Chapter 12 | Game on

Start from the beginning

She was a beautiful woman, her soul was as beautiful as her... however she was poor and had nothing. She was humble, and although she had nothing, she had something the rich man didn't have; Happiness.
The two met, and instantly fell in love. She gave him happiness and in return, he gave her the world. She taught him how to be humble, reasonable and grateful. Their relationship was perfect.

Almost too perfect...

The woman soon became greedy, she had become cold. Her love for the man was overpowered with her love for material. She had lost her heart. Yet the man still loved the woman with all his heart.
The woman wanted to test the love the man had for her, so she told him to bring her something she doesn't have in the space of 3 days. After 2 days of thinking, the man had thought of it. She didn't have a heart.
On the last day, the woman waited for her partner to prove his love. The man walked up to his love, kissed her cheek, and spoke.
"My love, I give you something you don't have, to prove my love to you. I give you a heart."
In one swift motion, he ripped his heart from his chest and gave her his heart.

The woman was furious, she had wanted something material, something valuable! Snatching the dagger from his belt, she stabbed the heart, instantly killing him.
In a moment, she had realised what she had done. She had been blinded by greed and killed her one, true love. With sadness filled in her greedy heart, she then lived a life of despair and depression, until one day, she had stabbed her own heart so she could finally be with her love once again.

The book was my personal favourite, and Jimin had ruined it. He had snatched it from me, and threw it in a freshly made rain puddle, soiling the pages. It broke me, ofcourse there were other copies of the book, but it was my favourite because Jackson had given it to me for my birthday. A piece of Jackson was gone, a piece of my childhood was gone.
A piece of my heart was gone.

Even though I had been put through pain, none if it compares to this. It's as if all of my heart had hoped Jackson changed, the hope I had has drained. I can't help but think, maybe I was just a game. I was a toy. All those times he said he loved me was a lie. All those times he apologised for bullying me was all an act. All the times we shared beautiful moments was just part of his game. The game he won.

"Who says you lost?" Wonho shrugged, fidgeting with his fingers.
"What do you mean?" I sniffed, rubbing my eyes.
"You keep saying it's a game, and he won..." He started, mumbling.
"Just say it Wonhoe!" Minhyuk screamed playfully, desperately trying to figure out what his friend is thinking.
"He hasn't won yet. The bet, it was 6 months only right? What if you make him stay with you for over 6 months... make him fall in love with you so he loses the bet!" Wonho spilled, followed by complete silence.
"Wonho that's a little...." I mumbled, unsure.
"Genius!" Minhyuk yelled, slapping Wonho on the back.
"I don't know guys... I don't think I can do it." I thought, wiping my eyes.
"It's perfect Mark, he'll lose the bet, you'll win. Payback for playing you." I.M commented.
"How?" I asked, starting to like the idea.
"Turn bad as-" Minhyuk said, but was interrupted by a slap from his boyfriend.
"Language!" Hyungwon screamed.
"I'm just saying, play with him. Dress up hot, go to the gym, lead him on. Make him jealous, make him feel like you're going to leave him... he'll get desperate and start to realise how much he needs you. That's when you'll get him." Minhyuk explained, cuddling up to Hyungwon.
"I don't know where I'm going to get help- wait! I got it! Thanks guys!" I yelled before saying goodbye (and maybe some 'I love you's).

Don't get me wrong, I'm still very upset. I'll never get over it. My chest still tightens whenever I hear his name, I still cry every time I think of him and my throat dries every time I look out my window. Jackson has broken me, and it's time for payback.

Text message from : Wang Puppy ❤️
Hey Baby, I hope you have a good day today. I love you xx

What a liar. A stupid, inconsiderate liar! 'I love you' Sure he does. Sure he loves me. So I sent one back.

To: Wang Puppy ❤️
I will.

I know I'm going to hurt, but I'm going to hurt him. Just like he hurt me.

Text message from: Wang Puppy ❤️
What's wrong? Babe?

Babe. Funny.

To: Wang Puppy ❤️
Nothing baby xx

Oh, it's more than nothing.
After wiping my tears and calming myself down, I rang someone who knows exactly how to dress desirable.


"Yo Kookie, grab the boys and meet me at the shopping centre in half an hour." I spoke into the phone, looking out my window.
"Okay, what for?" Jungkook asked, after yelling at the others to get in the van.
"A little fun." I smirked.

Game on Jackson Wang.

Anyways, have a good one :)
-Dimsum xxoo

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