Good Night My Magi

Start from the beginning

Stepping back the warlock looked left then right. Only to realize she was lost within the keep with no one to guide her. Daytime accompanied by the King or Queen was one thing. Even with Khadgar-

"Khadgar..." Fain let his name slip off her lips and heavy it fell from her voice. Darkened eyes drifted down to the book she'd involuntarily took. Even in the flickering light of the hall's torches she couldn't make out what it meant. On the surface though she could see an illustrated maw of sorts that swirled into the center of the book. A glower of a frown lingered on her lips and Fain naturally reminded herself how she had no where to go.

First thinking of Taria she realized interrupting the kind woman's sleep would be cruel to the Queen. Flashing on just going back in the King's chambers and curling back up on the indent she'd made in the bed next to Lothar was only spared a small thought.

Rubbing her fingers over the spine of the book methodically Fain looked over to see the stone masonry of the keep open up at eye level into a window. Tentatively walking over she set the book on the stone windowsill and gazed out at the canals minimal reflection of the cloudy night sky. Following the water level up to the street on the other side Fain was thinking hard to orientate herself in the night. Some of the buildings heights look familiar but so did some of the store fronts she could make out. Even though she couldn't direct herself right off the back from the window, Fain decided finding a quiet place to sit with her new found book would perhaps remedy the sour taste in her stomach.

Closing her eyes she stepped back. A flick of her right wrist followed by a mimicking flick of her left wrist, and Fain brought her thumbs together and her index fingers together in a circle as she knelt down to the ground. In the dull light her mass could be seen liquifying into something shapeless and black. All traces of Fain were gone into the matte black lifeless form stirring on the ground. Just as quickly as she'd dissolved from nothing, that nothing began to take shape.

Vast limbs spread from the pitch colored blob, feathers sprouting erratically on the growing limb. Much smaller than the wings a feathery body amassed between the broad wings. Solidifying its shape, tar black turned into slated speckled feathers and soft downy feathers covering an owl's body. One beat from the birds massive wings lifted its wee body up and to the ledge where the book rested.

Seizing the leather book in sleek gargantuan talons, the owl's wide eyes scanned the room and surrounding area with easy gliding turns of it's rotating skull. Another fluttered and the bird took off from the stone wall. Graciously drifting from the night airs drafts from the city's inconsistently heated streets during the spring days that fluctuated the cool night air with wafting drafts, gave the predatory night bird an easy tour above the city.

Once the book grew heavy, the bright unblinking owl eyes honed in on a specific barrack.One wing tipped down and the rest of the bird followed. Coming to alighted on a closed windowsill, the book set to rest but the owl conforming back into a black blob on the ground. As like before the blob remained figurless until this time a torso rose from the mass and not wings first. Fain emerging to stand straight and finding her footing as she adjusted to being back on solid ground. Taking a careful step towards the closed window, she peered in only to see what she'd suspected.


What hope she'd held onto that Khadgar would be simply across the city in his barracks was washed away when the room was cold and dark. Shutting her eyes Fain couldn't help the sorrow growing in her bones as she leaned back into the window.

A clink and the single pane window squeaked open. Caught off guard Fain jumped like a frightened cat only to discover she'd pushed open the unlatched window. Looking around she saw no one was wiser to her intrusion so she leaned in closer pressing the frigid window open slowly.

Searching for anything that could get her caught, Fain snaked her way into the room as she'd done previously just to realize the room was vacant and had been for some time. Saddened by this she turned to crawl back out the window but paused in her footsteps. Torn between thoughts Fain palmed the back of her neck thinking of consequences but also how badly she wanted to be close to him. And even now the stubborn woman admitted she'd have to wait until day to look for him. For right now she was alone and cold.

Gazing around like she'd done so many times before. Fain categorized everything already what she could trip or stub her toe on. Having been in the room more than she ever thought she would, Fain relinquished the idea of returning to the keep and proceeded to take the book from the sill. Gingerly shutting the window and latching it so no repeat offenders could find her, Fain held the cold leather to her chest and looked around at the smaller room. Recalling more dreadful thoughts as she imagined Khadgar sitting at his desk, or asleep in his bed like when she-

"Khadgar..." Grey eyes drifting down she felt weary even as tears pricked at the corners. Taking a few steps in Fain looked over at his cape draped over his desk chair. Biting the inside of her cheek hard Fain remained rooted in place. It wasn't until the first cold chill danced up her spine did she realize how cold she was.

Standing like a fool in panties and an oversized tunic the woman knew why she was feeling goosebumps pop up all over his pale skin. Moving forward to lay her hand on the soft spun fabric of his blue cloak, Fain couldn't stand the contradicting feelings of hot tears rolling down frozen cheeks. Foolishly she grabbed the cape and buried her face into it. Just in time to catch the choking sob that she couldn't keep down. A mixed of a hiccup and half sob left the young woman as she swaddled the robe close and buried her face in it. The mixture of cold air and his faint scent making Fain's mind numb in a calming sense.

Childishly she took the robe over to his bed. Looking down at the empty, neatly made bed Fain's bottom lip quivered when she flashed on things only she would remember happening while she enjoyed his unconscious body. Gripping hard on the robe and book pressed to her chest, Fain turned around and sat down with a huff on the edge of the bed.

Relinquishing her firm grip Fain let the book come to rest on the oversized robe in her lap. Dreary eyes looking over the cover once more for inspiration as to what it meant. There was nothing though. Only the soft sniffling of Fain as she wiped her nose on the tunics sleeve. Closing her eyes Fain crashed her head down on the pillow and curled up on her side near the edge of the bed.

The book resting beside her on the bed, it was the robe she clung to with abandonment. Concealing her face half in the corner of his rob and the other half nuzzled into the pillow under her, Fain tucked herself under the robe entirely letting the heavy fabric settle her nerves. The quietness of the room nothing but a welcome serenade to her troublesome thoughts as the woman focused on her breathing and the faint smell of Khadgar left on his robe and in his pillow.

Letting her eyes lull shut it wasn't long before the woman found her sound sleep in the departed mages be. Fetal positioned tucked up under his blue robe as one hand rested on the book and the other entwined in the fabric of the cloak. Fain sleeping deeply as a ripple in the air above her head gave way to a numb blue light.

Wavering like the intangible air was nothing but water, a crease then a forming circle opened above Fain's head. It was nothing but silent as Khadgar watched through the scrying spell at the woman asleep in his bed.

An unfamiliar mix of longing and anger stirring in his stomach as the mage let the small spell linger long enough for him to see Fain's face in the dim light of Stormwind. Just like that though the scry ceased and he was blind to her once more. Khadgar sighed slowly and leaned back into the book case. In his hand he held a torn piece of cloth from Fain's clothing before he'd destroyed the seam in the shoulder with a letter opener. Rubbing the fabric methodically between his thumb and forefinger Khadgar sat in his silence, surrounded by books and walls empty of any arcane magic. Night calling for him to sleep but the mage restless as he remained awake to nothing but the tormenting thoughts and the quiet of spring nights.

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