Chapter 30.

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          Mark was a bit confused, but Max understood. Max rolled up his purple jacket and showed Un his three tally marks.

Un widened his eyes and jumps up onto Max, making Max slightly loose his balance. Un held up Max's arm next to his and his eye was wide.

"You . . . Have . . Too?" Un said.
Mark and Max widened their eyes and they almost screamed.

Un tried to speak as he coughed a few times before starting again. 
"You . . . Back . . . Time . . . Three?" Un asks. Or attempts to.

"I went back . . ." Max mumbled until he understood what he was trying to say. "Yes! I went back in time three times!" Max exclaimed with fear and excitement.

Mark almost passed out, "What?"

Max looked back at his brother and sighed. "I was stuck in the same day three times." Max sighed. "I repeated Sunday over and over . . ." He tried to explain. "Do you remember when I passed out after church?"


"Well, whenever that happened, I went back in time." Max said.

Un nodded and looked over at Mark's confused face. "It true." Un said.

Mark frowned. "I had no idea . . ." Mark said with an ashamed expression. "I'm sorry."

"No! No! It's not your fault!" Max said as he held up his hands. "Don't worry about it."

"Walter trying show you that he there." Un said.

"What?" The twins said with surprise.

"We have no seen Walter in year." Un whispers. "I miss Walter."

Max gave Un a worried look and he just stared down at the ground. But then, his face lit up. "Walter left something for you." He shouted. "You must go see!" He smiles.

Un jumped up from the dirt and yanked onto Mark and Max's wrist and ran towards the direction of the barn. Max and Mark stumbled a bit and tripped over their own feet as they tried to keep up with Albert.

In the distance, the twins noticed Eli watching them run. She finally smiled and turned back towards the rest of the group.

Mark yanked his wrist away and stopped in his tracks. Max looked back and saw Mark standing there, his hands in his jeans and his face showed the emotion and thought of: I wanna leave and good luck, bro.

Max looked back to see that they were only a few feet away from the barn.

Un finally stopped and continued to hold onto Max's wrist. Eli, Raymond, John, and Victor all looked up from laughing. "Where ya goin?" John asks, but Un pushes past him and busts through the barn's large door.

Inside was a huge, dark room that had collected dust over the years. The only source of light was the old cracks and breakage in the roof of the barn.  Un slows his walking down so Max could process the area.

"Walter use work here," Un explains, his voice echoing from the building, "He use to love it."

Max turned his head back and forth and looked at the broken down inventions, that looked to be intentionally unfinished. "Do you know where he is?"


Max looked ahead to see the sunlight glaring in at something specific. Un lets go of Max's arm and points his weak hand at the small desk with tiny box on it; the box was small enough to sit on her hand, but not tiny enough to be closed in the palm of one's hand.

Max takes a few nervous steps before standing before the table. There was a button on what seemed like the entrance of the box. Max hesitantly pressed the button and the whole box opened up.

Inside was a projection screen and stretched into the air above him. Max stumbled back with the unexpected surprise as he stared up.

          An old man sat in a desk on the recording. His grey hair was combed back, his wrinkles were on his forehead and under his eyes. And his round glasses circled around his chocolate eyes.

"Max," the man laughed, "I've been watching you, and boy, are you determined!" The man called out.

Un poked Max's shoulder and pointed at he projection and said: "Walter."

Max's eyes widen and his jaw slightly drops.

"You must be confused . . . Well, my name is Walter, and I'm the one who put you through the repetitive day three times." He said, and Max's felt his brain start to pound with confusion.

"Still confused?" Walter grins. "Don't worry I'll explain." Walter pushed back in his chair and pushes the camera down from the recording. "This is my Time Machine." He said, showing the same thing that Un drew for Max.

"Impressive I know." He smirks. "I know. How can I tell who you are even when we haven't even met." He said, moving the camera up to look back at himself. "That's not important. But what is, is why I put you through the loop." He said.

"I wanted to show you that I existed and that I can help." He then frowned. "Sadly, I can't do much. Jackson is 100% against me and I am unable to do anything that revolves in going anywhere." He said and folded his hands together. He sighed, "But, one of these days, sometime this week, I will take you out somewhere privately and we will discuss." He smiled.

"You can't bring Mark or Lauren, either," he said, "You're probably wondering why? Well, this is important to you more than anyone, so, I'm working with you and nobody else."

"This means that you can and can't tell your siblings certain things, understood?"

"I know I may sound harsh, but this is the only way you can help us." Walter smiles innocently. "You're our only hope."

Max silently stared up to see that Walter's smile faded. He sighed as he removed his glasses and rubs the sides of his head. "Make sure to be smart about this, Max. Or there will be consequences." Walter finished, and the projection shot back into the box as it quickly closed.

Rewritten Version: @doodledumpWhere stories live. Discover now