Startled Before Noon

Start from the beginning

"Would Fain take it?" Taria's voice broke Lothar's mental revival of the scenario and the King looked up quickly at his sister.

"What's that?"

"Would Fain have taken it?" Taria repeated enunciating clearly to her groggy brother.

Lothar scrapped his fingers through the beard hair on his cheeks, "She wouldn't have been able to read it, the text is in old elvish manuscripts. It's missing pages, scores of blemishes, its so old the cover is even bound in some hide I can't identify."

"It's not here," Taria spoke quite frankly. Skirting past her brother she returned to the side of the bed Fain had claimed the night before. Examining it closely she could only frown feeling the fabrics cold from hours of not being touched, "And neither is she."

Running his short nails along his scalp brushing the bed head of brown hair back from his face Lothar gave a long sigh and walked past the tray of empty tea and stale conffections, "She couldn't have gone far, it was pitch black outside by the time I got her to settle down and sleep. The little monster probably just walked around to clear her head."

"It's nearly ten o'clock now Lothar," Taria shot him a stern look of a mother, "If she went out to search for Khadgar the girl is going to get herself hurt."

"She's a grown woman sister leave it-"

"She is a stranger in our world and hurt she can't just-"

"She can and obviously has searching for that idiot mage-"

"That 'idiot' mage is the only thing we have against the Horde Lothar you need to be-"

"Babysitting constantly eh? They won't even stay in their rooms, Khadgar's room is constantly-"

"His room!" Jumping up Taria swept past her brother without hesitation.

Lothar glowered in his sister's direction, "What?"

"I didn't check his room!" Taria responded excitedly as she hurried out of the room.

"Really?" Lothar grimaced at his sister's narrow vision of Fain's whereabouts but followed the Queen regardless.

With purpose Taria marched herself across the keeps canal being asked by multiple guards if the Queen was in need of something. Lothar dismissing them one by one insisting he and his sister were just taking a walk even at Taria's frantic pace. Extending his stride to catch up with her feverish pace Lothar cast a look of confusion to his sibling, "Why are you so worried about one woman?"

Jerking up to lock eyes with him she exchanged a bit of a dirty look with a huff, "I'm worried about a very upset woman, because a Queen cares about her people."

Getting the royal duty talk thrown at him only earned a long groan from Lothar. Dusting off every thing she said about rights and duties of kings and queens made him roll his eyes. Disregarding her Lothar strode in front of Taria just enough so as they entered the mage quarters barracks it was him to lead Taria to Khadgar's room.

Expecting it to be empty entirely, Lothar and Taria shared different hopes for when the King was able to jostle the door open.

"Oh thank the gods-" Exhaling deeply Taria held a relieved hand up to her chest and flew over to the curled up woman on Khadgar's bed.

"Hmph," a small snort left Lothar as he found it slightly irking that the woman left his bedroom not only in the dead of night but also without a trace of waking him up.

Entwined in her arms Fain clutched to one of the two bed pillows firmly in her sleep. Taria approached not wanting to startle the sleeping girl. A quirk of a smile broke on her lips as she saw Fain's face mostly covered up in the hem of the blue cape. The majority of the woman covered except her ankles and feet peaking out from under the beryl cape. Careful to seat herself on the other edge of the bed, Taria reached out gently stroking the hair from Fain's pale forehead.

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