Chapter 5.

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          "So you went out by yourselves to find out what happened to past scientists?" Lauren asks the twins, while arching an eyebrow and tilting her head to the side. "That's stupid." She said coldly.

Lauren and the boys sat across from each other on Mark's bed. The covers were a dark green, almost like Max's eyes. Some of the pillows were dark grey, black or white. Though, Mark never really liked those colours, he only likes it cause his mother picked them out. And they were also her favorite colours...

Max and Mark's mother hasn't been home in the same amount of years of the inventor's lack of creations. That did seem a bit odd, since they both haven't been seen in nine years. But she promised that she was only leaving to find some new ways to build new things for the future. She also told them - Mathew and Max - that she was going to do a bunch of traveling . . . But it's been so long that the twins have lost their faith in their own mother.

Their best friend . . .

"We just wanted to know what happened . . . " Max said with a frown plastered on his face. "We were really curious . . . "

"Uh huh, sure." Lauren said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Max and Mark both give each other a soft and small frown before they both let out a sigh.

         They both had a lot of faith that they would find out what had happened to those scientists. But, it was slowly fading.

Because knowing that there would be a lot of people in their way to cover up those past secrets, it was going to be difficult. Mathew, Lauren, Jason and Mr. Kahler, don't want to talk about what had happened nine years ago.

Even so, Max still wanted to investigate, even if I meant getting himself into serious trouble..

"But whatever. Your problem, not mine." Lauren states coldly, moving herself out from a criss-cross position and hops of Mark's bed. "Night." She said, walking out from their room and cracking the door behind her.

"That's one of the things dad didn't give Lauren," Max points out.

Mark turns his head in Max's direction and sighs, "Which is what?"


Mark chuckles to himself while his brother laughs along with him. "That's for sure." Mark laughs.

After a few long minutes of Mark laughing at Max's statement, it was finally time for the twins to get some shut-eye. Especially from the long day that they've had...

Max lazily tells his brother goodnight while jumping off of his bed. He drags his feet across the carpet floor and lies himself onto the floor.


Max's mom always used to lie outside on the ground at night and stare up at the stars. She sometimes - a lot of the time - fell asleep outside from how long she stayed out there... So, Max being the person he is, decided to start sleeping on the floor, to remember his mother until she comes back. Or if she comes back...

Max pulls up the large red blanket over his body and shifted for a good few seconds before getting comfortable. Mark did the same and stiffly slept on his left shoulder, facing away from anyone that might walk in...


          After hours of silence and pretending to sleep, Max finally opened his eyes. He slowly sat up while rubbing his eyelids with the palms of his hands. He silently yawns and looks over in the direction of his brother.

Mark's arms were both stretched out in two directions, one off the side of the bed and the other was across his chest. His mouth was hung open and a bit of saliva dripped down his chin.

Max slaps his hand over his lips to keep his loud laughs to himself. He snorted before standing up and quietly walking over towards his brother's bed. He knelt down in front of it and poked at Mark's shoulder. "Mark?" Max whispered.

Silent. Dead asleep.

"Markkkk?" Max hummed again in a whisper voice.


Max looks around his room and tries to think of something to wake his dead asleep brother up. He stood up and then, it happened. It came to him. He smirked widely and knelt down in front of Mark's bed once again. He chuckled before taking a deep breath in.

"Mark, look who it is. It's Darlene!" Max said a bit too loud.

Mark jumped up from his deep - dead - slumber and screamed. "Where?!" He shouts, whipping his head around, trying to find the "so-called" Darlene.
Which is one of the girls that Mark really likes from their school.

Mark slowly turns his face towards Max to see him widely grinning. Oh, that idiot... He thought, full of frustrated. "Seriously?" Mark said, his frown twitching.

Max shrugs. "Hey? What can I say? It was the only way to wake you up from your dead sleep."

Mark groans before throwing his pillow at his brother. "I hate you."

"Okay." Max laughs. He stitched off the pillow away from his face before taking a last few more laughs. "But seriously, are you going to give up on me that quickly?"

"What are you talking about?"

Max sighed before rolling his eyes. "The scientists, Mark. Are you going to give up on them."

Mark groans and throws himself back down on his side. "Might as well. We have absolutely no clues and everyone is trying to prevent us from knowing. There's no point, Max. Just give up."


"I know that I was the one who encouraged you to do this but... There's no point. Just... just forget about it..." Mark ranted on.

"You can, but I'm not." Max stated as he threw his brother's pillow back at him.

Mark sighs before throwing the covers back over his head and slamming his eyes shut, trying to get back to his peaceful and quiet sleep.

Rewritten Version: @doodledumpWhere stories live. Discover now