Fay sighed. ‘Why do I feel like a stupid caterpillar?’ She thought, glancing around the room, trying to recall the last thing she remembered. Falling at the river, trying to get away from that Optimus character. Had she hit her head? No . . . Surely that wasn’t right. She didn’t have a headache. She was a little light-headed but she hadn’t eaten in . . .

How long had it been now? She looked to the window, where the rain was still falling in dark sheets. It appeared to be the same day, but she didn’t know for sure. Carefully, Fay inched her way out of the blanket-made cocoon. Was Charlie home? She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as she sat up on the edge of the bed.

She was in a nightshirt and shorts . . .

Wait, what?

They were both a little damp, indicating that her undergarments hadn’t been changed, but the outer layer was. And of course she’d had a good amount of time to dry since they were no longer soaked . . . but . . . who . . . ?

She shook her head, grabbing her robe from the closet. It was heavy, and probably a bit too warm for the weather, but Fay was still chilled, and if she got too warm, it was an easy fix. With a deep breath, she exited her room and went down the stairs, glancing around. She heard a bit of noise in the kitchen, but in the living room . . . she saw him.

Optimus. She froze, staring at him. He waved casually,wrapped in a blanket that had obvious wet spots.

Optimus. Optimus had been the one to take her home. Optimus had wrapped her in those blankets. Optimus had been in her room. Optimus had . . .

“Oh, hell no!” She stormed over to him, slapping the side of his face. “I cannot believe you did that! What is wrong with you? Really? You’re a creep and I want you out now!”

Fay was breathing heavily, her face was flushed, and despite the blow, he just looked up at her calmly. “I did not do anything to cross boundaries, Farrah.”


Optimus watched where Fay was on the bed, teeth clenched together, her shivers a little less intense, but she still had to have those wet clothes removed. He frowned, not wanting to do this sort of thing, especially as a Prime. He couldn’t imagine what Fay would think. It could cause real issues if she put the pieces together.

That was when he heard the door open. “Fay? I’m home! Work was called out a little early! Fay?”

He took a deep intake. This was the better choice. The Prime left her room and stood at the top of the stairs. “Charlie . . . ?” He called cautiously.

“Whoa!” She yelled, yelling to the foot of the stairs and spotting him. “All right, now you’re crossing a line! You can sit in our yard but you can not barge into our house!” She stormed up the stairs, and the Prime stood still, backing up just enough so they could stand on equal ground. She stuck a pointed finger to his chest. “I don’t care who you are, you don’t just-!”

He cut her off, pointing to the bedroom on their right. “She needs a change of clothing to be warm and I’d rather not invade her personal space. I apologize for interrupting you, but it’s not what it seems.”

Charlie looked, eyes more curious than angry now. She saw Fay curled up on her bed, shivering. “Where was she?”

“I’ll answer all your questions later. Please change her so we may properly warm her.”

The blonde nodded. “Of course. Just, um . . . There’s a few extra blankets in the closet,” she instructed, pointing to a door near the end of the stairway. Optimus nodded in confirmation, and Charlie immediately strode into Fay’s room, closing the door behind and taking care in her task of changing the drenched clothes with dry ones. She opened the door once Fay was in a clean shirt and shorts. She would’ve liked to put her in something warmer, but with her friend unable to cooperate, it would’ve been more of a pain than it was worth.

Transformers ( Bayverse ) - I Bleed When I Fall DownWhere stories live. Discover now