Ch. 2

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Ch. 2


When we all heard the SUV coming up the driveway my parents and all of us walk out to welcome Alpha Green and his Pack members. My dad holds on to my mom's hands then I stood next to her and Dominic next to me. Uncle Anthony was on the other side of my dad and my cousin Aj next to him.

The car pulled up to a stop Uncle Steven and Ryan got out and open the doors. I saw a man about the same height as dad adjusting himself when he looks up I seen so much sadness in his eye.

The other guys got out the SUV, my father and mother walk up to them.

"Welcome Alpha Green," my father said with a smile.

He reaches out to shake his hand.

"Thank you, Alpha Marx, and thank you for letting me and my Pack stay in your home," he said with a small smile.

"No need to thank me, this is my wife and Luna Elizabeth Marx," my father said proudly.

They bowed their head to show my mom respect.

"So you are the one everyone talks about, we all have learned so much about you and the others like you. Thank you for making all of this aware of us, everything that you sent out to the Packs is great information that we all need to know," Alpha Green said.

My mom smiles at him, "I am glad to help out our people," she says to him.

"My wife would have loved to have met you," he said sadly.

My mom walks up to him and took his hand.

"I am so sorry for your loss and I promise you that my husband and I will do anything to help you to find your daughter," my mom said to reassure him.

She then took a step back to my dad side; it surprises everyone how my dad doesn't even growl when my mother touches another man especially another wolf.

But that is because my mom grew up with human and being the Doctor that she is that is her human side that would react like that. So my mom had to show my dad and he had to learn how to control that growl, he so whip I laugh to myself.

"Thank you, Luna, I really do appreciate it, now let me introduce you to my Pack here. This is my son and the next Alpha that will take over next year Luke Green. Right next to him is my Beta Pete Thomas and his son who is the next Beta in line Adam Thomas and those two are my guards Dean and Walter," Alpha Green said proudly.

They all bowed their heads to my parents and my father nods his head.

"Well it is nice to meet you all, this guy next to my wife is my son Aj who is also the next in line as Alpha, next to him is my other son Dominic who is one of our great fighters. Over here is my Beta Anthony and his son Aj next in line as Beta," my father said proudly.

We all bowed our heads to show our respect to them.

"Please come in and relax don't worry about your bags they will be put in your rooms," my mother said.

As they made their way into the living room the boys and I went to put their bags in their rooms. We end up going into the barn because my father wanted to get the prisoners ready. That means my father is going to have them sit and tied down into the chair then asked them some question.

My mom is also involved because she is our special Luna with certain powers. You see my mom was human before and when my father saw her for the first time. He couldn't believe that she is his mate and she was human.

~The Inner Pack~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora