Chapter 11

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I wake up in a coughing fit of pain jolting up trying to catch my breath. I look around the dark room, but a little glow of the moon was coming in through the curtains. I check my phone it was only 9 o'clock. I walk over to my window opening it to pear outside the warm air blew past me. I felt bad for how I ended things with Jake and decided I owed him more time to explain himself. So I called his phone, it rang and rang and rang. I started to think he went to bed as the call went to voicemail. I pear over into his room the the lights were off and there was no movement to be seen 'dam I really fucked up' I laid my hand on my chin wishing I thinking about how rude I was to jake maybe he was tell the truth. But that's such an idiotic idea to try and solve my problem. But at least he tried something, all I do is let it happen I gave up fight a long time ago. " Lauren!" I jump almost hit my head on the window. Over the way Jake was leaning on his window ledge watching me, he was shirtless and wearing black sweatpants so I averted my eyes quickly before getting distracted. " I've been trying to get your attention for over two minutes now." Annoyance runs in his voice jabbing my heart a little. " sorry I got caught up in my thoughts." I say looking at my hands fiddling with my hands feeling a tad awkward. " yea, whatever. What do you want?" He's pissed at me I can tell. " I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I shouldn't of snapped at you when you were just trying to explain yourself." I look at him finally. His face was tense with anger my words weren't doing anything to help. "Can you come over please?" I beg really feeling guilty about the whole situation now. " why should I? So you can yell at me some more? No thanks!" He leans back from the window into the darkness of his room. "Wait!" I plead, "I just want to talk, no arguing. I promise!" I hold my hands together in a begging motion hoping he'd see how bad I felt and would come over. He shakes his head and sighs. "Whatever." Before I know it he's climbing out his window and hoping into mine. Dam it's even more impressive he does it, he should really be in some sort of fitness challenge type thing. He climbs in his abs and all goodness of his body. My mouth starts to water just looking at him before I shake myself out of my daze. " I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you before instead of listening and believing you I cut you off because it's hard for me to believe someone would put effort into my issues." I fidget around feeling uncomfortable being honest with. "Yea well thanks for showing me never to help anyone out again." Jake leaning again the frame of my window, his arms crossed and tense, his stare cold and empty. He's kinda scary like this, I mean I've seen him like this plenty of times and it's scary then. But somethings about this is worse seeing I'm in a vulnerable state and I'm the reason he's being like this. "Well can you see where I'm coming from?" I ask trying a reasoning method rather then just pleading for forgiveness. " yes, I can and I do agree with what you said. But you didn't even think that i was just trying to help. Yea my methods weren't completely reasonable, but I'm not used to this type of shit." His voice deep and frustrated. I take my chance and step towards him slowly, his body tenses up and his muscle flex. Oh god, those muscles ' stop getting distracted Lauren!'. " I'm sorry." I whisper stepping closer to him making little space between us. " yea we'll sorry is just a word it doesn't change anything." He moves off the window stepping towards me his body towering over me like tidal wave. " it changes the fact I wish I didn't say what I said." I say peering up at him. The room was dark, but the moonlight shined through the windows made it dim enough to see his perfectly chiseled face. And his dreamy dark eyes that could swallow me whole at any second. " I'm sorry." I repeat, breathing heavy at the close proximity he is at. " yea I know you are. Will you stop saying that already." He say rolling his eyes. His voice not as rough and menacing now, " I will say my plan was idiotic and not really helpful, but I like I said I'm not used to this help thing I'm usually the one causing issues not trying to solve them." He smirks. " I understand and I'm sorry for snapping I'm not used to anyone trying to help." I show a smile back at him. He stares at me deeper, " Lauren..." his voice soft losing any anger it had before. "Yes..." I mumble losing focus of everything as I feel myself getting lost in his eyes. I don't even notice his hand on my waist, " I... I just wanted to... umm." He stumbles for words. " uh huh." I rise to my top toes to reach closer to his face as he leans down closer to mine. His breathe warm on my face. We just stare before my eyes close and his lips touch mine. Soft and smooth he kisses me wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me deeper into the kiss. A burst of feelings appear pushing me into his face making the kiss harder and more intense. He pulls away to soon for my liking. He looks at me," I wanted to do that."

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