Chapter 23

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After being chased around by Jordan again we got dressed and went to Starbucks. Today it was super hot so we sat outside with our skateboards and drank ice coffee's it was perfect until she asked, " so have you talked to you know who." Immediately I knew she was talking about Jake Ughhhh I hate when my best friend asks all the questions not to ask, but I can't lie to her, but I know how she's going to react. But I have to tell her now," okay I can't lie to you so I saw him last night." I couldn't even look at her. I felt the stare of a mix of shock and anger. "You whattttt! When? Where? How? Why?" She basically screams making people look at us, making me feel very uncomfortable and wanting to run back to my room and hide under my blankets. After everyone looked away and I got over my mini panic attack I finally looked at my angry best friend and slowly said,"Last night when I went to go grab nicks sweater from my room I found a note on my desk from Jake." " whatttt he was in your house! What type of sicko weirdo does that like I would call the cops on his ass just cause your neighbors and you guys have window opposite of each other doesn't mean he can use it oh my god." She cut me off yelling making more people look at us again. god she has to stop doing that! I gave her a look and she sat back in her chair and sipped her drink and pausing incase she had any last outburst words I continued," yes Jake was in my house and the note said something ummm definitely shocking and unbelievable and weird, but I had to know what he meant and I had to talk to him so I climbed through the window and he told me some even more unbelievable and shocking stuff... about Nick."  I could just see the questions in Jordan's head racing around. " Okkayyyy say something before you explode." I say probably not the best idea seeing my best friend is crazy. "What did the note say why was it so unbelievable and shocking and weird that you had to go see him you couldn't wait are you sure it's not because you like him and what'd he say? What did he say about Nick?Was he shirtless? How'd he act? Like a normal douche bag? Was his hot cousin Nick there? Was he shirtless?!?" She bursts out in one breathe. I think about what she said because half of it was rushed blabber that I couldn't understand," okay no I do not like him, I'll show you the note later,he said some crazy stuff, and yes he was shirtless, he surprised me he wasn't a douche he was caring... okay he was a little douchie, no his cousin wasn't there that would just be weird,and of course he was shirtless!" I said taking a deep breathe cuz it was a lot to say. Jordan looked like the thinking emoji 🤔 making me laugh when she finally said," okay okay here's a really important question... how much of a god body does he have because Jessica says its Greek god all chiseled and perfect, but Ashley says its not as good as Justin Dasher sports god body." Oh how my friend can't be serious for five minutes. " To be honest... he's on his own level like not Greek, but better then Justin's." I laugh at our conversation how it can go from serious to silly in an instant," wow really see I'd say Greek god like come on babe you said to be honest but we both know that wasn't honest just look at these baby's." Say's a voice from behind me. I mentally groan ' god why do you hate me'. I turn around to find the one and only Jake Collins lifting his shirt to show his hard rock Abs. "How much did you hear. And please put your shirt down."From a distance you can her girls squealing and you can feel the death glares of jealous boyfriends glaring at Jake. "Oh just long enough to hear you confess your undying love to me." He smirks showing off his dimples. I roll my eyes," you wish."Jordan was in a state of shock and anger she wasn't sure if she wanted to beat him up which obviously would fail cause this guy has something serious muscles or lick food off his stomach. Her eyes showed anger, but the drool coming from her mouth said otherwise,"Jordan. Boyfriend." I huffed and she snapped out off her daze. " it's okay princess don't be jealous you can't blames the girls for wanting a piece of this." Jake smirks at Jordan and winks making me groan a loud this time. Can this guy ever not be a narcissus," never in a million years asshole." I spit," come on Jordan lets go." I grabbed my skateboard and started walking away when Jake grabbed my board from me," hey what the hell Jake!" I shouted at him," dam princess I didn't know you skated." He said examining my board. My blood started boiling again," there's a lot you don't know about me." I snapped and grabbed my board from him, " come on Jordan." I barked we skated off and Jake called out," see you soon princess." I shouted back," In your dreams Collins."" Can't wait." He shouted I answered by flipping him off.
" Oh I have an idea!" Jordan says excited. After Starbucks and dealing with Jake we went shopping. It was fun and relaxing, but my blood was still boiling so we were sitting in my room trying to figure out what we can do to get my anger out. I look over at Jordan who's trying to balance on the big yoga ball in the corner of my room," okay what?" I ask while laying on my bed," let's go to the corner." The corner is this big abandoned factory that was transformed into a fighting ring where people go to train and have matches and make money. Nick started taking Jordan and I a couple years before he died. We both could make a lot by doing matches but we're both already wealthy so what's the point. Plus Nick would never let us. She hops off the ball and runs to jump on my bed landing next to me," it'll get that anger out of both of us." She says," yea, but I haven't been since Nick died that was like our place ." I say a little upset now we started going with Nick, but after a while when Nick went to college the two of us went together, but when Nick died we stopped going completely. Jordan shook her head at me and sighed," okay but after what you told me about him are you really going to let him hold you back still?" She asks a little anger hints her voice. Once we got back to my house I told her what Jake said and showed her the note at first she didn't believe me, but just like me she started piecing the the pieces together and she started yelling  then cried and now she's just as mad as I am. I think about it for a second and finally come to a conclusion,"your right!" I jump out of bed,"let's go."

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