Saura in the City

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Dear Saura,
Your mother wrote us a letter telling us to pass on this message! She wants you to come to Republic City and stay with her and Sayo for the remainder of the year. Your grandmother has sewn you some clothes that should hide your tattoos. (That's what's in the package.) Go to the Republic city police station and say that the chief wants to see you. I hope you have fun with Sayo and your mom.
Aunt Kya

Saura had been traveling for a while now. So long in fact that her sixteenth birthday was only about a month away. "Well it looks like we're going to Republic City Yuko." Said Saura to her bison. The teen ripped open the package to find a new sweatshirt-like jacket and a knit beanie, both purple of course.

One week later
After leaving Yuko with a lovely old woman from the fire nation and her herd of sky bison, Saura boarded a train bound for the city. She had changed up her look just a tad. Her black hair, usually in a bun, was now down in its naturally long and wavy state. The beanie covered her forehead and the comfortable jacket had been donned. She wore the same pants and shoes as always, though, and it wouldn't be too hard to recognize her if you knew who you were looking for.

Saura was thinking about how she hadn't seen her twin in a couple years. Sayo was bound to have changed a little. Saura also couldn't wait to meet these male friends  that Sayo described in her letters. She said that they were trying to get a pro-bending gig. I wonder what the city's like. Thought Saura as she dozed off.

Sayo, about one week earlier

"Really?!" Sayo screeched in excitement as she spit out her  water.

"Yes." Replied Lin, not enjoying the fact that she was now covered in water.

"Oh my gosh! I have to tell the guys!" Screamed Sayo as she ran out the door and grabbed her SatoBike's keys.

"Teenagers." Grumbled Lin as she dabbed at her white shirt with a washcloth.

Sayo pulled up by one of the city's many statues, this one commemorating General Iroh. She knew that one of the brothers was almost always here and she was correct. She saw Bolin, sitting on the statue's pedestal, right on Iroh's foot. He was working on some homework that the teachers had assigned over the weekend.

"Hey Bo! Guess what?" Sayo said as she ran to the statue.

"What?" Asked Bolin as he made his confused face

"My sister is coming to the City next week! I haven't seen her since we were fourteen." Squealed Sayo happily. Some of the passerby were staring curiously at the almost-sixteen year old. But since when had Sayo cared?

"Wow. And you're almost sixteen now! That's a long time! So why did she not come to Republic City with you when you first came?" Asked Bolin.

"Well I originally came to learn metalbending from my mom, but then the city became my home. Saura on the other hand had a great spiritual connection, so she left home to go explore the world. And she's been traveling ever since."

"That's a cool story." Said Bolin

"Thanks! Oh, I just remembered that I have to go to the police station right around now. See ya" said Sayo as she mounted her bike and started her motor.

One week later (still Sayo's point of view)

I was practically bouncing as I waited for Saura's train to pull up. Mom was busy with police stuff and Bolin was sick, so Mako came with me to the station. We had grown to be good friends too. Just then, a train pulled up. As all of the passengers exited, I tried to see over the heads of the crowd. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I spun around. Saura. I hugged her. She looked a bit different now. She was taller and had filled out a bit more than when I last saw her. Her hair was down, but she was still wearing purple clothes.

We broke apart. "Oh my flameo. I missed you so much!" Saura said excitedly.

"I missed you too!" I squealed, "Oh, this is Saura, this is Mako, my friend. Mako this is Saura, my twin." I introduced. They look cute together. I thought as they shook hands. "So, where to now?" Mako asked. "Now we eat lunch." I responded.

Two hours and a very awkward SatoBike ride later (Saura had to sit in Mako's lap) we exited the cafe. Mako left to get back to Bolin and bring him food. Saura and I walked back to mom's apartment hand in hand, like we used to.

The Twins (a Legend of Korra fanfiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon