Part 24

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When they finally made it home Gabby remembered that they are out of school tomorrow so she decided they should stay up all

"Hey guys why don't we stay up all night since we don't have school tomorrow?"Gabby yelled towards the kitchen since Zoey was getting the drinks and Alex was getting the snacks, she was getting the blankets and Jacob was getting the movies ready.

"Sounds good to us in the kitchen."she yelled back


"Uh yeah sounds good."he said hesitantly

Jacob wanted to spend as much time as he could with Zoey and her friends. He needed to get to know them all better.

"Movies are ready!"

"I got snacks!"

"Drinks coming through!"

"Attack of the blankets!"

They all yelled back to back as if it were planned. Then burst out laughing.

"We are such idiots."Alex laughed

"That we are my friend."Jacob said

As they sat down Zoey sat between Jacob and Gabby and Gabby sat by Alex. Since Zoey doesn't like horror movies she hid her face in Jacob's chest or under the blanket she had.

"You idiot don't watch the tape!"she yelled at the tv

"Watch the tape I dare you to."Gabby said

Alex stared at his girlfriend trying to decide if she had been possessed or if she was just really into the movie. He then decided the best way to find out was to kiss her.

"Hey babe?"he asked

"Huh?"she turned looking at him

He leaned in and as their lips touched he felt sparks and butterflies in the pit of his stomach.

As they pulled away so they wouldn't miss much of the movie Gabby whispered,"what was that for?"

"Can I not kiss my princess for no reason?"

"Oh you can..Anytime."she answered

He chuckled lightly "I would even if you didn't give me permission to."

"Oh ok then mister trouble maker."

"Haha. Okay let's watch the movie so we can watch their sappy love story movie."

"Haha okay."

As they were nearing the end of their movie Zoey was nearly in tears because of fear and Gabby is laughing like a maniac. Jacob was comforting Zoey so Alex got up and put The Notebook in and started so Zoey would shut up.

"Finally the horror is over!"Zoey said through tears

Gabby was unsure if the tears were still fear or if the were tears of joy maybe a little of both.

"Ugh do we have to watch this movie?"Gabby asked

"You don't have to."Zoey said

"Lets leave these two lovebirds alone I'm gonna hang out in the kitchen."Alex told Gabby

"I'm gonna follow you."she said slowly backing into the kitchen

When they made it to the kitchen Gabby lunged at the fridge grabbing herself and Alex a dr.pepper.

Catching the dr.pepper Gabby tossed at him Alex said "Thank You."

"You're Welcome."

Alex and Gabby just sat in the kitchen talking and drinking their drinks and eating chips. When the movie finally ended they went back into the living room to find Jacob and Zoey kissing.

"Umm guys."Gabby said but they didn't hear her

Alex cleared his throat loudly. They finally stopped and looked at them and blushed.

"Umm."Zoey mumbled

"Uhhh."Jacob said quietly

"Yeah 'umm'."Gabby said

"Oops."Zoey said trying not to crack a smile

"Uh huh."Gabby told her

As they all sit there for the rest of the night they got to know Jacob a little better.

"So what school did you go to before you came here?"Alex asked curious to see if that's where he knew him from.

"Oh I went to West High."he replied

"I knew I recognized you. That's where I went last year."

"Wait Alexander as in the Alexander that got dunked."Alex nodded"Oh dude I'm sorry I was on the football team and they had invited me to go with but once they told me what they were doing I said I'd rather stay home."

"Wow that takes guts."Gabby told him

"Yeah well what they did to you"he said pointing to Alex, "wasn't necessary."

Zoey didn't know how to react to any of this so she just sat there. Her boyfriend was on the football team that dunked Alex last year but he didn't dunk him and now they're like best friends and everything.

Everyone was laughing at something but Zoey had no clue what though because she had zoned out thinking about all of this.

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