The chatter of the room over-flowed my ears above the music and I closed my eyes, trying to separate the two.

The food smelled delicious, but my taste buds didn't recognize it as anything I had ever tasted.

Eyes still closed I heard the chatter and music begin to quiet, and I could imagine something important happening. A voice boomed out over everything, and something in me told me it was someone I had heard speak before, but couldn't figure that out either.

"Welcome. I am glad you all could come to this event. I hope you enjoy yourselves and the entertainment lined up. I must remind our carnivorous visitors that some of the beings entertaining might smell good to you, but they are not food," a few laughs echoed his words, "I am happy to host this year's council gala. Thank you."

The dimmed lights brightened just a smidge, and the music came back with gusto. In front of me Lin pushed the door open and the other performers flooded through the door. I spotted my silks in the far corner, and knew I would be expected to skirt the wall to get there.

Ready to go I was stopped by Lin's hand on my shoulder. Her eyes shone with an emotion that resembled fear as she whispered, "Be careful."

Letting me go, I was whisked away with the last few performers into the ball room.

Going along the wall was the easy part. Getting to my station, which was surrounded by tall beings, was the hard part. Squeezing myself through, I stood in the center next to my silks and listened to the rhythm of the music that had surrounded the room around me.

I heard voices saying I was boring, and held back a smirk as found my beginning.

Hoisting myself up the silks I heard someone gasp. I would go high. That would be the plan. To get away from the chatter of alien species who I couldn't put a name to. Their languages flooding my ears and stockpiling in my brain.

When I got the height I wanted, I wrapped myself before dropping. Someone below screamed, but I ignored it.

Leveling myself in the splits, I began my dance.

The music was powerful and coursed through my body. My movements fell into a sensual pattern and I thrived above the crowd. I could feel the first song coming to an end, and knew just how to end it.

Gathering myself up and mentally checking everything off, when the first note I was ready to start my descent.

The last note was high and long, and I thought I heard shouting over it. The room whirled around me as I plummeted to the ground below.

I thought about how easy I could end it before anything horrible began, but at the last minute caught myself. My face was inches above the ground, and I flipped up into the standing position right as the last note ended. Around me eyes took in my form and applause rung out. I nodded once before starting an easy floor routine with the next song. The crowd moved to give me space, and I let the music move me again.

Two hours later my body felt like liquid and the guests around me had become a drunken mob.

Stealing a glance around me I found many of the performers were still moving and doing their jobs, and I knew no one would miss me if I snuck out for a quick break.

Peeling off from my space I made my way to the one large wall that was all windows. A small section had doors carved out, that led to a terrace and past that a garden, and that's where I found myself.

Twisting around in the hedge maze, I found a bench to sit, and breathed a sigh of relief as the calm of the night floated over me.

Since coming to Lexalon, I had not been outside. The last time I felt the light of day on my skin had to have been a month ago, before I was originally taken. But who knew just how long had passed on Earth.

Eternal(2 in series)Where stories live. Discover now