Ch. 22

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Ch. 22


My son and the rest of the Pack left to bring my wife back and end this war. I feel weak being left behind, I'm a fighter and a protector of this Pack. Now I'm just here waiting.

We're all in the safe house it was better this way and we got our cameras working again so that we can keep an eye on my land.

The safe house is so quiet; it's not the same since they attack us. Everyone is still saddened by the loss of our Pack members. My in-laws are taking it worst, I feel so bad for them Steven was always there for the Pack, especially for his family and Beth.

I was in one of the media room sitting with my girls.

"Daddy can we just go to yours and mamma room, please," my angel asked sadly.

"Sure, come on baby, you girls want to come too?" I asked my twins.

They nodded their heads and we all went to my room and lay on the bed.

"We miss mommy daddy," Elena said crying.

"It's okay girls, she going to come home soon. Your big brother promised to you girls, that he will bring mommy home, okay," I said to them with a small smile.

They cried themselves to sleep and I held them tight.

Oh, goddess, please bring my family and Pack back home safely.

There was a knock at the door.

Hope: Hey daddy can I come in?
Me: Sure.
Hope: Can I lay in here with you all?
Me: Sure baby girl, come on lay down, how is Xs holding up?
Hope: Aunt Cynthia said he should be waking up by the morning
Me: That is good news, you still thinking of your true mate aren't you?
Hope: Yes daddy, even though he didn't mark me and we didn't mate I can still feel somewhat of the pain losing my mate.
Me: I know baby girl, I know, it will get better in due time.

She had finally stopped crying and fell asleep. I just hope that after this, all is done and we can go back to our lives. I know life has its ups and downs but I rather have the ups instead of downs.



My mom never called me back, instead, we heard from Laura and she said they had her upstairs tied up, they were torturing her again. This makes me sick to my stomach knowing that they are hurting my mom.

We finally arrived at Tiger Creek Road, everyone was waiting for my arrival. We came in an RV that way after we are done my Pack can rest on the way back home from here. From here we are going to run in wolf form so we can get there faster.

After I was done talking to everyone and letting everyone know how we are going to plan this out, we waited till it was 4 O'clock pm. That is when we are going to leave and it will take is 1 1/2 hrs maybe 2 to get there.

I want it to be dark and catch them, off guard.


Beth (Luna)...

They finally were done with me.......jerk off.......two of the Rogues had to drag me back downstairs because Mark decided to make cuts on my legs with a silver blade.

Not once did I scream. I had my mouth tightly closed hard, don't get me wrong shit hurt but my wolf was strong. All the cutting that Mark did weaken my legs so right now they are numb, he is going to pay for this with his life.

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