Ch. 19

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Ch. 19


"Let do it again, but this time, go harder man, you hit like a freaking girl," I said to Jayden laughing at him.

He was getting angrier and that is good, maybe, this time, he will put more straighten in it.

"Alright punk let's do this and don't go crying to your girl either," Jayden said giving me a smirk.

Here he comes hard I can tell this time...........BOOM! Shit, now that was a hit.

"Dam Jayden got some balls now, huh?" I said chuckling while getting up from the ground.

We been training all week long for this stupid war from the Rogues, we're not worried at all I know we got this.

"Hey did I tell you, Zoe coming today," Jayden said.

"Nah, what happened? Why is she coming back?" I asked him.

"She is just coming to get some of her things they will be leaving back first thing in the morning, but does Hope know that the Alpha coming with them also?" Jayden said taking a drink from his water bottle.

"WHAT!" I yelled.

"Yea, he is coming with Zoe and her mate," Jayden said again.

"Shit, I need to let my family know," I said to him.

"Sorry man I didn't know," Jayden said apologizing.

"Don't worry about it, going to tell my dad, see ya later," I said to Jayden.

I went to my father office because I knew he would be there. I walk into the kitchen and I saw my mom in there with the cooks getting dinner ready.

"Mom, dad in his office?" I asked her.

"No he is out with your Uncles, brother, and Aj," she responded.

"Oh, okay," I responded back.

"Did you need something?" she asked me.

"No, I will just talk to him when he gets back," I said to her then kiss her cheek.

As I was going upstairs I started to feel crazy emotions going through me, sad, happy, worried and sleepy, then I knew it had to do with Lexy. I ran upstairs to our room and push the door open then the look on Lexy face scared me.

"Lex, what's wrong baby?" I asked her while holding her up.

"Um, Dom, go into the bathroom and look on the counter," she said nervously.

I went into our bathroom and seen a stick on the counter, my Lexy is pregnant. I went back out into our bedroom looking at Lexy. She had tears coming down her face.

"Lexy, what happened?? We always use protection, how can this be," I said to her worried as well.

"I'm sorry Dom, please don't leave me, I didn't mean for this to happen but it did, Dom, please don't reject me, please," Lexy beg.

"What? Are you crazy why would I reject you, I'm not going to leave you, baby? I knew one day we will be parents but I didn't think it would happen today. Stop worrying yourself honey it's not good for the baby," I said to her smiling.

"So you are okay with this? Us being parents at 17 years old, well, we will be 18 years old by the time the baby is here. I just want to make sure you're okay with this," Lexy said to me wiping her tears away.

"I know we are extremely young Lexy but we already talk about what we plan to do for our future and we both decided to stay with the Pack. Yes, I love sport extremely but you and the Pack are what important to me and now becoming a father. I rather be here with you and our baby, Lex," I said to her wrapping my arms around her.

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