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Hey guys thanks for all the read i really appreciate the fact you took the time to read my story it means a lot to me! well here's chapter 4....


~Julie's Pov~ 

I was laying in bed after Daryl had told me that Shane was dead i was thrilled but, when Daryl left I felt guilt.. 

Guilty that it was my fault that he was killed... 

If i hadn't of provoked him then he'd be alive and none of this would have happened. Then again he had no right to attack me like he had what I'm feeling right now is normal it's normal to feel as if the attack was you're fault. 

I sighed and get out of bed i felt lazy because i had been laying in bed staring ay the ceiling for a god hour when i could be helping out with things that needed help.. 

I walk to the dinning area and everyone stops what they're doing wether it's eating or talking and looks at me some glaring and some understanding worst of all pity with a hint of sympathy.. 

I didn't need nor want sympathy let alone pity.. I rolled my eyes and shook off the stares Lori was glaring at me for some odd reason like I had killed her lover and she hated me for it. 

I saw the way Shane looked at her pure lust and love in his eyes. little did i know that Lori and him would walk off in the forest and screw before Rick came back.. 

ahh Rick pore Rick he was totally and completely clueless. heh well i assume he knew but i know he didn't want to admit it Shane was his best friend who would want to admit to some thing like that. 

I was getting tired of Lori's Glare so i said some thing. 

"Ok Lori what the fuck?" she looked at me as if she had no clue what i was talking about. 

"don't play innocent Lori. Stop fucking glaring at me like i did some thing wrong what? are you upset your little lust puppy tried to attack me and had to be killed for stabbing me no? are you just scared that i'll tell everyone what you two did?" 

She looked shocked and i knew she was speechless 

Rick stood and said "what did they do?" 

I smirked "you didn't tell him did you?" 

she gave me a pleading look i shook my head "Carol take the kids out really fast" Rick asked her. 

she did as told and Rick repeated "what did they do?" 

"should you tell 'im or should i?" lori glared at me and i just smirked 

"Lori if you didn't want to be in this mess you shouldn't of continued when he got back for awhile" i said smirking everyone was watching and they were all shocked 

"okay you arnt talking so i will" Rick turned to me and was looking confused "well Rick your apparent loving and caring "loyal" wife here screwed your best friend" Rick's eyes grew wide and he turned to Lori "is this true" 

Lori expression gave it away she glared at me again and i just rolled my eyes she stammered and said "n..no.. Rick..." 

Just as we were getting to the good part the lights shut off we all ran into the "big room" and there stood Dr.Jenner Daryl yelled "what the hell is goin on doc?" 

"thee system is shutting itself down"

"Vi what happens when the power runs out?" i asked the computer she explained i froze 

"H.I.T.s are explosives "" i stated they all turned to me " it sets the air on fire" Dr. Jenner said I sighed and knew that we're going to die.. 

I slid down to the floor and Daryl came to me and said" what does that mean?!" I winced I thought he was going to hit me or something I then said " it means the building will explode" I sighed and Rick yelled for everyone to get their stuff then the doors slid shut and everyone was yelling I drowned out the sound and was lost in thought 

Is this better? 

I know I don't want to go back out there and face the endless world of pain  

I don't want to get torn apart by the dead 

Maybe I'm better off if I stay 

The doors opened again and everyone but me, Jenner, and Jackie. Daryl tuned around and yelled "Julie come on we don't got all day" I froze then said "Daryl get out of here I'm staying" 

His eyes widened and he ran over to me and kneeled downed to me and said " no you ain't you promised we'd find my brother I'm not leaving without you." 

I sighed and said" Daryl I can't go back out there and know that everyone I love and care about will get torn to pieces taken away from me bye the dead just to become one themselves" 

"Jules you can't leave me if you stay it's stay I stay too" I couldn't let Daryl die because of me I sighed and said " Daryl please go now" he shook his head and sat down with me I grabbed his hand and yanked him off his feet and pulled him out of the C.D.C and we ran to his truck and got in we ducked for the explosion 

I leaned my head against the truck door as we drove away a single tear came from my eye I thought 

I have gone threw so much I wanted to die but had to save a life so I stay alive to face the world of  

The Walking Dead 

Everyone has made of zombies and said they'd survive one what we all didn't know is how hard it is. 

You get bit you get put down one shot to the head. You get scratched the same thing happens. You die you die 

Thing haven't changed the world is the same harsh world it's always been just with the dead walking around. 

You die you die it's as simple as that...

The World Goes to Hell // Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now