Just as I was about to leave Percy to sleep, I heard a grunting noise. I jerked my eyes back to my boyfriend. He moved his head on the pillow. I gasped.

"Percy?" I said, shaking his head gently. He grunted again, and his head turned to the side and faced me.

"Percy." I said again, inching my face closer to his. Percy's eyelashes fluttered, and the next thing I know, I was staring at a pair of beautiful sea-green eyes.

"Percy!" I pulled him into a hug. When I pulled away, Percy looked at me confused.

"Where are we?" He asked, looking around the room.

"The hospital." I replied gently, rubbing his jaw.

"Um... Why?" That's when I started to get a bit angry.

"Because YOU flew off of that stupid motorcycle and crashed into a building!" I said, taking my hand away from his face and crossing my arms. My boyfriend chuckled.

"So you're mad at me?" He asked.

"Of course I am! You had me worried sick! I even thought that you were dead!" I told him. He reached up and took my hand. Then he stared at me. He made his eyes grow bigger and he stuck his lower lip out. Oh gods, he was so cute. Like a baby seal trying to get off of his back.

"Stop staring at me like that!" I told him, pushing his face the other way. But he turned back to me anyway. I laughed, and so does Percy. He looked at me for a couple seconds, then puts his hand on the back of my neck and bringing my face to his. His lips brushed against mine gently. They skimmed over my lower lip, then brushed against my jawline. He leaves a trail of light brushes on my cheek.

"Oh, just kiss me already." I mumbled, grabbing his shirt and pressing my mouth to his.

We kissed for a while, until I heard someone clear their throat. I pulled away and looked beside me. I saw the blonde-haired nurse standing there with her arms crossed. I blushed and sat back in my chair. The nurse walked up to Percy and put her hand on his forehead. He looked awkward- his eyes wide. I wondered why for a second, until I realized that Percy's eyes were level with the nurse's chest. His eyes darted from me to the nurse's chest, back and forth. Thankfully, the nurse pulled away and looked at the clipboard that she was holding. She wrote something, then looked at me.

"So, how is he?" I asked. The nurse chewed her gum loudly.

"Fine. No broken bones, but I few cuts and scrapes. Oh, and you might want to put some ice on that bump." She said, tossing me a blue ice pack. Then she left.

Percy giggled. I looked at him and laughed, too.

"What?" I asked him, chuckling.

"It's blue." He giggled. I rolled my eyes and pressed the ice pack to his head. It was only a few seconds before the rest of our friends came back into the room.

"Percy!" Thalia said, walking up beside me. He smiled at her.

"Hey, Thals." Katie, Juniper, Silena and Jordyn all left their boyfriends, rushing over to Percy.

"You ok, Perce?" Jordyn asked, putting her hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Yeah." Katie crossed her arms.

"You're such a klutz." She said.

"Yeah, Katie. Hence the name 'Seaweed Brain.'" I said. We laughed, and Percy turned a bit red in the face. At that moment, Connor Stoll burst in. I didn't even notice that he wasn't there.

"Yo, guys. Did you see that hot nurse out there?!" He asked, a smirk on his face. Travis turned to him.

"The one with the blonde hair?" He asked. Connor nodded. "Dude! She is so hot!"

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