The Epilogue

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A Year Later...

Beth and I are sitting on our front porch rocking our grandsons to sleep, yes we have grandsons.

I am holding Thomas Dillon Marx, Dj and Maya son. He is strong just like his daddy and grandpa and the next Alpha in line. Little man, you have a lot to learn and I'm going to be here to make sure daddy does it right, which I have no doubt he will.

Beth is holding Nathaniel Lee Marx, Dominic and Lexy son. He is a very active baby,  just like his daddy, so we know he will be involved in sports but he will also be taught just like his daddy in case anything will happen to his cousin Thomas.

Both my grandsons are a month apart, of course, Nathaniel is the oldest. Our twins finally shifted Emilia and Elena, were both so proud of them and right now I am happy they still haven't found their mates.

Anthony twins also shifted Ayden and Carly, and Steven twin's boys also shifted Stefan and Sebastian. It was hard for them because Steven isn't here but like I told the Pack I will always be here if they need me and Steven boys needed me. With Anthony and their grandpa help, we were there when they shifted.

Steven boys are so much like him serious and watching over their mom Serenity. She is still not the same after losing Steven but her kids are helping her out a lot. That is one thing I hate when we lose a mate because we are not the same, but in due time, it gets semi better.

Then there is my 3rd in command Zach his daughter Monica who also shifted and he is so proud of her. Although he was hoping that her mate would come later in time, that didn't happen. Her mate is Stefan., Steven son. He did mark her but they don't live together. Zach is still not ready for that.

Aj and Alex are having twins, she has 3 more months to go before she pops, and we also found out that Alpha Jimmy and Zoe are having a child. She is due in about another month, and Zach is weird about being a grandpa so young, but I tease him about it.

"Hey grandpa you alright over there with Thomas," Beth asked smiling.

Me: Yes baby I'm doing fine, it's been awhile since we had babies in our arms.

"Yes it has been and I love holding babies," Beth said with a giggle.

Me: Hey baby, want to make another one?

"Dillon, really, I don't think so. We only have Angel left and in four years she will shift then it will be only us and I love only us," she said giving me a lustful look.

Me: Baby you know we can't do anything right now because we are babysitting our grandsons, but hold on to that thought because when there mommy's and daddy's pick them up,  I'm going to.

"Dillon! Don't you dare say it, you nasty old man," Beth said laughing.

Nathaniel started crying.

"Be right back our grandson needs a diaper change," Beth said while wrinkling her nose.

We had a house built right next to the medical facility, Beth can be close to work and I can be close to the Pack.

It's not a big house 3bedroom house with 2 bathrooms and a small dining room with a nice kitchen. One bedroom is ours and the other bedroom is Angel room and the last room is our office.

Since our twins shifted it would be better for them to live in the main house. Beth and I made sure that they started their training in how to fight and protect themselves.

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