okay okay I get it I'm sorry jay jay." And I run out of the kitchen with an angry Jordan chasing after me.

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