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Julie's Pov'

We got there and the area was completely empty. No cars nothing just an empty lot with a big warehouse looking building..

"I'm going in" Rick said I put a hand on his shoulder stopping him. " you shouldn't go in alone" I said. "I'll be fine" He replied and walked into the warehouse. Just when I turned around Daryl went to the side of the building peering inside.

I gave him a 'What the hell are you doing' look and he just shrugged. He walked back over and said "he's already in there" I raised an eyebrow "what?" Hershel asked "The prick was waiting the whole time" I said.

Just then cars came rolling up Daryl and I raised our crossbows as the parked. A Mexican looking guys, Andrea, and a nerd got out of the cars. I glared at Andrea and she gave a confused look. "What the hell's your boy already doing here?" Daryl snapped.

"What Phillip's here?" She asked confused I scoffed "What you didn't know?" I asked "No I didn't what's your problem?"  I glared at her "like you don't know" I said sarcastically She rolled her eyes "well I don't" I looked at her in disbelief "Go ask what your precious Phillip did to me and Maggie yourself" I snapped.

She turned and walked into the warehouse. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the governors other 'Minions'. Daryl said "Great he brought his butler" I couldn't help but laugh at his comment.

" Says the henchman" the one with the glasses said.  "you better watch your mouth sunshine" Daryl snapped I snickered. We heard moaning and we walked over to the noise with the Martinez.

"after you" Martinez said to Daryl "After you" Daryl said I slapped my forehead and shot a walker with my crossbow. Martinez hit a walker's face in with a bat. Daryl shot his crossbow and the arrow went straight through the walkers head.

Martinez was going to kill the last one but I threw one of my knives that was tucked in my belt passed his face and into the walkers skull. I smirked at his expression. I walked over and pulled out the knife and searched the walkers pockets finding cigarettes.

"Daryl catch" I said tossing the cigarettes to him "thanks" he mumbled lighting one and offering Martinez one "nah I prefer Menthols" he said "douchebag" I said.

He glared at me and I just rolled my eyes and walked back over to the warehouse area seeing Milton and Hershel talking "can I see it your stub I mean if I see where the leg was amputated it could provide valuable research" Milton asked Hershel.

"At least buy me a drink first" Hershel responded chuckling. I laughed under my breath and jumped up on the hood of the car and sat. Daryl came back with Martinez and put out his cigarette.

Andrea walked out of the warehouse I snickered at her expression "they kick you out?" I asked her she glared at me but nodded. She sat with Hershel and started talking to him "What did he do to Maggie and Julie? I mean it couldn't of been that bad right?" I heard her ask.

I scoffed and laughed dryly. "he's a sick man" Hershel replied. "Nah he's worse than sick Hershel he's insane" I said "what the hell did he do to you then?" Andrea snapped. "I told you ask your little boyfriend yourself not that he'd tell you the truth" I said calmly.

"no I want to hear it from you" She said stepping closer "you really want to know?" I asked jumping of the hood of the car. "yeah I do" I nodded and handed my crossbow to Daryl.

I pulled the hem of my shirt up and off my head and Daryl, Hershel, and Milton covered their eyes. Daryl hit Martinez and then  Martinez covered his eyes.

I turned around and showed Andrea the three day old whip marks. "That's what he did. and it's not all he did" I stated pulling my shirt back over my head and grabbing my crossbow from Daryl.

Everyone uncovered their eyes. "do you want to know the rest?" I asked her she shook her head no. "why not Andrea don't you want to know the kind of man you've been sleeping with really is?"

I cross my arms over my chest. Just then Rick and the Governor walked out. I sighed and glared at the one eyed man.

He smirked at me and walked over to his car. I came closer to Andrea and whispered "You're either with us or against us there is nothing in between" I walked over to our car and got into the passenger side. Everyone piled in and Andrea got into the Governor's car and everyone drove off.

Us to the prison and them to Woodbury..

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now