Ch. 24

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Ch. 24


We ran to the medical facility Cynthia link to me that Maya fainted, so Dillon and I were on our way.

"What's wrong Cynthia?" I asked.

"Her brother said they were just talking and when she turned back to see Dj she just fainted," Cynthia was telling us.

"Did you run some lab work on her?" I asked again.

"Yes, we should get some result back from Veronica in a bit, and how are you holding up sis?" Cynthia asked.

"I'm good, Dillon and I were talking. I already tried to heal him and it doesn't work. This is the second time and the first time he was almost dying. This here is completely different and I'm sorry baby," I said while looking at Dillon sadly.

Dillon: It's okay babe, I can still talk to you through our mind link and I'm okay with that.
Me: So does that mean you are leaving the Pack to Dj?
Dillon: Yes, as soon as he is healed up, we will hold a ceremony for him and Maya. They will be our new Alpha and Luna.

I smiled at him and nodded yes. He was okay with it and so was I; they will make a great Alpha and Luna.

Veronica came into the room with a smile on her face.

"Hey, sis, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well, I got the results back for Maya. Dillon, Elizabeth you both are going to be grandparents again," she said with a big smile on her face.



It feels like I'm dead, all that I can see is blackness surrounding me. I must be dead, but if I am wouldn't have I seen the goddess already.

I don't feel any pain, so I'm assuming that is part of death. Wait they say when you die you can see a light but I don't see anything, what the hell am I dead or not.

I wonder how Maya is doing? The last time we talk she was crying her heart out, she didn't want me to die. I remember telling her that my life was completed because I found my mate and she accepted me.

It was beautiful how we completed our mating. Maya was not afraid anymore and I was so happy. She is beautiful and perfect in every way I love her unconditionally.

I would love......

"What did you say Veronica?" my mom asked.

"I said that Maya is pregnant and the reason she fainted because she has been so worried about Dj that she hasn't thought about feeding herself or get any rest," my Aunt Veronica said.

What the hell Maya fainted, shit I'm not dead thank you goddess, but why can't I open my eyes. I can hear them talking.

"I already started an IV on her to get some fluids in her, she should be waking up soon," my Aunt said again.

"Good, get someone to go to bring a tray of food for her," my mom said.

Shit! I want to talk and open my eyes but nothing, wait a minute.

Me: Mom........

"Dj?" my mom said out loud confusing.

Me: Yes, 'm awake but I can't open my eyes or talk, why is that?

"The medications that your uncle and aunt created. This is the first time they used it on someone. They didn't know what kind of effect it would take on you. Are you in any pain?" my mother asked.

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