Chapter 10

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That was the first thing that came out of my mouth.

Smooth, Tori. Real smooth.

Hottie McHot-Hot looked at me with that same expression he had worn when I first met him in Midas. His electric blue-green eyes were lit up and he had a lazy grin on his lips, an all together bemused expression.

I realized if I didn't step out of the elevator now, the doors would close, which wouldn't be such a bad thing, since I had once again just embarrassed myself. I seemed to be really good at that sort of thing: being hopelessly socially awkward.

"This isn't the lobby..." I muttered, stepping out of the elevator.

Very good observation, Tori!


"No, it's the basement," Hottie McHot-Hot said, still looking at me with that smile on his face.

"It's...ummm...yeah..." I said lamely.

God, Tori. Pull it together!

"What level is the lobby on?" I asked.

"Second," he replied. "The button that had the star on it," he added.

Well. Now I really felt like an idiot.

"I'm an idiot," I muttered under my breath. He chuckled, making my heart race.

"Maybe, but you're so cute that it doesn't matter," he replied. I immediately felt my cheeks flare up and cursed my face for being so easily embarrassed. Stupid face. Stupid, stupid face.

But he just called me cute!

"I--uhh---uhhh-I--" I stammered. Why am I such a blithering moron?

"You're the girl from Midas, right?" he asked me, leaning forward on the trolley that was in front of him, which was full of what looked to be mail and boxes and clipboards.

He remembers me!

"Yes," I replied.

"Did you end up getting a ride?" he asked. I blushed again, remembering the horribly embarrassing moments at the car mechanics.

"Yes, I did," I replied. He smiled a lopsided smile at me that made my heart skip a beat.

"So do you have a name? Or am I going to have to keep calling you Cute Girl from Midas?" he asked me, his blue eyes sparkling.

I shifted on my feet and felt my blush creep in further as I thought of the nickname that I had given him. I thought it would be best if I didn't say it out loud. He would think I was an even bigger weirdo than he already did.

"Victoria Grey. But I go by Tori," I replied. He smiled at me and my stomach flipped over.

Why was he making me feel like a giddy schoolgirl?

"I'm Sean," he replied, pointing at a name tag that I hadn't noticed before. SEAN PARKER is what it read.

Parker. Reminds me of Spiderman.

I looked over at Sean and blushed further as I imagined him in the tight red and blue spandex suit.

Stop it, Tori! Focus!

"You work here?" I asked him.

"As the mail boy, yes," Sean replied. "You?" he asked.

"Today's my first day," I answered, holding up my W-2 form. He raised his eyebrows at me, amused.

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