Chapter 13

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Cailey's Pov
Jack and I are now heading back to the college. We rode rides,ate, and just had a blast. "Did you have fun?" He asks me "yes! Thank you so much Jack" "anything for you" he smiles at me. We soon get to our dorm building.

"Thank you again jack for an amazing night" I say once we get to his floor "no problem Cailey,ill probably see you tomorrow right?" "Yeah probably" "okay bye" "bye". As I walk up to my dorm I get a text from an unknown number.
U~ come in tomorrow for an interview at noon at the Nike store.
I jump up and down once I hit my floor. I literally run to my dorm door and walk in but soon stop as I see Cameron and some girl on top of him making out on his bed. They jump apart when they heard the door. "Who's this?" The girl asked Cameron "Ashley this is Cailey my roommate,Cailey this is Ashley my um girlfriend" He says scratching his head. "Oh um hi nice to meet you, I'll just grab some stuff and crabs at Jacks,so you guys can have some alone time" I smile and grab a backpack. I pack a nice outfit,shoes,makeup and my curling iron,charger,blanket and undergarments. "But first in getting in the shower and into pajamas" i grab my pajamas out of my dresser and go to the bathroom. After my shower I get dressed in adidas leggings,a sports bra,and tank top, that's all from Pink. I blow dry my hair and put it in a messy bun. I walk out to have Ashley and Cameron just talking but immediately stop when I come out. I pull on socks and slip on my slides. I grab my backpack and phone. "See you guys later" and I walk right out. I got to the 3rd floor and find jacks dorm. I knock "chase get that please!" I hear jack yell I mentally shake my head. "Um who are you?" "Um I'm here for Ja-" I got cut off by jack himself "Cailey what are you doing here?" He asks "well Cameron had his girlfriend over for the first time and so I just packed up stuff and came here,so can I crash?" "Oh yeah of course" he lets me in. I tell him about the interview and I swear he was happier than me. We soon go to bed,me and jack cuddle in the same bed. He's very comfortable actually. "Jack" I whisper to him as we lay there in the dark "yes?" "Um I um I like you"

Jacks Pov
She said it omg "I like you too Cailey" I whisper back I can see her sparkling eyes in the dark. "Really?" She whispers back and lays her head on my chest. "Yes, I've liked you since we've met" I feel her smiling "so will you be my girlfriend?" I whisper/ask her. "No" she whispers I was in shock she just told me she likes me "I want to jack". "You scared me Cailey" "I know but It was funny" she chuckles lightly. I mentally shake my head and kiss her forehead, and we're soon asleep. She's finally mine!!!
Was this soon enough???😂

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