chapter 2: Another school day

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The alarm rang sharply into Michael's ears as he slammed his hand down on the button. Groaning he threw the covers off and lied there for a moment in just his boxers and a singlet. He shot up out of bed rubbing his eyes as he stumbled his way to the bathroom. He took a quick shower and made his way down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning," his mother, a large woman with long black hair, said with a big smile.


He opened the cupboard but shut it quickly and walked over to the fridge. He picked up the carton of milk and drank from it, his mother tooted.

"Do you want me to make you something?"

She had her hands on her hips. He shook his head as he wiped his chin and closed the fridge, but walked into his sister, Yasmine. She was a few years older than him. She had short brown hair and beautiful baby blue eyes. She gave him a silly face. Michael poked out his tongue before going back upstairs to brush his teeth. Then his mother gave him a ride to school.


Michael arrived early looking at the big old school with dismay. The kids were chattering amongst themselves about bands, music, and probably sex. They all seemed happy as they smiled and laughed with each other. He sighed deeply as found his locker taking out a textbook, but when he shut it Casey was standing there wearing a bright smile. Shocked by his sudden appearance Mika blinked his eyes widely.

"Hey, Mika," Casey said with a bright smile.

"Hey." He almost felt a smile forming at his lips just as the bell rang.

"Um I have English now, what do you have?" Casey asked.

A group of boys walked past giving Michael a dirty look.

"English as well...I have Mr. Bowin." Michael mumbled, trying to hide the fact that he felt uncomfortable.

Casey quickly flipped through his papers that he was carrying.

"Hey I have him too, so this way right?" He asked as he pointed down the left of the hall.

They both headed into the room where Michael took a seat up front and Casey took one next to him to his right. He smiled sweetly at him and he felt kind of warm, but weary.

"You're always front row; I suppose you're a great student aren't you?" He asked with a smile.

The teacher walked in before Michael was able to answer. The rest of the class paraded in, the laughter and throwing of paper started instantly as they made their way to their seats. Russell made his way towards a seat behind Michael with a menacing smile across his face. He was quickly followed by Jesse seated directly behind Casey. The class began by the teacher handing out everyone their reading material. The teacher started the first chapter.

Michael wasn't sure how many times he zoned out from his talking, but every time he came back he had no idea what the teacher was up to. He shifted in his seat eyeing Casey, who was surprisingly alert and listening. The chuckles behind him were getting louder just as a kick went into the back of his seat. The teacher didn't look up from his book, his loud monotone voice sending practically everyone to a nice slumber of pure boredom. Kick again. And again. Next a paper plane flew on Michael's desk.

"Ahem. Russell pays attention." The teacher said clearing his throat.

"Yes sir."

Michael looked at the paper plane and fiddled with it, realizing there was some writing inside it. He opened it and saw the word 'fag' written in horrible handwriting. He looked away annoyed that his eyes were watering at it. It was just a word; he should be used to it now. Casey took notice, his eyes filled with concern and confusion. He tapped Michael's hand.

"What's wrong?" Casey whispered.

He quickly showed him the paper and Casey's eyes filled with anguish. He turned to the boys laughing with a fierce look just as the bell rang and everyone jumped up.

"Do you really have to be so immature?"

Russell was just leaving his desk.

"What?" Russell asked pretending to be confused.

He rolled his eyes. Michael was still upset slowly moving his junk into his bag.

"You don't have the right to treat people badly. He did nothing to you," Casey said in a low tone.

Russell moved over to him, Jesse following. The teacher had blindly already left the classroom.

"What are you going to do? You can do nothing about us. You are nothing."

In that last breath he made, Casey striked him with his fist. He looked at him with an even menacing look as Russell looked at him in pure rage just as Jesse came up and grabbed his wrists from behind. Russell cupped Casey's face smiling.

"Leave him alone you idiot!" Michael shouted.

He hit Russell over the head with a book.

"Argh, what the fuck!!!!"

Casey quickly ran out of Jesse's grip and grabbed Michael as they both ran out. Michael gripped his wrist tighter.

"We better get out of here, fast. They will fucking kill us both. They don't care about you being new. His brother gave me hell last year..."

They both sent posters flying as they ran around the corners of the school and Casey opened the girl's toilet and shoved them both inside a cubicle. He started trying to catch his breath as he held Michael's hand tightly. They both waited as they caught their breath and listened hoping that they don't think of looking here. There was a light silence besides the dripping of a tap. Michael sighed looking at Casey.

"You didn't have to do that for me. They hate you now...But thank you." Michael whispered looking at the floor.

Casey gripped his hand tighter even though it was clammy from them running.

"I transferred to this school because I got bullied at first. I know what's like," Casey said, smiling a little.

He rubbed his hand with his thumb. Without thinking Michael pulled him in and hugged him tight. He hated people, but he didn't hate him. He was nice. He wasn't like bullies who made him feel so bad that he tried to commit suicide. He was good, and he knew it.

Michael bent down to his height, because he was a bit smaller than him, putting his hands on his shoulders so he could look him in the eyes.

"I tried to kill myself last year because of the bullying, I thought everything would be easier if I was dead but if anyone tries to bully you, I want you to know that I will protect you." Michael said, tears in his eyes.

Tears welled up in Casey's eyes as he grabbed Michael and kissed him hard. He didn't even close his eyes because he was shocked but he didn't dare pull away.

"Sorry..." Casey mumbled, blushing.

Michael moved closer to him.

"Don't be sorry," Michael said softly.

He kissed him again, this time more passionately.

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