" Yes, Stare, Leer, Ogle anything I want. Trust me I'm famous"  he said as he continued to seduce me with his affectionate touching on my thigh and cheeky smile. Why do I get so hot and bothered when he seduces me? I have to try so hard not to throw myself at him.

" so why don't you put that document down and tell me what's wrong" he said using his free hand to take the document away slowly from me but never breaking the eye contact between us. I don't know why he really wants to sit and listen to me being an annoying girlfriend.

" Nothings wrong" I replied smiling slightly hoping we could forget all the drama and go back to just flirting like we were a second ago. But from the way Marshall had stopped seducing me with his touch, it was pretty obvious he wanted to have deep conversation. I know I probably sound like a bitch because all Marshall was doing was showing me he cared but I knew that I was going to have to worry about all of this when I get home, so right now all I wanted was to be taken back to the other world where I feel Happiness and comfort, if I could like transport my kids to this other world than it would become A perfect world, a Dream come true.

" Please Sarah, let me in" he said taking my hands in his and softly starting to play with my fingers before looking back up into my eyes, showing me his considerate more gentle side, showing me that he generally wanted me to console in him. I knew I couldn't resist those gorgeous eyes

" Fine, but I am just going to let Ryan have a break and go shoot some hoops. I'll be back" I said before getting up and going to the office. I knew Ryan had been studying for ages and he deserved to have a break, letting him go and shoots some hoops would give Marshall and I some space to talk without the fear of Ryan hearing.

And that's exactly what we did. Ryan being outside shooting hoops giving Marshall and I space would have been the best opportunity for us to have some time to share a few kisses but no we sat there talking about teenage boys and fighting. Marshall told me a few tips and basically sat there while I told him all my fears about Ryan growing up and what my experience with my brother was like. I know the moment wasn't as intimate or Romantic like normal couples would have turned it into, but for me and Marshall it was just right, it was nice to actually have someone to lean on and to have someone actually interested in what I was saying, to have someone that could relate in so many ways.

" Do you want me to go talk to him?" Marshall asked as he was leaning towards me holding my hands. I could see the concern in his eyes as I tried to figure out why Ryan got into a fight. That is what has been bugging me the most, after everything Ryan still will not confess why he got into a fight in the first place.

" no you don't have to do that. I wouldn't put you in that position" I replied squeezing his hands to show him that I was thankful for his support. I would never put Marshall in that position, but it is kind of funny seeing that Marshall was the one that was offering. Most guys would have defiantly tried to run by now but Marshall was doing the complete opposite, he was offering to talk and be there for Ryan even when he knew he was placing himself deeper into my family and the involving himself in the things I love.

" I Want to" he quickly replied glancing at me to show the happiness in his eyes. " Besides I'm kind of down with the teenagers these days" he said making us both laugh as he raised from the seat walking towards the back door that lead to the basketball hoop, knowing he would have to leave quickly before I could stop him. As much as he sounded Dorky and uncool when he said it, he was right. Teenagers these days don't talk to their parents, they rather talk to someone younger and cooler someone that isn't there parents. So who wouldn't talk to Marshall, he is bloody Eminem for goodness sake. The guy that is behind the album of the year, the guy that teenagers look up to. He is such a huge influence on the teenagers these days.

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