Part 22

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Thursday morning Gabby woke up in a lazy mood so she just threw on a t-shirt and some sweatpants with her black high-top converse and an XL hoodie. She didn't want to do anything today but she had to mostly because those two people would be there and she had to protect her friends if it was the last thing she ever did.

She met Alex at his house and they rode to school together.

"Good morning gorgeous."Alex said to her

"Good morning I'm not that gorgeous right now it's too early."she replied laughing

After picking up Zoey they drove to school talking about what happened yesterday.

"So how are you feeling about going in there today?"Gabby asked

"I'm fine I've gone thorough it before it's y'all two that in worried about."Alex answered

"Why? We'll be fine."Zoey reassured him

"I know but I still have doubts in my mind."he told her

"I understand."Gabby replied

For the rest of the drive they just rode in silence.

They arrived at school just in time to get to their lockers before class.

"I'll see you at lunch."Gabby tole Alex

"Bye."he answered

As Gabby opened her locker it was shut just as quickly. She turned to see a dirty blond guy with hazel eyes who she knew as Joey.

"What do you want?"she asked a little too harsh

"Calm down feisty kitty. I just want to talk."


"Your little friend."he replied

"What about my "little friend"?"she mocked

"Well if your gonna be that way I'll just leave."he said

"Fine by me I didn't invite you here anyway."she yelled as she walked away

She continued down the hall until she was stopped at the corner by Stacy.

Okay I'm tired of this Gabby thought this has got to end or I'll be late for class and probably beat someone's butt and it ain't gonna be pretty.

"What's wrong with y'all can't you see I've got better places to be?"she told her

"We just want to talk."Stacy replied

"I'm listening but not for long like I said I've got places to go. You have 2 minutes."Gabby informed her

"You see you supposed boyfriend isn't what you think he's a pla-"

"No he's not what you think the person you may or may not have known last year isn't here he's changed and you know what I'm tired of people calling him that when it's THEM who don't know him and if you dare to finish that sentence, which I wouldn't, you're gonna wish you wouldn't have. You have 50 seconds."Gabby interrupted

"Okay okay. Anyways he dated 3 different girls last year and they all hid for days crying their eyes out because they thought he was kind, caring, and loving. Well, they were wrong and so are you because he doesn't care about your feelings only the popularity he gets."

"He was popular before he started dating me in fact it's me who was the unpopular one if you haven't noticed new kids are quick to get known around here but I guess you haven't since you're too busy with other people who are exactly as you just described Alex unkind, uncaring,and unloving. Which is what you are. So if you'll excuse me I have a class to get to."Gabby was fuming now

I'm gonna hurt her one day if she doesn't stop interrupting what I have to do Gabby thought as walking to class.

"Oh sorry."she mumbled as she ran into someone

"It's fine. Gabby?"her long lost friend Jonathan said

"Jonathan?"she asked questioning who was in front of her

"It's been so long."he told her

"It has. We should hang out sometime."she answers as she handed him her number


She continued the long journey to first period and finally made it right before the tardy bell rang.

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"Hey guys."someone said walking up behind Gabby and Zoey on their way to lunch.

They found out that Joey had the same class as they before lunch.

"Why are you following me Joey?"Gabby questioned

"I don't know let's see. You're dating pl-"

"Don't finish that word if you ever plan on having babies sometime."Zoey commanded

"Okay then. As I was saying you're dating Alexander, you've threatened to beat up some guys I know, and you've been rudely talking to Stacy and I."he said

"I've been rudely talking to y'all. Okay then what do you call interrupting my free time, my journey to class, and my after school time with my friends, fun?"Gabby asked him

"No I just call it talking. You know we need to make friends here."

"Then go make friends with Jackson Falls and Cole Azwall
they're just like you."

"I would but they seem to have fallen under your spell and are trying to become better people."he informed them

"What!?!"Zoey said in disbelief

"Wait wait wait are we talking about the same people here?"Gabby questioned

"We haven't talked to them in weeks."Zoey finished for Gabby

"It seems like you just talked to them yesterday."he said

As they entered the cafeteria they spotted Alex and began walking to him.

"Heyyy guys." He said slowly noticing Joey was there too.

Walking closer to Gabby he whispered in her ear "What's he doing here?"

"He's trying to make friends but it's not working."she whispered back

They continued to eat lunch at their table Joey included. None of them spoke at all during the lunch period until the end when Alex finally spoke to Gabby.

"I'll see you later. I love you." he told her

"Yeah. I love you too."she replied

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