26-The True Gryffindor~ Alexandra Evans

Start from the beginning

While I enjoyed my cold shower, my mind was still thinking of my friends. I still had to write back to them before school started all over again. I made a promise to myself that I would do it right away so that I knew it would be done. If I didn't do it soon, I would get too caught up in other things that would make me forget. That was one thing that I really didn't want to forget about. They were my friends and I didn't want them to worry.  

When I got out of the shower, I once again avoided looking at my scars as I pulled the clean clothes on. I put my hair up into a french braid and gave myself a short look in the mirror. I couldn't help but stop and look a bit closer at myself after the quick glance. My face was a ghostly pale that made me almost think that I was less than a ghost of the past me. The usual scar on my cheek was even paler then the rest of my face, making it as white as snow. My blue eyes were filled with worry. It was obviously from my previous heat exhaustion. 

I ripped my eyes away from the mirror and made sure that I had my bobby pin in my hair, just as a precaution. I took a few long strides over into my room and found a few pieces of paper and a pen. With my supplies, I took a seat at my desk and did my quickest possible job of writing letters to my friends and my godfather. It took a bit longer because of my dyslexia and my new found habit of writing so I could understand it. My writing was very messing as I struggled to get the right letters. I often crumpled up the papers and had to throw them away. 

After an hour or two though, I had finished the letters and sent them off with Midnight explaining a few things and the fact that my letters would be very infrequent and slow. Once this was done, I headed up to the top deck to see what was happening. What I was not expecting was to see everyone struggling to secure a really big statue of a goddess I guessed to by Athena. It was actually sort of disturbing. Definitely something I wasn't use to seeing. 

I climbed down off the ship and headed down into the hole that we were hovering over. I saw Annabeth arguing with a giant spider lady that I remembered form my vision. I was slowly walking towards them when spider lady fell into an opening hole in the ground. No one seemed to even notice that I was there. 

Percy raced forwards to greet her and I was almost there. Suddenly, just as Percy reached her, a spiderweb shot out and hit Annabeth's ankle. She was suddenly pulled into the hole, with Percy just barely holding onto her. I raced after them and stopped just at the edge as the two fell into the gaping hole. I had already made up my mind on what to do when some one else yelled at me. It was proof that I just needed to do what I had thought of. 

"Don't do it, Alex!" Hazel screamed out as loud as she possibly could. I just shook my head and looked back at them once more. Everyone else was struggling to make sure that the statue of Athena was properly secured on the ship. Hazel was hanging off of the rope ladder while she yelled at me. 

"I'm sorry, this is something that I just have to go for!" I screamed back before diving straight into the hole, not giving it a second of hesitation. Up in the firm ground, I heard multiple screams before I was too far down to hear. The wind was strong enough to take my breath away, if I hadn't been gifted by Zeus that is. 

I turned into a straight dive down, in hopes to catch up with Percy and Annabeth before we actually landed. I let no screams out from my mouth as I dove into the unknown, there was no way that would waste my breath on that. Only moments later, I was catching up to Annabeth and Percy. Both of whom were screaming in horror as they fell. They were holding hands tightly as they just kept falling and falling.  

While falling not too far away from them, I was looking around on the walls of the cavern. There was a piece a mirror that I saw for only a fraction of a second, but it was enough time to make me wonder about what I saw. My eyes had looked like they were actually a beautiful violet colour. As much as I wanted to take another look, the mirror was gone before I was even sure I'd seen it. I just shook the thought away, knowing that it was just my eyes messing with me. 

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