Family Relations and the dreaded place of learning

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Once Lin had left the island, the family awkwardly got ready for bed. Saura was sleeping in Jinora's room and Sayo was bunking with Ikki. Pemma was just pissed off. Tenzin was being a socially awkward idiot. And Meelo farted. As Sayo and Ikki were getting ready for bed, Ikki asked so many questions.

"Sayo, do you have a boyfriend yet? Do you have a crush? What does he look like? Is he cute? Is he a bender? What kind of bender is he? Does he know you exist? Do I know him? Can I meet him?" The questions fired out of her mouth like bullets.

"Woah, slow down! No I don't have a boyfriend yet. Yes, I do have a crush. I'd say he's relatively cute. He's an earthbender. Of course he knows I exist, he's my best friend. You wouldn't know him. No, you can't meet him because I said so." Sayo said just as fast.

Ikki was having so much fun bonding with her cool sister. They stayed up for half the night just talking about their lives and doing each other's hair. Based on how much fun she was having with Sayo, Ikki knew that Saura, her other sister, would be fun too.

Saura and Jinora were having a great time. They talked about the spirit world and Saura's travels. And Iroh. Much Iroh. Then Saura mentioned the 'adult things' joke from dinner and the sisters cracked up.

"How did you know about that anyway?" Saura asked curiously

"I read. There's a whole library on this island. The subject was bound to come up at least once." Jinora replied.

"Ah. I learned about it when Grandma Katara taught the Avatar and I sex ed. It was an awkward day. Then aunt Kya just had to get involved. I swear she's a fifty year old teenager sometimes" Saura said

The girls were about to turn in when Jinora asked a question.

"Hey Saura,"
"When do you think I'll get my master tattoos?"
"Well, I would tell you but that would spoil everything and the spirits told me not to do that. But I will say this: this next year will bring many changes. And I SHIP KAINORA SO HARD!"
"Goodnight sister"
"Goodnight?" Replied Jinora as both sisters went to sleep.

The next morning was a school day. So at six a.m, Sayo had to drag Saura off of the island and to the apartment to get changed into their uniforms. Saura was not a fan of uniforms. (She hated them more than she hated seal jerky.) Sayo managed to cheer her sister up when she mentioned that they could ride the SatoBike to school.

Republic City Transitional School (or RCTS) was a grand building in varying shades of gray. It was impeccably landscaped, with many courtyards and some koi ponds dotted around campus. Sayo led her sister into the office, where the nice receptionist gave Saura her schedule and homeroom number (which was the same as her sister's). When the twins walked into homeroom, all eyes were on them. "Hi guys! This is my sister Saura, she goes here now! Saura, this is your homeroom!" Sayo said cheerfully.

"Cool, where do I sit?" Asked Saura in a dull tone
"Right here next to me, if you would just move over Ruan." Ruan was a tubby boy, who had a not-so-indiscreet crush on the young earthbender, and was willing to do as she commanded. "O-of course." The boy packed up his stuff and moved to sit in the back of the room. Sayo patted the spot on the bench right next to where she was sitting. Her sister sat down, folded her arms, laid her head on them, and promptly fell asleep. Sayo knew that waking up her sister would be pointless, so she doodled in her notebook.

A few minutes later, the first gong sounded, signaling that the students should go to their first class. Since Saura slept like a rock, the gong didn't wake her up at all. So Sayo stuffed her books in her bag and picked up her sister. She wasn't too heavy. As Sayo walked to the girls' first class with her sister sleeping on her back, she got a lot of strange looks from the students in the hallway.

The girls' first class of the day was language, where students learned reading and writing. As Sayo entered the class, she took her normal seat and dropped her sister on the floor. Saura awoke with a sound that could arguably have been a snort or a loud snore. "What's happening?" Asked the airbender groggily as her twin helped her up. "You fell asleep. I had to carry you to language class. You're lucky I'm the nice twin." Replied Sayo.

Just then, Professor Toah (the language professor) walked into the classroom. He was a middle-aged man, and time had not done him many favors. Toah was short and incredibly pudgy. He had a crooked nose and a balding grey head of hair. The girls were forced to sit down at their seats. He took roll. "And what do we have here? Seems that an extra pupil has joined our ranks. What is your name young lady?" Professor Toah asked in a booming voice.

"My name is Saura. I'm Sayo's twin sister sir." The airbender replied with nonexistent enthusiasm. She was sketching Naga, Korra's polar bear dog, in a notebook and really wasn't paying attention to the professor.

"Well Miss Saura, in my class, pupils are expected to pay attention to the lesson and to me. I expect you to follow these rules, are we clear?" Toah ranted

"Crystal." Replied Saura

Hours later, after many classes and a terrifying lunch period, the twins were heading back to Air Temple Island to visit with Tenzin and his brood. When they stepped off of the boat, the sisters were greeted by a very excited Tenzin and Pemma.

"We have some very exiting news! I'm pregnant again!" Pemma screeched. Saura and Sayo tried to act surprised. "What? No! That's amazing!" "Really? I had no idea!" They said at the same time.
After an awkward silence, the girls explained that they already knew. Sayo, because of seismic sense. (And it was painfully obvious) and Saura because it was painfully obvious. She was chubby. Incredibly chubby.

Tenzin also announced that the brood would take a trip to the South Pole in a few months to see Korra and Katara. Now that, the girls were exited about.

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