Ch. 3

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Ch. 3


Sitting here bored in my math class waiting for the minute to pass because my lunch hour is next and it's going to be different today. Normally I am around my brothers, cousins, and friends but today they are not here so it's just going to be me and Lexy my best friend.

You see it sucks to have these many families around you at school and I can't even talk to any guys at school. Then the family that is around me all the time are guys, even though Aj and Xs are 20 years old they still come around on my lunch hour to check up on me and I hate it.

Well, hate is a strong word, I just can't stand it because I have guy friends too and some that want to ask me out but nooooooo leave it to my brothers, cousin, and friend from stopping all the guys to ask me out.

They all left this morning with my father to go search for Alpha Green daughter, the poor girl my mother had told me what happen and I do hope they find her.

Yes! The bell rang it is lunch time, got my stuff and walk out the classroom door. Went to my locker met up with my best friend Lexy.

"What's with the long face, Lex?" I asked.

"Dominic left this morning and I already miss him," she said sadly.

"Come on Lex aren't you happy for me at least the guys are gone and it's a girls day. I know Dom is your mate and I get it but I feel happy for myself because they are not here watching me like a hawk so can we please pretend that you are happy?" I said to her.

"Fine, only for the lunch hour after that I will be moody again," she said rolling her eyes with a grin on her face.

So we got our lunch and sat outside on our bench under the tree. Isaac sat next to me and his friends all around us. Isaac is so nice and sweet he's human I've known him since Jr. High. He leans over and whispers into my ear.

"Hey Hope, umm, would you like to go out Saturday to a movie or something?" He asked nervously.

That is when my body stiffen I felt him coming, well I can smell him but how can that be, he was supposed to be gone, why is here.

"Hey, guys be right back. Sorry, Isaac, be right back, okay," I said in a rush.

I got up and walk extremely fast so that he couldn't start shit with Isaac. I got to the restroom and I was pacing back and forth, ugh I can't believe he is here dang it Xs, I thought to myself.

I went into the stall and sat down for a minute, thank goodness these restrooms were clean. I'm not mad at Xs he such a great friend when I sneak out of the house at night Xs somehow knows I was outside.

During the day, he would just follow me and that got on my nerves. So now when I need me some me time or more like just get away from the craziness in my house I shift into my wolf and run to the waterfall and he is there waiting for me.

I came out of the stall wash my hands then my body stiffens again because he just walks into the restroom.

"Really Xs, you do know this is a girl's restroom," I said annoyed with him.

"Well hello to you too Hope," he said to me with a grin on his face leaning up against the wall.

"I thought you were gone with the guys this morning?" I asked giving him the evil eye.

"Nope Dj and Aj asked me to stick around and keep an eye on you. You know how I love to be around with my favorite girl," he said with a smile on his face.

~The Inner Pack~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora