Chapter 38.

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Madoka opened her eyes to feel a slight relaxation. Even from all that had happened - between the conflict of Lauren and Mathew, and having Max gone, to have Lauren somewhere where unknown.

She sat up from the bed she laid on to realize that she was in Darlene's room. She looked down to see Mathew and Lauren both sleeping on the floor.

She rarely remembered anything.

She swung her legs off the side of the bed and looked down upon Darlene.

Her pigtails were messy and didn't even looked brushed, while Mark's short hair looked slightly brushed, but still had a bed head.

She looked down at herself to see that she was still in the same outfit from yesterday.

Madoka sighed and whispered, "Darlene?"

Darlene sat up from the carpet floor, her eyes rarely open and her hair in her face. "Wha?" She groaned as she rubbed her tired eyes.

They quickly widened as she looked up to see Madoka awake, "Sleep well?"

Madoka nodded with a small and nervous smile.

Darlene gave a smile back as she turned around to see Mark silently sleeping.

She stood up from the floor and called Madoka over, "We should get ready," she said as she walked into her bathroom. "Mark told me that Lauren ran away and Max in with some old man."

Madoka giggled as she followed Darlene.

Darlene widened her eyes as she stared at her crazy hair from when she slept. She untied her pigtails and grabbed her brown brush, slowly brushing the tangles out.

Madoka felt a bit uncomfortable, mainly because she had a million unanswered questions. Why did Max go with that man? And, Did Lauren's father forced to do that? Or was he just bored?

She cleared her throat before speaking, "Has your dad ever put harm to you?"

Darlene looked back from holding the rubber band with her teeth as she brushed her hair. She spit out the rubber band and continued to do her hair. "No, why?" She asks. "Something happen?"

Madoka held her hands in front of her nervously, "Well um," she started, "Lauren ran away because Mathew slapped her across the face. Hardly."

Darlene stopped and let all of her hair fall to her sides. She turned over and stared at Madoka with wide eyes. "What?" She said with surprise. "Mathew would never . . . That doesn't make any sense." She said as s he looked down at her own hands.

Imagining how buff Mathew was, if he were to slap Lauren she must've been hurt, badly.

She sighed and looked over at Madoka. "It has to do something with what happened to you." She said. "None of this adds up."

Madoka sighed as she held her shirt tightly with her hand.

Does this have to do with Max and Mark? Darlene questioned herself. Guess I'll have to ask . . .

This probably links up to this scientists thing Max is worried about. It just has to.

Rewritten Version: @doodledumpWhere stories live. Discover now