A year in letters

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Over the course of one year, Korra received many letters from her friends. Here's a peek at the year everyone spent apart.

From Sayo to Korra

Dear Korra,
I just got to Republic City with mom, and it is so big! In the bay, on an island, is a huge statue of you as Avatar Aang. It looks so majestic. I saw Air Temple Island too (from a distance of course). It was kinda weird because I know that's where my father is, but it looks really cool. Everyone that I have talked to so far is really nice. Mom took me to work with her and told all of her officers that I was her protégée. She showed me around the police station and it is so cool. We got lunch at this place that serves amazing seaweed noodles. Then we went to see a pro-bending match in person! It was so exciting! The panda-sloths were going up against the eagle-hawks. (The panda-sloths won btw.) Then we went back to mom's apartment and I found out that I have my own room there! It is so cool! The walls are painted grey, there is a small bed with a green spread in one corner, a desk in another, and a dresser next to it. But the best part by far is the window. I can see half the city and the bay and pro-bending arena from my bedroom. The city looks brilliant at night; everything is so light up! I just found out that I start school next week, and metalbending tomorrow. I'm so nervous and excited at the same time! I miss you already and I wish you were here with me! Write to me soon!

Dear Korra,
I started metalbending last week, and it just seems to come naturally to me. Mom let me try on a police suit and it fit me, so she let me keep it! It looks so cool! Today was my first day of school at Republic City Transitional School (RCTS). Let me tell you, the school is so big that I got lost on the way to class, twice! There are so many people there. The subjects are interesting though! Except history class, the teacher just has us read from a textbook all about how the hundred year war ended and peace was established. It was so boring! I already knew all of the answers because of Grandma Katara's stories. But everything else was interesting, and the coach said that I excelled in gym class. (I guess that's just a perk of trading with the avatar) One of mom's officers taught me how to ride a SatoBike and I have my own now, so I can ride it to school now! It is so cool! But there is this thing called homework, it's awful. It's schoolwork that we have to do at home. And the teachers want us to do so much of it! But I can explore more of Republic City at night and in the early morning and it is beautiful! There's this little cafe that serves a drink that reminds me of the South Pole. The city is quickly becoming my favorite place.


Dear Korra,
It's hard to believe that it's been six months since I came to the city. Last week, mom actually asked for my help on a case; she said that my metalbending has progressed enough so that I can actually help out the police force. I was so excited to bust triads. And all of mom's officers help me with schoolwork when I'm at her office, (which is often) and everyone is so nice to me. I also made a friend in school. He's an earthbender and he's so funny. He and his older brother grew up on the street but they are great friends. They are the only people I told the truth about my family to. (I avoided mentioning you though, for obvious reasons) I'm getting good grades in school though and I couldn't be happier. I miss you and Saura so much and I can't wait till I can visit you.

Letters from Saura to Korra

Dear Korra,
I started my journey on Kioshi Island. Once I got there I started training with the Kioshi warriors. They are some really great ladies and I was quickly accepted into their ranks. Their fighting style is so unique, they use fans instead of bending, but they're equally as capable as any bender. Then I went to Omashu. The delivery system is so cool! Sure I got into a bit of trouble for riding on it, but the king pardoned me for it and said that King Bumi had done the same thing. I spent the night at the palace and it is so cool! But it's very green, and I'm more of a purple gal myself. I visited the Southern Air Temple and guess what? The Acolytes gave me my master tattoos! Im bald now but it was worth it! You also can't see the Air Nation symbol on my hand anymore. The Acolytes are teaching me even more about the culture of the Air Nomads and I am so honored to work with them. I'm heading to the swamp tomorrow to see Grandma Toph. I'll write again soon.

Dear Korra,
I arrived at the swamp several weeks ago. Shorty after I landed I met Grandma Toph. She is so sassy and probably the coolest grandma ever! She already knows a lot about the outside world though. Apparently, she can see people using the spirit vines that the swamp is made out of and she taught me how to do it to. On another note; I VISITED THE SPIRIT WORLD! It was so amazing! Everything is so bright and shiny there and the spirits are so fun to talk to. And when I woke up from my meditation, I found that all of my hair had grown back! Next I'm off to see Uncle Bumi at Red Sands Island.

Dear Korra,
So I visited Uncle Bumi. He is so funny and he tells the greatest stories. He's a commander in the United forces so I was spending some time with some soldiers as well. I made a friend. His name is Iroh. And guess what? He's Fire Lord Zuko's grandson! Bumi is like a mentor to Iroh, and he's only three years older than us. But I sailed with the United Forces and had a blast! After that I flew over the Great Divide and I saw the crescent island in the Fire Nation. I also saw Lord Zuko himself. He is a really chill old dude. Then I went to Ba Sing Se. To be honest, that city feels more like a prison than anything else. The Earth Queen was so selfish and awful. I miss you and my spirt friends told me to say hi to the Avatar. I wish you were here with me.

Both girls had sent many more letters to Korra. So the Avatar was never alone. They were always on each other's minds, and the friends told each other everything. Why there was one time that Sayo sent Korra a letter that was five pages long. Everyone grew in that year, sometimes in the most unexpected ways.

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