Chapter 23

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"Jake!" I exclaimed, grinning widely when my best friend's brother opened the door. It was always nice to see Jake.

"Hey, Tori," he replied, smirking at me.

"Permission to hug friend?" Jake asked, turning to his sister, who was standing next to me in the doorway.

"Denied, soldier," Maya replied, winking at me.

"Eh, I guess I'll risk getting a badge removed," Jake said, playing along. Without hesitating another moment, he reached down and enveloped me in a big bear hug.

"JAKE!" Maya shouted.

"Oh God! I can't breathe!" I squeaked. Jake chuckled and let me go. I overdramatically panted for breath.

"Agh! My lungs!" I hacked.

"Look what you did! You broke my best friend!" Maya scolded, pretending to be overly concerned for my well-being.

"Quit acting like such drama queens," Jake said, rolling his eyes.

"Says the guy that threw a fit when Mom washed his favorite sweatshirt with lavendar scented detergent," Maya retorted as we walked into the living room.

"Well pardon me for not wanting to smell like a chick!" Jake replied.

"As opposed to how you usually smell," Maya added snarkily. Jake proceeded to capture Maya's head in a headlock and rub the top of her skull until she successfully fought him off. I stood watching this scene, feeling extremely amused. I sat on the couch and pretended to be completely engrossed in what they were doing, faking eating popcorn.

"And that concludes today's segment of Sibling Madness: Keller Edition," Maya said when she saw me. All three of us laughed.

"What's all the ruckus about?" Maria asked, walking in.

"Hi, Maria!" I exclaimed.

"Ah, Tori! How are you, mi hija bonita?" she asked, her Hispanic accent crisp.

"Muy bien, gracias," I replied, winking. Maria laughed. Maya rolled her eyes. Jake snickered.

"Have you eaten yet? I'll make you niños some food, all right?" she said. We nodded eagerly. I was in the mood for some Latin American cuisine, and Maria's was the best of the best.

Maria disappeared into the kitchen and the three of us lounged around in the living room. Maya was sitting in the round wicker chair in the corner. Jake and I were sitting on the love seat. To annoy Maya, Jake threw his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled next to him. Maya glared at us, but didn't say anything.

"I'm going to stop responding one of these days. Then it'll get old," she said.

"What will?" I asked.

"You two pretending to be in love," she replied.

"Who says we're pretending?" Jake asked. Maya rolled her eyes and Jake winked at me, his blue eyes sparkling.

"You'll have to put your insecurities aside for a bit. I need to have a one-on-one conversation with Tori after lunch," Jake said. I pulled back from Jake. Maya twirled her hair between her fingers.

"About what?" I asked innocently, although I knew exactly what.

"My little sister here doesn't exactly know how to keep her mouth shut. I want to talk to you about the mail boy," he replied.

I frowned, sighing heavily. Great. Another talk about a conversation I did not want to have.

"It's nice to have you back, Jakey," I said to him.

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