chapter 14: Revelation

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I opened my eyes slowly. My head was throbbing, I was on my bed. How did I get there? Yasmine was here, next to me. She was rubbing my back slowly. Suddenly, my eyes went wide, my heart began to beat faster as the memories came back. I remembered I was unfolding the paper then I began to panic. And here I was, in my bed.

I was a freak. Why me? What did I do? This isn't fair.

My eyes began to water, at this moment Yasmine saw I was awake and pulled me in a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay." Yasmine whispered, patting my back while I was crying on her shoulder. I was sobbing so hard, I was shaking. I couldn't even think properly. "I'll be back, stay here. Okay?" She asked me, looking worried.

I nodded and she quickly left my room. I could hear my mom and Yasmine, they were fighting because of me. I couldn't hear everything but I could hear some words as "father", "school", "doctor", hospital".

Then, I heard a door. Yep, my father just came back. Great, just what I needed. I couldn't hear the conversation but I know they were telling him what I have.

"WHAAAT??" My father screamed in a scary voice.

I could easily imagine him, his face going red. What was he going to say? Does he think I'm a freak? Of course he does. Will he kick me out of the house? With these thoughts, I cried harder.

I don't know how many hours passed, or maybe it was only a few minutes, but I heard steps in the stairs. Someone sat gently on my bed, next to me. I slowly opened my eyes, it was Yasmine.

"Stop crying, I promise you everything will be okay." She told me in a soft voice, stroking my cheek.

"What did dad say?" I asked in a cracking voice.

"Mmhh...He was furious. He thought it was a joke. Then he saw the paper... I'm sure he will calm down soon. He just has to realize it's true." Yasmine told me with a sad smile.

"No... He thinks I'm a freak right?" I asked, more tears rolling on my cheeks.

"Stop saying that! You're not a freak! You're a human! "She snapped. It only made me cry more. Yasmine sighed.

"I'm sorry baby brother. It's just... I don't like when you're calling yourself a freak. You're not the first one in this situation, and you will not be the last one either. It's unusual but it happen. And... You know, you don't have to keep it." She said, whispering the last part.

"How will I do? What if someone beat me at school? What if..." Yasmine put a hand on my mouth.

"Stop. We will see. Don't overstress yourself. But I promise you that nothing will happen. Our parents and I will be here for you... And the baby...If you want to keep it of course." She said, rushing the last part.

A baby. Everything was real. I'm pregnant. I'm a man and I'm fucking pregnant. I don't know how it happened. Well, I know it happened when I was stupid enough to be drunk and sleep with a stranger, but I wasn't supposed to be pregnant! I'm not a fucking girl! What did I do to deserve this? I don't even know who is the father... I wish I knew the person I slept with when I was drunk...

I fell asleep, I was exhausted, too many emotions today. When I woke up, the sun was shining in the sky; I looked at my phone and saw it was already 10a.m. Great, I missed the beginning of school. I took a quick shower and dressed myself with a jean and a large T-shirt. I didn't feel like wearing slim clothes... I ran down the stairs and began to walk. I'm already late so I don't need to run.

While I was walking, I saw a car which was driving slowly. I watched it from the corner of my eye. It stopped and someone opened the door. I began to walk faster. What does this person want? What did I do?

"Hey wait!!"

I turned around slowly and I saw...Casey?! What was he doing here?

"What do you want?" I asked not meeting his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Casey asked concern in his voice.

"I asked you a question... What do you want? I don't have time for you; I'm not in the mood right now." I growled, glaring at him.

"I miss you. Even if you may not believe me, it's true. I really miss you. I'm sorry for what I did to you, I was stupid... You may never forgive me but I wanted you to know this... If one day you want to speak... I'm here. Bye Mika." Casey said, whispering the last part before getting back in his car, giving me a last smile.

He left as quickly as he came, leaving me on the sidewalk still chocked. Suddenly, I didn't feel like going to school, so I walked back at home thinking about what Casey told me. Did he really care about me? Could I tell him what's happening with me right now or will he think I'm a freak?

Once at home I went in the kitchen to eat something. I took ice cream and went on the sofa. I was watching TV, SpongeBob to be precise while I was eating ice cream when I heard someone walking upstairs. I decided to ignore it and continued what I was doing.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school right now?" My father said in a harsh tone.

I looked away from the TV and saw him standing at the entrance of the living room, his hands on his hips. He didn't look really happy.

"I didn't feel well so I decided to stay here this morning." I said in a small voice.

"I see...I really don't know what I'm going to do with you, Michael..." He sighed before going in the kitchen.

I put the ice cream on the table in front of me and turned off the TV. I didn't feel like eating anymore. I went in my bedroom and sat on my bed. I took my phone and decided to call Casey. I needed to speak with someone.

"Hey Casey...It's me... I... Do you want to go to the coffee shop in about ten minutes please? I need to talk to someone." I said quietly.

"Yeah, sure. I'm on my way."

This isn't fair. (BoyxBoy) [MalePregnancy]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें